20XX年世界各国人口排名 - 范文中心




International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database, October 2010 1 China 2 India

3 United States 4 Indonesia 5 Brazil 6 Pakistan 7 Bangladesh 8 Nigeria 9 Russia 10 Japan 11 Mexico

12 Philippines 13 Vietnam 14 Ethiopia 15 Germany 16 Egypt

17 Islamic Republic of Iran 18 Turkey 19 Thailand

20 Democratic Republic of Congo 21 France

22 United Kingdom 23 Myanmar 24 Italy

25 South Africa 26 Korea 27 Spain 28 Colombia 29 Ukraine 30 Tanzania 31 Argentina 32 Sudan 33 Poland 34 Kenya 35 Algeria 36 Canada 37


1,341.41 1,215.94 310.282 234.557 193.253 166.578 164.473 156.051 140.367 127.368 108.627 94.013 88.257 84.799 81.603 78.238 75.35 71.428 67.653 66.715 62.955 62.222 61.187 60.206 49.912 48.91 46.018 45.512 45.478 41.349 40.519 40.134 38.092 36.508 35.502 34.076 33.977

38 Iraq 39 Morocco

40 Islamic Republic of Afghanistan 41 Peru

42 Venezuela 43 Uzbekistan 44 Malaysia 45 Nepal

46 Saudi Arabia

47 Republic of Yemen 48 Ghana

49 Taiwan Province of China 50 Australia

51 C魌e d'Ivoire 52 Mozambique 53 Romania 54 Madagascar

55 Syrian Arab Republic 56 Cameroon 57 Sri Lanka 58 Angola 59 Chile

60 Netherlands 61 Kazakhstan 62 Burkina Faso 63 Niger 64 Guatemala 65 Ecuador 66 Cambodia 67 Malawi 68 Mali 69 Senegal 70 Zambia 71 Zimbabwe 72 Greece 73 Belgium 74 Portugal 75 Tunisia

76 Czech Republic 77 Bolivia 78 Guinea 79 Chad 80 Hungary 81 Rwanda 32.046 31.972 29.662 29.552 29.183 28.246 28.233 28.185 26.106 24.398 23.699 23.328 22.23 22.026 21.585 21.431 21.299 20.62 20.424 20.401 17.831 17.19 16.595 15.584 14.696 14.631 14.362 14.314 14.289 14.212 13.981 13.128 12.2 11.732 11.187 10.83 10.637 10.544 10.428 10.426 10.331 10.223 10.013 9.998

82 Dominican Republic 83 Haiti 84 Benin 85 Belarus 86 Sweden 87 Azerbaijan 88 Austria 89 Burundi 90 Switzerland 91 Tajikistan 92 Honduras 93 Bulgaria 94 Israel 95 Serbia

96 Hong Kong SAR 97 Togo

98 Papua New Guinea 99 Libya

100 Lao People's Democratic Republic 101 Paraguay 102 Jordan

103 El Salvador 104 Sierra Leone 105 Nicaragua 106 Denmark

107 Kyrgyz Republic 108 Turkmenistan 109 Slovak Republic 110 Finland 111 Eritrea 112 Singapore

113 United Arab Emirates 114 Norway 115 Costa Rica

116 Central African Republic 117 Ireland 118 Croatia 119 Georgia 120 New Zealand 121 Liberia 122 Lebanon

123 Bosnia and Herzegovina 124 Republic of Congo 125 Kuwait 9.874 9.855 9.644 9.433 9.327 9.049 8.377 8.271 7.789 7.619 7.614 7.531 7.43 7.396 7.122 6.963 6.485 6.459 6.443 6.402 6.117 5.864 5.848 5.816 5.526 5.444 5.439 5.423 5.378 5.323 5.096 5.055 4.891 4.764 4.506 4.473 4.429 4.389 4.369 4.311 3.908 3.897 3.865 3.606

126 Moldova 127 Panama 128 Uruguay 129 Lithuania 130 Armenia 131 Albania 132 Mauritania 133 Oman 134 Mongolia 135 Jamaica 136 Lesotho 137 Latvia 138 Namibia

139 Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 140 Slovenia 141 Botswana 142 The Gambia 143 Qatar

144 Guinea-Bissau 145 Gabon 146 Estonia

147 Equatorial Guinea 148 Mauritius

149 Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste 150 Bahrain 151 Swaziland 152 Fiji 153 Djibouti 154 Cyprus 155 Guyana 156 Bhutan 157 Comoros

158 Solomon Islands 159 Suriname 160 Cape Verde 161 Luxembourg

162 Brunei Darussalam 163 Malta

164 The Bahamas 165 Belize 166 Iceland 167 Maldives

3.564 3.527 3.357 3.319 3.299 3.202 3.179 2.981 2.75 2.717 2.542 2.253 2.099 2.067 2.018 1.839 1.716 1.7 1.657 1.496 1.333 1.313 1.291 1.15 1.107 1.03 0.89 0.824 0.821 0.772 0.684 0.68 0.531 0.528 0.523 0.502 0.422 0.42 0.345 0.336 0.323 0.32

168 Barbados 169 Vanuatu 170 Samoa 171 St. Lucia

172 S鉶 Tom?and Pr韓cipe

173 St. Vincent and the Grenadines 174 Grenada 175 Tonga 176 Kiribati

177 Antigua and Barbuda 178 Seychelles 179 Dominica

180 St. Kitts and Nevis 181 Country 182 Kosovo 183 Montenegro


Trinidad and Tobago

0.277 0.247 0.182 0.173 0.165 0.107 0.103 0.103 0.1 0.086 0.086 0.073 0.055


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