初二下英语笔记总结~ - 范文中心



UNIT 8笔记

1、What should I get my mom for her birthday?

get sb. sth.=get sth. for sb. buy sb. sth.=buy sth. for sb. 给某人买某物

eg.You should get her a new watch.=You should get a new watch for her. get 接双宾语。接双宾语的词还有:pass 、bring 、show 、cook 、teach 、give 、sing 等

eg.Please give me some money.=Please give some money to me.

2、not special enough不够特别

special 可以做宾语 a special day一个特别的日子

副词形式specially 特别地

eg. ①I have a special gift for you.②She likes playing the piano specially.

3、That's not interesting enough.

enough 做形容词“足够的、充分的”,作定语修饰名词,可放在名词前或名词后。

eg. ①We have enough time to do our homework.

②He hasn't got enough time to finish his homework carefully.

做副词“足够地、充分地”,通常放在形容词、副词的后面 eg.I know him well enough.

enough “足够的”,修饰形容词或副词时应当后置

eg. ①That's not cheap enough.

②He has got a money to afford a new house big enough to hold 15


4、What's the best gift Joe ever received?

(1)此句含一个定语从句Joe ever received ,作定语修饰前面的先行词gift ,省略了关系代词that 。

eg.I don't like the dishes he cooks.

(2)“形容词最高级+名词+(that )sb. have(has )ever done”表示“某人曾经做过最„„的事”

eg.This is the most interesting book I have ever read.

(3)receive 相当于get (收到)

eg.Tom got(received )a letter from his cousin last week.

5、What a lucky guy!

(1)What+(a/an)+形容词+单数名词/不可数名词+主语+谓语+其他! eg.What a heavy box it is!


eg.How beautiful the flowers are!

(2)同义转换eg.What a beautiful girl she is!=How beautiful the girl is!

6、Is it someone in your family?

it 在此句中指人,表示说话是不清楚对方的性别,或性别并不重要时,常用it 指代人。

可用it 指代照片中的人。eg.Who's the baby in the photo? 电话用语中可用it 指代对方或自己。

eg.--Hello!Who's it?--It's Mary.

it 可作形式主语或宾语。

eg. ①It's interesting to learn English.(做形式主语)

②We find it interesting to learn English.(做形式宾语)


eg.--What's the time?--It's ten to ten.

7、I think a dog is a good pet for a 6-year-old child.

复合词:基数词+单数名词+形容词 6-year-old “六岁的” eg. ①Mrs Green is an 80-year-old woman.

②This is a 50-meter-long-stone bridge.

8、Dogs are too difficult to take care of.

too+adj.+to+动词原形 “太„„而不能”

eg.The math problem is too difficult for me to work out.

“too „„to „„”结构转换为“not enough to„„”

eg.She is too young to do the work.=She isn't old enough to do th work.

“too „„to „„”结构转换为“so+adj./adv.+that+从句”

eg,She is to young to go to school.=She is so young that she can't go to school.

9、„„so I made her a special pig house.


eg.His mother made him a coat.


eg.The news made her happy.


eg.The teacher makes the kids in the room all the time.


eg.The boss made the workers work for too long.

10、„„pigs need a lot of love.

need 在此作实义动词,“需要”,其后可跟名词、动词不定式、动名词作宾语。

eg.If you need any help,please call me.

need to do需要做某事(人做主语)

need doing需要做某事(物做主语)=need to be done(被动语态) eg. ①The pet needs looking after.=The pet needs to be looked after. ②My watch doesn't work.It needs repairing.

11、This pet is unusual.

unusual adj.“不同寻常的、罕见的”。它是由usual “平常的”加否定前缀un-派生而来的。


known “出名的”——unknown “无名的、不为人所知的” tidy “整洁的、整齐的”——untidy “不整洁的、凌乱的” kind “和善的”——unkind “冷酷的、不客气的”

happy “高兴的”——unhappy “不高兴的”

eg.Such cold weather is quite unusual in this area.

12、I fell asleep half way through it.

fall asleep意为“睡着了、入睡”,为短暂性动词,后不接时间。 eg.He fell asleep as soon as he went to bed.

go to bed“上床睡觉”,强调动作

eg.My teacher didn't go to bed until 12:00 last night.

go to sleep“睡着、入睡”,强调进入睡眠的动作。

eg.The old man was excited that he can't go to bed last night.

asleep “睡着的”eg.He has been asleep for half an hour.

sleepy “有睡意的”eg.I feel sleepy.

sleeping “正在睡觉的”eg.He's sleeping.

sleep “睡觉”eg.Do you sleep well?

13、„„some people ask their families and friends to give money to charity rather than buy them gifts.

rather than是并列连词,意为“是„„而不是”、“与其、不如”,它连接的是并列成分,如名词、代词、动名词、不定式、动词等。 eg. ①He is an actor rather than a singer.

②She likes singing rather than dancing.

rather than 前后连接的词性要一致。instead of 前如为动词,后接动名词。

eg. ①He ran rather than walked here.②He ran instead of walking here.

14、„„twenty-four young singers from across China entered a contest by singing English songs.

(1)across China直译为“横跨中国”,意为“在整个中国范围内”。 eg.Beijing Duck enjoys great reputation across from China and its taste is very delicious.

(2)enter 在该句中意为“参加”,与join 、take part in同义。 eg.Thousands of children entered the competition.

(3)by singing“以唱的方式”,by 为介词,后跟名词、代词或动名词。 eg.I study English by using flashcards(抽认卡).

15、as well as„„

as well as“跟„„一样” eg.He speaks English as well as Linda.

B as well as A(强调B )=not only A but also B

eg.She is clever as well as beautiful.=She is not only beautiful but also clever.

as well as前后的主语和谓语要一致

eg.Tom as well as his parents is going to Beijing.

16、This king of contest encourages people in China to speak English.

encourages sb. to do sth.“鼓励某人做某事”

eg. ①The sports meeting encouraged many students to take part in.

②That activity encouraged us to take care of our environment(环境).

17、If not,why don't you find out about it?

(1)if not 是一个省略句,常用于口语中,表示说话人先退一步,再达到强调的效果。

eg. 前面句子的完整形式:If you haven't heard of the Beijing Speaks

English program,why don't you find out about it?

(2)find out 指通过观察、探索而发现事实的真相、真情,通过调查出原因或发现秘密、找出错误等,其后一般接what 、when 、how 或that 引导的从句,也可以接名词、后跟about 则表示“想办法找出”。 eg. ①Please find out when the train leaves.

②Read this passage,and find out the answer to this questions. ③You should find out about the news.

18、It suggest ways for Beijingers to take an interest in learning English.

(1)take an interest in“对„„产生兴趣”

eg.Nowadays (现在)more and more foreigners take interest in learning Chinese.

(2)suggest “建议”+名词/动名词/that引导的宾语从句。 eg. ①I suggest a visit.②He suggested going shopping.

③I suggested that we should hold a meeting.

19、Besides singing English songs,there are many other fun ways to learn English.

beside “除„„之外还有” except “除„„之外” beside “在„„旁边”

eg. ①His house is beside the river.

②All the students went to the farm except Tom,because he was ill at home.

③There are many other fruits besides apples and pears here.



责备性:Why don't you do„„?=Why not do„„? eg.Why don't you get her a scarf?=Why not get her a scarf?

征求性:How /What about„„?后接动名词、名词或代词。 eg.How/What about a ring?

直接性:Let's+动词原形 eg.Let's go home,shall we? 劝说性:You'd better (not )+动词原形

eg. ①You'd better stay at home.

②You'd better not go to school now.

委婉性:Shall we+动词原形?

eg.Shall we go and play ping-pong?

请求性:Would you like+动词不定式

eg. ①Would you like some milk?

②Would you like to come to my home for dinner tonight?


同意对方:Good idea./That's a good idea./OK./All right./I'd love to./Yes,please./No problem./I agree with you./Sure./Of course./Yes,I think so./Certainly./I will.

委婉谢绝:I don't think so./Sorry,I can't ./Sorry,but„„/I'd love to,but „„/I'm afraid„„/That's too„„/That's not„„


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