工程管理专业外文文献翻译(中英文) - 范文中心



xxxxxx 大 学 本 科 毕 业 设 计 外 文 翻 译

Project Cost Control: the Way it Works


学 院(系): xxxxxxxxxxxx

专 业: xxxxxxxx

学 生 姓 名: xxxxx

学 号: xxxxxxxxxx

指 导 教 师: xxxxxx

评 阅 教 师:

完 成 日 期:




首先,建立一组参考基线。然后,随着工作的深入,监控工作,分析研究结果,预测最终结果并比较参考基准。如果最终的结果不令人满意,那么你要对正在进行的工作进行必要的调整,并在合适的时间间隔重复。如果最终的结果确实不符合基线计划,你可能不得不改变计划。更有可能的是,会 (或已经) 有范围变更来改变参考基线,这意味着每次出现这种情况你必须改变基线计划。




重要的是要注意,当负责的管理者对于项目应如何通过项目生命周期展开有很好的理解时,项目成本控制才是最有效的。这意味着他们在主要阶段的关键决策点之间行使职责。他们还必须识别项目风险管理的重要性, 至少可以确定并计划阻止最明显的潜在风险事件。




•准备商业案例的工作的成本通常包括企业管理开销,但是它可以作为最终项目的一个会计成本来结转。毫无疑问,因为这将为该组织提供一个税收优惠。问题是, 那么你如何占有所有不结转的项目?









•如果可交付的成果由许多不同的元素组成,这些被识别并组合成工作包(WPs),用工作分解结构(WBS) 的方式提交。




注:该项目风险管理规划是这次演戏的一个重要组成部分。这应该检查项目的假设和环境条件来确定该计划中到目前为止的任何弱点,并确定值得注意缓解的这些潜在风险事件。这可能需要特定的应急计划的形式和/或留出谨慎的资金储备。 资本要求










这通常会导致一个“游戏”的估计被放大,管理可以向下调整它们。但公平地说,管理也清楚地意识到,如果超过分配资金,无论如何它会得到花费。明智的管理要做的就是留出应急储备基金、不同项目的风险,并保持这些钱小心的控制之下。 核准资本的所有权








•在一个大的项目中,不同的公司生产部门,可能会有进一步的中间步骤为单独的部门,创建“控制账户”,每个部门将细分他们分配资金投入自己的WBS WPS。







•但基本上,你掌管日程安排活动的费用,并在适当的时候绘制他们作为累计。再次,你可以做的活动水平,或整个项目的水平越低,您可用的控制信息就越多。 成本基线








Project Cost Control: the Way it Works

In a recent consulting assignment we realized that there was some lack of understanding of the whole system of project cost control, how it is setup and applied. So we decided to write up a description of how it works. Project cost control is not that difficult to follow in theory.

First you establish a set of reference baselines. Then, as work progresses, you monitor the work, analyze the findings, forecast the end results and compare those with the reference baselines. If the end results are not satisfactory then you make adjustments as necessary to the work in progress, and repeat the cycle at suitable intervals. If the end results get really out of line with the baseline plan, you may have to change the plan. More likely, there will be (or have been) scope changes that change the reference baselines which means that every time that happens you have to change the baseline plan anyway.

But project cost control is a lot more difficult to do in practice, as is evidenced by the number of projects that fail to contain costs. It also involves a significant amount of work, as we shall see, and we might as well start at the beginning. So let us follow the thread of project cost control through the entire project life span.

And, while we are at it, we will take the opportunity to point out the proper places for several significant documents. These include the Business Case, the Request for (a capital) Appropriation (for execution), Work Packages and the Work Breakdown Structure, the Project Charter (or Brief), the Project Budget or Cost Plan, Earned Value and the Cost Baseline. All of these contribute to the organization's ability to effectively control project costs.

The Business Case and Application for (execution) Funding

It is important to note that project cost control is most effective when the executive management responsible has a good understanding of how projects should unfold through the project life span. This means that they exercise their responsibilities at the key decision points between the major phases. They must also recognize the importance of project risk

management for identifying and planning to head off at least the most obvious potential risk events.

In the project's Concept Phase

• Every project starts with someone identifying an opportunity or need. That is usually someone of importance or influence, if the project is to proceed, and that person often becomes the project's sponsor.

• To determine the suitability of the potential project, most organizations call for the preparation of a

Can be compared with all the other competing projects. This effort is conducted in the Concept Phase of the project and is done as a part of the organization's management of the entire project portfolio.

• The cost of the work of preparing the Business Case is usually covered by corporate management overhead, but it may be carried forward as an accounting cost to the eventual project. No doubt because this will provide a tax benefit to the organization. The problem is, how do you then account for all the projects that are not so carried forward?

• If the Business case has sufficient merit, approval will be given to proceed to a

Development and Definition phase.

In the project's Development or Definition Phase

• The objective of the Development Phase is to establish a good understanding of the work involved to produce the required product, estimate the cost and seek capital funding for the actual execution of the project.

• In a formalized setting, especially where big projects are involved, this application for funding is often referred to as a Request for (a capital) Appropriation (RFA) or Capital Appropriation Request (CAR).

• This requires the collection of more detailed requirements and data to establish what work needs

To be done to produce the required product or

• In a less formalized setting, everyone just tries to muddle through.

Work Packages and the WBS

The Project Management Plan, Project Brief or Project Charter

• If the deliverable consists of a number of different elements, these are identified and assembled into Work Packages (WPs) and presented in the form of a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).

• Each WP involves a set of activities, the

And more detailed planning will be necessary during execution if the project is given the go ahead.

• This Project Management Plan, by the way, should become the

execution phase of the project and is sometimes referred to as the

• The cost of doing the various activities is then estimated and these estimated costs are aggregated to determine the estimated cost of the WP. This approach is known as

Note: that project risk management planning is an important part of this exercise. This should examine the project's assumptions and environmental conditions to identify any

weaknesses in the plan thus far, and identify those potential risk events that warrant attention for mitigation. This might take the form of specific contingency planning, and/or the setting aside of prudent funding reserves.

Request for capital

Converting the estimate

• However, an estimate of the work alone is not sufficient for a capital request. To arrive at a capital request some conversion is necessary, for example, by adding prudent allowances such as

Overheads, a contingency allowance to cover normal project risks and management reserves to cover unknowns and possible scope changes.

• In addition, it may be necessary to convert the estimating data into a financial

accounting format

That satisfies the corporate or sponsor's format for purposes of comparison with other projects and consequent funding approval.

• In practice all the data for the type of

In this case alternative estimating approaches are adopted that provide various degrees of reliability in a

Order of Magnitude estimate – a

Analogous estimate – an estimate based on previous similar projects

Parametric estimate – an estimate based on statistical relationships in historical data • Whichever approach is adopted, hopefully the sum thus arrived at will be approved in full and proves to be satisfactory! This is the trigger to start the Execution Phase of the project

Note: Some managements will approve some lesser sum in the mistaken belief that this will help everyone to

nature of uncertainty and risk in project work. Consequently, the effect is more likely to result


Ownership of approved capital

• If senior management approves the RFA as presented, the sum in question becomes the responsibility of the designated project sponsor. However, if the approved capital request includes allowances such as a

• For the approved RFA, the project sponsor will, in turn, further delegate expenditure authority to the project's project manager and will likely not include any of the allowances. An exception might be the contingency allowances to cover the normal variations in work performance.

• The net sum thus arrived at constitutes the project manager's Approved Project Budget. Note: If management does not approve the RFA, you should not consider this a project failure. Either the goals, objectives, justification and planning need rethinking to increase the value of the project's deliverables, or senior management simply has higher priorities elsewhere for the available resources and funding.

The Project's Execution Phase

The project manager's Project Budget responsibility

• Once this Approved Project Budget is released to the project manager, a reverse

process must take place to convert it into a working control document. That is, the money available must be divided amongst the various WBS WPs that, by the way, have probably by now been upgraded! This results in a project execution Control Budget or Project Baseline Budget, or simply, the Project Budget. In some areas of project management application it is referred to as a Project Cost Plan.

• On a large project where different corporate production divisions are involved, there may be a further intermediate step of creating

• Observe that, since the total Project Budget received formal approval from Executive Management, you, as project manager, must likewise seek and obtain from Executive

Management, via the project's sponsor, formal approval for any changes to the total project budget. Often this is only justified and accepted on the basis of a requested Product Scope Change.

• In such a case the project's sponsor will either draw down on the management reserve in his or her possession, or submit a supplementary RFA to upper management.

• Now that we have the Project Budget money allocated to Work Packages we can

further distribute it amongst the various activities of each WP so that we know how much money we have as a

• This provides us with the base of reference for the cost control function. Of course, depending on the circumstances the same thing may be done at the WP level but the ability to control is then at a higher and coarser level.

Use of the Earned Value technique

• If we have the necessary details another control tool that we can adopt for monitoring ongoing work is the

• But essentially, you take the costs of the schedule activities and plot them as a

cumulative total on the appropriate time base. Again you can do this at the activity level, WP level or the whole project level. The lower the level the more control information you have available but the more work you get involved in.

The Cost Baseline

• This planned reference S-curve is sometimes referred to as the

typically in EV

Parlance. That is, it is the

• Observe that you need to modify this Cost Baseline every time there is an approved scope change that has cost and/or schedule implications and consequently changes the project's Approved Project Budget.

• Now, as the work progresses, you can plot the

(ACWP or simply

• You can plot other things as well, see diagram referred to above, and if you don't like what you see then you need to take


This whole process is a cyclic, situational operation and is probably the source of the term

As an aside, the Earned Value pundits offer various other techniques within the EV process designed to aid in forecasting the final result, that is, the

realm of accuracy as top-down estimating. They are useful, but only if you recognize the limitations and know what you are doing!

But, as we said at the beginning, it is a lot more difficult to do in practice – and involves a significant amount of work. But, let's face it, that's what project managers are hired for, right?


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