九年级英语听力稿及参考答案 - 范文中心




一. 听力测试

1 How is she doing?

2 What’s Tom like?

3 What language can you speak?

4 Whose dog is it?

5 W: Hey, Steve, what are the drops used for?

M: For curing the eye disease.

6 W: Can I keep the book for another week?

M: Sure, but you have to renew it.

7 W: Dad, what did the weatherman tell about the weather tomorrow?

M: He said that it would be rainy in the morning ,but fine in the afternoon. 8 W: May I speak to Mr. Grace?

M: Sorry, my dad has gone shopping with my mom.

9 W: National Day is coming, where are we going travelling, darling?

M: We can go to Tibet and going by train is a good choice.

10 W: I think PE is very boring. How about you, Jony?

M: It’s my favorite.

11 W: My homework will be finished in a minute. Shall we play tennis in the afternoon.

M: Oh, look, Jenny , I have two movie tickets, we can see a 3D film for free. 12 W: When is the museum open?

M: It opens at 8:30 a.m and it close at 4:30p.m

13 M: Mum, I want to go to the summer camp this summer holiday.

W: But you’re only 9.

M: But I am not alone.

W: Who would go with you?

M: My best friend Tom and Rick, and my headteacher will also go together. W: Where are you going?

M: To Guilin,and Guilin has the most beautiful scenery in the world., you know. W: How long are you staying there?

M: For 5 days

W: I’m not sure. I need to talk to your father.

14 W: Hello, this is the Airport Ticket Office. May I help you?

M: I’d like to book 2 tickets to Tokyo tomorrow afternoon.

W: Wait a minute, Er, we will have a Boeing 868 leaving at 11:00 tomorrow morning and there

is no flight there tomorrow afternoon.

M:And what’s the flight number? W: It’s CA2335.

M: How much is the ticket? W: 450 dollars

M: When should I go to the airport?

W: You’d better be half an hour earlier before the plane takes off.

M: I’d like to book 2 tickets to Tokyo at 11:00 tomorrow morning.

W: OK, your name please, sir? M: Bill Clinton.

W: OK, Mr. Clinton, 2 tickets to Tokyo at 11:00 tomorrow morning, right? M: That’s right, thanks. W: It’s our pleasure, bye. M: Bye!

15 W: Hello, are you the big big wolf? M: Yes, and you are the red wolf, right? W: Yes, glad to meet you.. M: You look much younger from your QQ head image.

W: Look, it’s lunch time, there is a coffee house near here, let’s take a seat and have a talk there. M: OK.

W: I enjoy the coffee here very much, and the desert is also very special. M: Would you like some red wine? W: Good idea!

M: Would you leave me your telephone number?

W: No problem, but my mobile phone is out of power, may I use yours? M: Certainly.


M: Hey, where is the woman? Oh, my mobile phone and my wallet!

16 When you go to some foreign countries, You need to know their special cultural

traditions. For example, in many countries, such as Thailand, India and Malaysia. People believe that the left hands are unclean. So it’s not proper to use left hand to hold food touch others or pass something. In some western countries, touching personal things even by accident will make them angry. If this happens, say sorry politely. They don’t like the number 13, because they think it’s unlucky. Muslims do not eat pork, and words like pig are not considered proper.


一 听力

1-----5 A A C B B 6------10 B B B A A 11------15 A A C C A

16-----20 B C A BC 21-----25 C A B C A

二 单选

26---30 D B A B B 31----35 D B D B C 36----40 B B D C B

三 完形填空

41----45 D C D A B 46----50 A C B D C 51----55 D C A B C

四 阅读理解

56----60 B B D B C 61----65 B B A C B 66---70 B B C C B

五 词与短语填空

71 favorite 72 prefer 73 beautiful 74 love 75 stay up

六 阅读理解填词

76 stressed 77 parents 78 own 79 teenagers 80 without

81 watching 82 Another 83 exercise 84 ways 85 possible

七 书面表达(略)


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