大英3 口语对话 - 范文中心

大英3 口语对话


asking for pocket money from our parents

J:Hey, Catherine. long time no see. I miss you so much.

C: I miss you too. Jenny, how are you these days?

J: I 'm fine, thank you. Where would you like to go?

C: I am going to do a part-time job.

J: part-time job? Because you want to earn pocket money?

C: yeah, don’t tell me you've never done.

J:yes,all of my pocket money come from my parents.

C: As a university student, I don’t think we should ask for pocket money from our parents any longer, because we have the ability to make our own money.

J: In my opinion, we now have the chance to learn some helpful things, I think the most important thing is to catch every minute to learn and not work out, it's a waste of time.

C: I think to be a university student is to realize how hard our parents have worked for our education.Asking for pocket money is a behavior that in high school, but now we are the real adults we should try to earn by ourselves

J :OK ,maybe i will try to do some part-time job next year.

C:You will enjoy the rare experience.


J: hey, Catherine. long time no see. I miss you so much.

C: I miss you too. Jenny, how are you this days?

J: I'm fine, I heard that there is a new teacher in your class. Is it right?

C: yes, she is so great that we are in love with her class within just a few days.

J: really? Can you tell me the reason?

C: she is a very humorous teacher and often says something to make the class more active. Since she came, we have stronger interests in studying.

J: humorous? You mean she always say some comedies? In fact, I don ’t think teachers should bring humor into classroom.

J: I don’t think so. In my opinion, classroom is a serious place. We should adopt a

cautious attitude to face academic knowledge. Saying some jokes in the class casually is not a good teacher’s behaviour.

C: oh you are driving me nuts. Calm down and listen to me ok? She just says some one-liners to relax us. Laughter is the best medicine to reduce our pressure.

J: well, maybe you are right. But I prefer the teachers who teach seriously.


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