新托福写作综合写作技巧解析 - 范文中心



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摘要: 新托福写作综合写作技巧解析 !新托福写作真经4是在前三本书的基础上,更加系统地归纳托福写作的常考题型。今天,智课教育老师为大家整理了托福写作真经4综合写作的解析资料,希望大家


At some point, the Earth’s supply of fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas is going to be exhausted. Then, humans are going to have to rely upon alternative energy sources to supply their electric needs. One of the most promising types is solar energy.

To begin with, solar energy does not harm the environment in ways that using coal or petroleum do. The burning of various fossil fuels releases contaminants into the atmosphere, which results in air pollution that can harm both the environment and also living organisms. Solar energy, on the other hand, is environmentally friendly. It does no harm to the environment or living organisms since it releases neither pollutants nor noxious materials.

Solar energy is an inexhaustible source of energy. So long as the sun is shining, it can be utilized. Of course, solar

energy cannot be accessed at night or when weather conditions are less than optimal, yet there are still several hours a day when the power of the sun can be harnessed. As technology steadily improves, ways to store solar energy will be discovered, which will enable people to have access to solar energy twenty-four hours a day.

Finally, solar energy can be used from virtually anywhere on the planet. Most people are under the mistaken

impression that it is viable only in hot deserts or places that receive little cloud cover. However, this is not true. People can rely on solar energy even in remote areas such as mountains and thick forests. If the sun’s rays can reach the solar panels, then people can create electricity from them. This makes solar energy the most convenient of all types of alternative energy resources, including wind, water, and geothermal power.


观点:One of the most promising types is solar energy.目前最有前景的能源就是太阳能。

论点1:To begin with, solar energy does not harm the environment in ways that using coal or petroleum do.首先,与使用煤或者是汽油比较,太阳能资源不会对环境无害。

论点2:Solar energy is an inexhaustible source of energy. So long as the sun is shining, it can be utilized.太阳能是无限资源,只要太阳在,太阳能就能被利用。

论点3:Finally, solar energy can be used from virtually anywhere on the planet.



W Professor: Wouldn't it be nice if we could wean ourselves off of fossil fuels? Well, we’re trying, but the technology

isn’t good enough at present. Take solar energy as an example.

Solar energy isn’t perfect. After all, it’s not true that it doesn’t pollute the environment. All right, um, the energy itself is clean. But how about the solar panels? They’re made of various types of materials, including, uh, silicon, cadmium, and nickel. We get most of those materials from mining the land, which harms the environment. And the process of manufacturing the panels releases numerous harmful chemicals into the atmosphere. So, uh, solar energy isn’t quite free of pollutants. Okay? '

Solar energy is also useful but limited. For instance, my home has solar panels, but they’re only good for heating the water. That's it. Why’s that? Well, solar panels are fairly inefficient at capturing the sun’s rays and converting them to electricity. How inefficient . . , ? Hmm . . . Let's say we want to power the entire United States with solar energy. We’d need an area about, uh, 100 miles long by 130 miles wide filled entirely with solar panels. That’s an enormous area. It's bigger than some states. And remember that the area would require constant sunshine. I'm talking about twenty-four hours a day. That's impossible.

Finally, we have to deal with solar panels malfunctioning or not working at all. Breakdowns are rather common since the panels are complex. So, uh, imagine you've got a remote cabin in the woods that you power with solar energy. Suddenly, your solar panels stop working. You can't fix the panels by yourself. And how are you going to find a

repairman? You're far away from society after all. In that case, it would be more convenient to use traditional energy sources to get electricity, wouldn't it?




观点:The technology isn’t good enough at present. Take solar energy as an example.因为现在的技术不成熟,所以太阳能的使用还不完善。

论点1:Solar energy isn’t perfect. After all, it’s not true that it doesn’t pollute the environment.太阳能并不是完美的,也会污染环境。

论点2:Solar energy is also useful but limited.虽然,太阳能是有用的,但是,也是有限的。

论点3:Finally, we have to deal with solar panels malfunctioning or not working at all. Breakdowns are rather common since the panels are complex.



①The lecturer argues that solar energy is not as promising as it seems and provides three reasons why the energy source is inefficient. ②This directly refutes the reading passage’s claim that solar energy is one of the most

advantageous alternative energy sources that can be utilized easily.

Solar energy is, in fact, harmful to the environment. Even though the energy itself is eco-friendly, solar panels include numerous kinds of materials which are harmful to the environment. Moreover, noxious chemicals are released during the process of manufacturing the panels. ③This contradicts the reading passage’s claim that solar energy is good for the environment because it does not release any pollutants.

On top of that, there is only a certain amount of solar energy available. Solar panels are not efficient at capturing the sun’s rays and converting them to electricity effectively. For example, huge solar panel arrays and a continuous supply of the sun’s rays would be required to power the United States. ④This fact casts doubt on the reading passage’s claim that the supply of solar energy is unlimited as long as there is sunlight.

Finally, the malfunctioning of solar panels can be a serious problem. As the panels are complicated structures, they often do not work. Hence, people in remote areas would face disadvantages in fixing the panels once they break down, making it obvious that traditional energy sources are more useful. ⑤This contradicts the idea presented in the reading passage that solar energy can be utilized anywhere.


advantageous['?dv?n'ted??s]adj.· 有利的; 有益的

numerous['num?r?s]adj.· 许多的,很多的


①The lecturer argues that……

②This directly refutes the reading passage’s claim that……

③This contradicts the reading passage’s claim that……

④This fact casts doubt on the reading passage’s claim that……

⑤This contradicts the idea presented in the reading passage that……


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