美丽心灵 英文影评 - 范文中心

美丽心灵 英文影评


Review of ‘A Beautiful Mind’

A math genius, a gorgeous student, a psycho disease, a broken marriage, a Nobel Prize, an unbreakable promise, John and Alicia, may you safe and sound, in a tranquil corner of heaven.

Just a few weeks ago, John died, together with Alicia, in a car accident, making the entire world burst into tears. People will no longer see that old man, lying on the lawn of Princeton University, book in hand. People will no longer see that old man, talking about his equilibrium, glowing and keen. Above all, people will all have to admit, that their devoted love has come to an end.

Born as a genius, Nash was proven talented when he was young. However, a fatal disease spoiled his life. Dreams intertwined with reality, which made Nash anguished. While seeing husband suffered, Alicia was made inconsolable. However, the schizophrenia torment didn ’t make them desperate, instead, it consolidated their love.

Besides Alicia, there are other two men, the main characters of Nash’s nightmare. Charles, the prodigal roommate, was the best friend of John Nash, and Parcher, an illusory boss, made a world that Nash descended into, so deeply, so loyally and so inexorably. Nash’s brilliant mind was contaminated by them, whom Nash never got rid of all his life. Just as doctor Rosen said in the movie, ‘If you had suddenly learned that the people and the places and the moments most important to you were not gone, not dead, but worse, had never been. What kind of hell would that be?’ Indeed. Were I Nash, I would become mad, insane, and hysterical. I would die before I committed suicide. Nevertheless, Nash faced it toughly and survived. A real man. A real man with a beautiful mind.

Then again, why would these people come into Nash’s dreams? All I could think of is that they are Nash ’s reflection. The reason why he fabricated Charles is that he needed to be loved and cared about due to his failure to communicate with others. He had no friend so he created one. As for Parcher, he obviously reflected Nash ’s hero complex. Moreover, I suppose the character Parcher was inseparable from the social background of that time. Parcher replaced the pentagon to satisfy Nash’s sense of honor. And the little girl, Marcee, was also Nash ’s reflection of his loneliness. ‘Marcee can't be real. She never gets old.’ I was overwhelmed with sorrowful emotions when I watched the movie. Nash loved the three, though trying to escape from them.

Let ’s lament for the dead, whose elegies were the stories of their lives. We should leave love and hate behind and pursue the true essence of a beautiful mind.


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