德芙邓紫棋广告英文介绍 - 范文中心



1. Company and brand name Company

Dove is a brand of chocolate made and marketed by the Mars Inc. . Mars, Incorporated is an American global manufacturer of confectionery , pet food, and other food products with $33 billion in annual sales in 2015, and is ranked as the 6th largest privately held company in the United States by Forbes . Dove entered China in 1989, and by 1995, it had become the leading brand in China’s chocolate industry.

Band name Many of us have enjoyed the delicious Dove chocolate, but few of us wonder the meaning carried by the brand name. Superficially, it is a name of a kind of bird, symbolizing peace. Its Chinese pronunciation means happiness. However, it has another meaning. Dove is crested out of love. It is the acronym for “Do you love me”. So, never give h im or her a Dove chocolate casually. I’m afraid there will be some misunderstanding.

2. Products

Dove offers various products for customers, of which, I will briefly introduce some of them. First, the classic Dove bars with its different flavors shapes, for example... DOVEBAR Vanilla Ice Cream with DOVE Dark Chocolate

3. Target consumers Dove’s target consumers are young women with middle incomes. They are beautiful, intellectual modern women, and have a good taste of life. Also, it is a good choice to buy Dove as a gift or share it with your family.

4. A TV commercial

5. Analysis of it

Why is it effective?

A. Focus on its target consumer

The characters are young pop stars. They have similarities with Dove ’s target consumers, beautiful, young, energetic, etc. They have many fans, who may easily encouraged by them to buy Dove. They act in a romantic plot, reminding people of meeting their true love.

B. The TV commercial transforms Dove’s taste to pictures. Dove has a silky and smooth taste, which is vividly expressed by the brown silk ribbon in the TV commercial. Besides, the color of the umbrella and the handkerchief also remind people of chocolate. Then, the gentle and light music makes people relaxed and pleasant, which is just like the experience of enjoying chocolate.

C. The successful slogan The slogan explicitly uttered the brand name, Dove, and reinforces the taste of Dove. Besides, it is simple and easily to remember.

D. The whole atmosphere

The whole ad makes one feel that Dove not only cares about the physical experience brought by Dove, it also cares about the spiritual pleasure brought by it. It understands its customers’ culture, and tries to recreate it in its TV commercial.


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