作文青少年犯罪的原因 - 范文中心



The Causes of The Juvenile Delinquency

In recent years,Juvenile delinquency problem becomes more and more serious,we may pay more and more attention to be concerned with it.There are many people and departments are interested in it all over the world.Some people are regard the minor crime,environmental pollution and drug gangs as the three social public nuisance of the world.If we want to solve this problem,we should go to find why the juvenile delinquents had happened.The following three reasons are about it.

To begin with,family is the most importent reason that cause the juvenile delinquency problem happened.Some family problem like increasing divorce rate,Brought up in a sole-parent family,lack of parental love,psychological problem,feel disoriented,and so on.These are the main reasons about family how to cause the juvenile delinquency problem happened.Some parents teach their children about the effects of drugs, gangs, sex, and weapons.All of these programs provide youths with the awareness that their actions have consequences. This is particularly important in an era where youth are barraged with sexual and violent images. So family educational programs have the underlying intent of encouraging hope and opening up opportunities for young people .

Addtionally,schools and society should be responsible for the

Juvenile delinquency problem .Firstly,the Learning pressure and the employment pressure are great.Secondly,The moral, legal education are very weak and the difference in educate the inferior students.Thirdly,the school and society management have some loopholes.All of them are the main reason about the school how to cause the Juvenile delinquency problem happened.So the schools and society should pay more attention to improved the school education and society management.

Last but not least, Why the juvenile delinquency problem has happened is by themselves mainly.Because of they are immature,sequacious.So they do not know how to judge the social phenomenon,and to learn it.Then,the lack of self-control and self-discipline,lead them can not resist the temptation of drugs and fall victims to drug dealers.So the Juvenile should pay more attention to learn how to be a good teenager.

In conclusion,the causes of the increasing number of juvenile delinquents is because of the family problem,the school and society problem,and by internal reasons of the juvenile themselves.So the family members, the school managements,and society departments should pay more attention to be concerned with the juvenile’s health and their grow up.Finally,as a new generation of juvenile,they should improve their own quality,and learn a lot of useful

things ,endeavour to be a successful people .


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