明-商品学专业英语-试卷(A卷)(20**年-20**年-1) - 范文中心






装不北京物资学院 开课院系:物流学院 课程号:考试方式:开卷

一、写出下列单词的中文含义(每题2分,共40分): 1. lighterage 2. valve 3. refrigerator 4. lipid 5. epaulette 6. syrup 7. surfactant 8. radiator 9. acrylic 10. trade term 11. tartaric 12. thermostat 13. sulfate 14. commodity 15. hop 16. rhythm 17. saccharin 18. enzyme 19. rayon 20. maturity 二、根据相关课文,判断下列句子中说法的对错(用T 或F 表示),并将 错误的句子改正。(每题2分,共20分): 1. The chemistry of carbon was found by early chemists to have a special association with life. 2. The artificial compounds, endorphins, function the same way as morphine does in the brain. 3. Surfactants are classified by the type of hydrophilic group because they are only applied in aqueous solution. 4. Commercially available surfactants are not uniform substances but mixtures of homologous substances. 5. In the fourth stage, the shapes which the designer selects to represent concepts are varied. 6. When the design elements work well together we can achieve harmony. 7. Sucrose has been replaced with high fructose corn sugars for the only reason that the latter is less costly to produce. 8. Flavors added to the drinks must be stable to heat over 38℃. 9. Caramel from heated sugar is also commonly used in dark beverages such as cola. It is also a synthetic color.

10. The alkalinity, of beverage water must be low to prevent neutralization

of the acid.


1. Under CPT, CIP, “carrier ” means any person who in a contract of carriage, undertakes to perform or to procure the performance of transport, by rail, road, air, sea, inland waterway or by a combination of such modes.

2. The early organic chemists were confronted with many puzzles. They determined molecular formulas for the compounds that they had recovered from natural sources.

3. The pressure sensor keeps the control unit informed as to the pressure reached and the control unit uses the information to decide when to close the water inlet valves.

4. 表面活性剂是其分子结构由亲水基与憎水基两部分组成的物质。

5. 可乐香精中一般会含有咖啡因,这是一种低刺激性物质。


Pesticide Residue Monitoring and Food Safety

Pesticides may be used in a variety of different ways during the production of food. They may be used by farmers to control the growth of weeds, or prevent crop damage by insects and rodents. They may be used on food crops after harvest to prolong their storage life. Pesticides may also be used on animal farms to control insect pests. Sometimes, small amounts of pesticides used in these ways can be found in or on foods. The pesticides found in or foods are called “residues ”.

Pesticide residue monitoring system in US

US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets tolerances for pesticides. A tolerance is the maximum amount of a specific pesticide or its break down products that is allowed to remain in or on foods. Tolerances for a given pesticide may vary for different crops. EPA has set tolerance for about 400 different pesticides. Since a pesticide may be used on many different crops, there are about 9,700 tolerances in effect.

A US delegation consisting of US Department of Agriculture (USDA), EPA and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) representatives actively participates in setting international limits that are similar to tolerance levels for pesticide residues in food that is traded globally. If the international limits are not the same as the ones set by the US federal agencies, FDA can enforce US tolerance levels on imported foods.

FDA monitors the levels of pesticides in raw agricultural produce, fish, dairy products and processed foods. The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) of USDA is responsible for monitoring pesticide residues in meat and certain egg and poultry products. The Agricultural Marketing Service of USDA also collects information on pesticide residues in raw agricultural produce through a new

program created in 1991, called the Pesticide Data Program. This program, in cooperation with nine participating states collects and provides information on pesticide use and residue detection to EPA, FDA and the consumer. EPA uses this information in estimating health risk from a pesticide. Both the FDA and USDA work with state agencies to collect and test for pesticide residues in food from different parts of the country . For imported foods, food samples are collected at the port of entry. If a food is found to have any pesticide residue at, or greater than the tolerance level, federal or state officials can remove the food and destroy it. Any pesticide residue that exceeds tolerance levels, or does not meet EPA regulations is reported as “violative ”.

The violations in recent surveys

More than half of the 9,843 food samples collected by FDA for monitoring in 1997 seafood, bananas and apple juice. Violations were reported for 54 of 4,501domestically seafood.

1. What are the different ways that pesticides may be used? (4分)

2. What is the definition of tolerance? (2分)

3. Who sets international limits that are similar to tolerance levels for pesticide residues in food that is traded globally? (2分)

4. Who is responsible for monitoring pesticide residues in meat and certain egg and poultry products? (2分)

5. When is a pesticide residue reported as “violative ”? (2分)

6. Translate the underlined passage into Chinese. (8分)




装不北京物资学院 卷)答题纸 开课院系:物流学院 课程号:考试方式:开卷

(请将所有答案依次书写在答题纸上,并注明相应的题号,书写在试卷或草稿纸上的答案不得分!) 一、写出下列单词的中文含义(每题2分,共40分): 二、根据相关课文,判断下列句子中说法的对错(用T 或F 表示),并将 错误的句子改正。(每题2分,共20分):



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