功能语类在英语专业八级阅读中的应用 - 范文中心








一、问题——解决型(Pr oblem-Solution Patter n )

1)When a lig ht passeng er plane flew o ff course so me time ag o, it crashed in the m ountains and its pilot was killed.

2)T he only passeng er, a you ng woman and her two b aby daughters, were unhurt.

3)It was the middle of winter. S now laythick on the gro und.

4)T he w oman knew that the nearest v illage w as miles away . 5)When it grew dark, she turned a suitcase into a bed and put th e children insid e it, co vering them with all the clothes and she could find. 6)Duringthe night, it go t terriblyco ld.

7)T he wo man kept as near as she co uld to the child and even tried to g et intothe case herself, but it was toosmall.

8)E arly n ext mo rning , she heard planes passing ov erhead and wondered how she co uld send a signal.

9)Then sh e had an idea.

10)She stam ped out the letters “SOS ”in the sno w.

11)Fortunately , a pilot saw the signal and sent a message by radio to the nearest town.

12)It was no t lo ng befo re a helicopter arrived o n the rescue the surv ivo rs of the plane crash.

Situation:S1); S9) Problem:S2); S3); S6)

Respon se:S4); S5); S7); S10); S11) Evaluatio n/Result:S12)

这则故事我们也可根据Labov 的叙事模式来分析Abstract:S1)

Orientatio n:S2); S3)

Com plicatingactio n:S4); S5); S6); S7); S8) Ev aluatio n:S9); S10); S11) Resolutio n:S12)

二、设定——真实型(The Hypothetical -Real Patter n )(1)Every o ther critic has said that On Food and Co oking is brilliant, a revelation, and a unique co mbinatio n of scien tific insight and literacy which sweeps aside all m yth and jargo n as none hav e done befo re. (2)McCee ’s boo k is is indeed well written, is full o f go od things and is go od to have on the shelves as a con tinuing so urce o f reference and quotes. (3)But it also has its fair share of mistakes, omissions and misalig nments o f emphasis.

句(1)是语篇的设定部分,陈述公众对On Foo d and Coo king 一书的普遍看法;读完此句读者并不知道作者是打算支持这种普遍看法呢,还是予以否定。句(2)和句(3)构成语篇的真实部分:作者陈述了其真实的看法,并给出了理由。

三、一般——特殊型(The General -Particular Pattern )

分为两类:一般——例证型(T he

General –Ex ample Pattern )

预览——细节型(T he Prev iew –Detail Pattern )

(1)A poem differs fro m most pro se in sev eral way s. (2)For o ne, bo th writer and reader tend to reg ard it differently. (3)The po et ’s attitude is as if, sticking his neck o ut, he were to say :I offer this piece of writing tobe read no t as prose bu t as a poem –that is, mo re perceptively, thoug htfully , and considerately , with m ore attention to sound s and conno tations. (4)Th is is a g reat deal to ex pect, but in return, the reader has a right to his o wn expectatio ns. (5)He appro aches the po em in the anticipation o f o ut-o f-the-o rdinary kno wledg e and pleasure …


四、匹配比较型(The Matching Pattern )

(1)It is interestin g to no te that iconic m odels o nly represent certain features of that po rtion of the real wo rld which they simulate. (2)For example, a map will only contain tho se features which are o f interest to the person using the m ap. (3)Similarly , architects ’mo dels will be limited to include o nly those features which are o f interest to th e person considering employ ingthe architect.


五、L abov 模式

点题(abstract )、指向(o rien tation )、进展(complicating action )、评议(evaluation )、结局(resolution )和回应(coda )六个环节。




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