英语专业学生英文自我介绍模板 - 范文中心



Nice to meet you, my name is XXX. I come from School of Foreign Studies, University of XXX. It’s my great honor to be here to attend this interview, and I do wish I could have this opportunity to work for this company.

I’m an English major and I’m currently a Master Degree Candidate in XXX. During my undergraduate period, I have got 3 First-Class Scholarships in a row, 1 National Scholarship and 1 National Encouragement Scholarship. And I have got the certificates of TEM 4 and TEM 8 which can prove my excellence in mastering English skills.

What’s more, I used to be the Vice President of Student Union, the Head of the Academic Section, the monitor of my class and so on, and right now, I work as the teaching assistant of the Dean of our school to help organizing the academic symposiums and accompanying the foreign linguists. The valuable experiences of which help me a lot in improving my abilities of all sorts and I get quite a number of honors for what I have done.

I’m also doing my internship as an oral English teacher in XXX, and I try my own methods to help them fall in love with English instead of being afraid of it.

From my professor, teachers, friends and classmates, they evaluate me as a very responsible and friendly person. I enjoy this assessment. I believe these qualities are not only needed in school works, but also in jobs. Although I myself don’t have the experience of going abroad, many of my friends are studying overseas, like American, England, Canada, Australia, Japan and Korea. So it’s not difficult for me to get familiar with the procedures of going abroad. I’d love to be the consultant for oversea studies and I believe my major and my patience can help me do a nice job. So if you could offer me this opportunity, I’ll really appreciate it. Thank you very much.


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