初中英语人称代词专题训练 - 范文中心





1. I own a blue bike. The red one isn’t __________. ( I )

2. These new houses are so nice. __________ are very expensive(昂贵的).( them )

3. Mike is my classmate(同学). ____ is good at English . ( his )

4. Kate wants a glass of milk. Will you pass it to ____ ? ( she )

5. What’s the weather like today ? ____ is cloudy. ( its )


1. Your football clothes are on the desk.

Please put _________(they,them ,their ,theirs) away.

2. (We,Us ,Our ,Ours)_________ English teacher is Mrs. Green.

We all like _________(she,her ,hers).

3. (I,Me ,My ,Mine)_________ can’t get my kite.

Could you help _________(I,me ,my ,mine)?

4. Tom can’t get down from the tree.

Can you help _________(he,him ,his)?

5. We can’t find our bikes.

Can you help _________(we,us ,our ,ours)?6. These are _________(he,him ,his) planes.

6.The white ones are _________(I,me ,mine).

7. This isn’t________knife. _________ is green. ( she )

8. These are your books,Kate. Put __________ in the desk,please. (they )

9. Wei Fang,is that ________ ruler? Yes,it’s.( you )

10. They want a football. Give __________ the green one,please. ( they)

11. It’s Lin Tao’s bag. Give it to __________. ( he )

12. Is this pencil-box Li Lei’s? No,___________ is very new. ( he )

13. This box is too heavy. I can’t carry _________. ( it )

Don’t worry,Let __________( I ) help __________. ( you)

14. _____ is a boy. _____ name is Mike. Mike’s friends like _____ very much. ( he )

15. My sister is in _____ room. _____ is a teacher. ( she )

16. Jane is a little girl. _____ mother is a nurse. ( she )


17. We are in _____ classroom. _____ classroom is big. ( we)

18. My father and mother are teachers. _____ are busy ( them)

19. You are a pupil. Is _____ brother a pupil, too? ( you )

20. Mary works in a book store. _____ likes ______work very much.(she)

21. John and I are in the same school. ______ go to school together.

22. May I use ______ bike? ______is broken(坏了).


1)Are these ________(you )pencils? --Yes, they are ________(our ).

2)—Whose is this pencil? —It’s ________(I ).

3)I love ________(they )very much.

4)She is________(I )classmate.

5)Miss Li often looks after (照顾)________(she )brother.

6)—Are these ________(they )bags ?

—No, they aren’t ________(their ). They are ________(we ). 2 ((((((


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