初二10优秀作文 (1) - 范文中心

初二10优秀作文 (1)


My best friend

My best friend is Harry .He is a helpful boy who always wears a smile on his

face .He’s about my height .He is keen on playing and we often play football together. I think he is a helpful boy because he always help me a lot .As an extremely

forgetful boy, my mind goes blank regularly. It is him who reminds me all the time. And when I find myself in trouble, he is always ready to lend a hand to me. What’s more, he also volunteers to be the monitor of the subject of Physics .Nevertheless, and he still tried very hard to catch up though he is not even good at it!

In a word, he is a nice guy indeed .I am pleased proud to have such a warm-hearted friend like him .I wish that we can be friends forever.

Friends are precious .They can do you a favor when you are in trouble .They also bring happiness to you .My best friend is my classmate who named Rebecca .She is gentle and warm-hearted .She wears a pair of glasses .She is good at math .We often discuss math problem together .She always tells me some interesting stories .When we stay together, I usually feel the time flies quickly and enjoy every moment of being together.

I have many different friends .Some are good at playing guitar, others are good at singing .They are special. But one of them is especially ‘special’ .She was not only my desk mate, but also my best friend.

One day, I went to her home and invited her went out to play. To my surprise, she said ‘No’. I didn’t understand her and asked why. She explained that she had to finish her homework before tomorrow because she had promised that to her father. But I really want her to go out with me. So I said ‘You can do your homework after we

come back. Now, let’s go to the shop first.’ However, she still shook her head. I finally understood her.

Thank you, my best friend. You teach me how to be honest.

Dealing with trouble

One day when I was walking in the park,I heard a dog barking furiously .I turn back and saw a little big fat dog running to me .I shouted and ran out of the park very fast .In the mean time I noticed the dog still chasing me .Suddenly I found a supermarket nearby and I ran into it .I told the shop assistant to close the door immediately and then I was safe .Moments later ,that dog got away . I felt very pleased .Because I could deal with trouble on my own.

How to get along with our teachers?

A student, study at school and enrich our knowledge with the help of teachers .How can I get along with our teachers? First, we should finish all the homework that teacher gave. Next, we should work out all the mistakes in the homework on time. Finally, when the teachers me because of the problems in study, I should listen carefully.

In this way, I can get along well with our teacher.

In schools, we meet teachers and we must know how to get along with our teachers.

Firstly, we should realize that teachers are always tired, They work for us until midnight or even later!When they use our break time or other classes, we must know they are more tired than us! Secondly, we must be kind to our teachers, they always think of us instead of themselves .They have to correct more than 100 students’ homework, won’t they? At last, it’s the most important one: respect our teachers! When we do something wrong, they will have a talk with us so that we can correct them.

In a word, it’s necessary to get along well with our teacher

Unforgettable trip

In my summer holiday, I went to Japan. Tokyo is the capital of Japan. We like Tokyo very much, but we lost in Tokyo. We took the underground in the centre of the city. We didn’t know how to buy the tickets and we can’t speak Japanese. Then we took the train and went to another place. Luckily, we finally found the way to get back to the hotel. This was an unforgettable trip.

Last year I went to America. I visited many places, such as the Yellow Stone National Park, the salt lake in the Salt Lake City and so on. The most unforgettable scene was that the black bear in the Yellow Stone National Park walking in front of our car and all of us in the car were frightened. After the bear had gone, we were still staying at that place until there were many cars behind us blaring the horns. It was an unforgettable trip and it was full of excitement.

I enjoy travelling because brings it brings me not only the happiness but also the courage to try the new things.

During the summer holiday, I went to play parachute. I was afraid of this first at all. However, when I was in the sky, I saw the view of beautiful sea and sky. And i felt very happy and free. I was not afraid any longer.

It was an unforgettable trip. It was full of excitement.

A letter to our headmaster


Dear Headmaster:

Thank you for the changes you made for our school. It’s kind of you to improve the equipments in the classroom ,but I still have some suggestions. The second one is that restroom aren’t clean enough. The most serious one is that the homework issue. There is much homework for us so that we do not have time to develop our interests or do sports. I sincerely hope that my advice can be taken. Thanks you for reading my letter.

Yours nobody


Dear Headmaster:

I am a student from our school.Our class teacher asks me to conduct a survey for our school.Here are some ideas that students put forward most.Some students would like to have a swimming pool in our school.Some of them want to have more activities and trips to other places.Others would like to have less homework.However,I think most of their ideas are a little hard to come true.I believe studying is the most important thing for us.We should read more and practice more,so I would like to have more books and magazines in the library and I want to have modern science laboratories.

If our school have these changes,we will study more enjoyably.Thanks for your time. Yours sincerely


Online Shopping

Nowadays, we can do shopping online, and it is popular. Why? Because there are many advantages.

First,shopping online is very convenient. If someone didn’t like to go outside for shopping,they can choose this way to shop.Second,it is much cheaper when we buy things online,and you can join in some Magic Boarding Pass programs.

In a word,i really like online shopping and I’m in favour of doing so.

In my opinion,online shopping is popular these years.

Firstly,online shopping is very convenient wherever me are,we only need to use the computer,and the things we buy will send to us on time.Secondly,it’s very cheap,it can help us save a lot of money.On the other hand,online stores sometimes have some mistakes and we can’t exactly get the same things we see in the pictures. Moreover,we can’t sit in front of the computer all the time,which does harm to our eyesight.

In brief,online shopping is convenient,while we should becareful when we shop online.

Nowadays,people have many ways to buy things.Most of them like to shop online. There are either some advantages or disadvantages of online shopping.

Shopping online is convenient.We can buy things at anytime we want.And there are many different types of things.We can choose what we like. We don’t need to go outside to buy things,too,especially in bad weather.Some things on the internet are not the same as what the pictures show to us.This always makes people disappointed.

In a word,shopping online has many advantages while there are also some disadvantages.


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