法律英语试题与答案 - 范文中心





1.general jurisdiction 一般管辖

2.bar examination 律师考试

3.ripeness 案件成熟度

4.substantive law 实体法

5.no contest pleas 不辩护也不认罪的答辩


1. 巡回法院 circuit courts

2. 模拟法庭 moot court

3. 案件决议度 mootness

4. 起诉书 complaint

5. 被上诉人 appellee


1.No two legal systems,then,are exactly alike.Each is specific to its country or its jurisdiction.This does not mean,of course,that every legal system is entirely different from every other legal system.Not at all.When two countries are similar in culture and tradition,their legal systems are likely to be similar as well.No doubt the law of E1Salvador is very much like the Law of Honduras.The laws of Australia and New Zealand are not that far apart.


2.In many jurisdictions in the United States,felonies are crimes punishable by death or imprisonment in a state prison or penitentiary and misdemeanors are those punishable by fine of imprisonment in a local jail.(The term jurisdiction refers to the authority of a political entity,such as a state or a county ,or the territory over which that authority is exercised.)In other jurisdictions,crimes punishable by fine or imprisonment in a local jail.(The term jurisdiction regers to the authority of a political entity,such as a state or a county,or the territory over which that authority is exercised.)In other jurisdictions,crimes punishable by imprisonment for one yeat or more are folonies,and those punishable by fine or imprisonment for less than one year are misdemeanors.Since each jurisdiction determines the penalties for offenses it defines,a misdemeanor in one jurisdiction may constitute a felony in another.Some jurisdictions have an additional classification for petty offenses,also called infractions,which are usyally punishable by a small fine.



3.The system of criminal procedure in the United States is both adversarial and accusatorial.The adversatial aspects are as follows:the parties themselves develop and present the evidence before a passive and impartial decisionmaker,with the judge acting only as necessary to assure overall fairness of the contest between the sides.Accusatorial principles are not the same as adversarial principles,but they complement each other.Accusatorial principles require the “government in its contest with the individual to shoulder the entire load, ”while adversarial principles require that the prosecutor,as the government ′s representative,present the case against the defendant.Thus,the prosecutor must bear the entire burden of proving the defendan t ′s guilt on every element of the crime without the compelled assistance of the accused.The U.S. system allows for exceptions to the accusatorial principle,just as it contemplates exceptions to the asversatial principle,but it remains primarily accusatorial and adversarial.

在美国,刑事诉讼体系包括对抗式(当事人主义)和控告式(职权主义)。当事人主义包括以下几个方面:当事人自己在一个消极的公正的决策者之前收集和呈现证据,而法官仅扮演一个能够保证争议双方公正的必要角色。职权主义原则与当事人原则不同,但双方是互补的。职权主义原则要求政府在个别争议中承担全部责任。然而当事人主义原则要求政府代表的检察官呈现针对被告的案件。因此,公诉人必须承担证明被告有罪的全部责任, 并且在每一个犯罪要素上排除被告被强迫的帮助。美国体系容许排除职权主义原则,正如他沉思排除当事人主义原则,但它仍保持着主要的职权主义原则和当时人原则。

4.Direct Examination and Cross Examination

The plaintiff ′s lawyer calls her or his witness and question the witness.This is know as direct examination.When the plaintif f ′s lawyer has finished,the defendan t ′s lawyer may cross-examine the plaintif f ′s witness .On cross-examination ,the defendant ′s lawyer is free either to limit his questions to topics raised by the plaintiff ′s lawyer or to limit his questions to topics raised by the plaintiff ′s lawyer of to open a new line of questioning.When the defendant`s lawyer has finished,the plaintiff`s lawyer may redirect,or ask assitional questions of the same witness.On redirect examination,however,the plaintiff`s lawyer may ask only questions raised by the defendant`s lawyer on cross-examination;she or he may not open a new line of questioning.Upon completion of redirect,the defendant`s lawyer may recross-examination;she or he may not open a new line of questioning.Upon completion of redirect,the defendant`s lawyer may recross-examine but also is limited to questions raised on redirect.When both lawyers have asked all of their questions,the witness is excused.



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