[经济学原理]课程中英文简介 - 范文中心








学 时:48/64

学 分:3/4








Economics includes microeconomics and macroeconomics. The research object of microeconomics is the behavior of consumer, firm and market. By studying microeconomics, students can understand the basic principle of microeconomic action. The main contents of this course include market theory, utility theory, production theory, cost theory, firm theory, general equilibrium theory, welfare economics and market failure theory. The research object of macroeconomics is the aggregative activity. The aim of this course is to demonstrate the macroeconomic function and the determinant of output of a nation. By studying this course, students can understand the basic principles of macroeconomics. The main contents of macroeconomics include national income accounting, simple national income determination, IS-LM model, macroeconomic policies, AD-AS model, inflation and unemployment, economic growth and business cycle theory.

Course Code: 030013A 030013B 030014A 030014B Course Name:Economics Periods :48/64 Credits :3/4 Assessment :Inspection/Examination Preparatory Courses: Political Economy Higher Mathematics


International Economics



学 时:48

学 分:3




This is an introductory course to International Economics. The purpose of this course is to help students understand the basics of open microeconomics and open macroeconomics finance, and the effects of various international economic policies on domestic and world welfare.

In microeconomics part, the course will highlight sources of comparative advantage, patterns of trade, gains and losses from trade, and effects of trade policy interventions such as tariffs, quotas, voluntary export restraints, and export subsidies; the welfare effects of international factor mobility, international economic integration theory, the forms of international economic organization and its effects, the effects of custom union will be focused.

In open macroeconomics part, it will include balance of payments, determination of foreign exchange rates, open macroeconomic policy and international monetary system.

Course Code:030063A/030053A Course Name:International Economics Periods :48 Credits :3 Assessment :Examination Preparatory Courses:Principles of Economics





学 时:48/32

学 分:3/2




《宏观经济学》是以社会总体的经济行为即宏观经济运行作为研究对象的一门理论经济学。它试图通过对社会总体经济行为的研究,来说明市场经济条件下宏观经济的运行以及如何改善这种运行的途径。本课程的教学目标是使经济类本科生理解和掌握宏观经济学的基本原理,为进一步学习其他经济类课程打下坚实的理论基础。本课程的主要内容有:国民收入核算、简单国民收入决定、IS -LM 模型、IS -LM -BP 模型、宏观经济政策、AD -AS 模型,通货膨胀与失业、经济增长与经济周期理论等。

Macroeconomics is a theoretical economics course which studies the general social economic activities i.e. the operation of macro-economy. It tries to explain how macro-economy is operated in a market economy and in what way it can be improved. The aim of this course is to demonstrate the macroeconomic function and the determinant of output of a nation. By studying this course, students can understand the basic principles of macroeconomics. The main contents of macroeconomics include national income accounting, simple national income determination, IS-LM model, macroeconomic policies, AD-AS model, inflation and unemployment, and economic growth and business cycle theory. Course Code:030073A/030072A Course Name:Macroeconomics Periods :48/32 Credits :3/2 Assessment :Examination Preparatory Courses: Microeconomics, Higher Mathematics



课程代码:030082B/030083A/031023A Course Code:030082B/030083A/031023A 课程名称:计量经济学 Course Name:Econometrics

学 时:32/48/48 Periods :32/48/48

学 分:2/3/3 Credits :2/3/3

考核方式:考查/考试 Assessment :Inspection/ Examination

先修课程: Preparatory Courses:

政治经济学、西方经济学 Political Economics, Western Economics,

概率论与数理统计 Probability and Mathematical Statistics,

线性代数、经济统计学 Linear Algebra and Economic Statistics


This course is a core course for universities and colleges of economics and a basic course for undergraduate students majoring in economics and management. It is an orthodox economics in modern economics. Through the course, we expect students to achieve such abilities as follows:

(1)Being able to know about the characteristics of modern economics, to know about the status of economic quantitative analysis in economic curriculum and its role in the development of economics and the real economic work; (2)being able to comprehend the basic theory and methods of the classical econometrics, and get a conceptual understanding of the extension and new development of the econometric theory and methods; (3)being able to analyze the quantitative relationships in real economic phenomenon with the establishment and using of simple econometric models; (4)being able to do further study and to apply econometric theory and methods. This course will be taught at a primary level, but at middle level in economic experimental class, and we will focus on the theory and methods of classical single-equation econometric models. The main teaching contents are the concept of econometrics, the steps of establishing a model and its application area, linear regressive models, multiple linear regressive models, regressive models with loosened basic assumptions and relative special issues. It is worth mentioning that we will supplement the theory of simultaneous equations econometric models and econometric application model.


The History of Economics Thoughts



学 时:48

学 分:3







To make students edify dialectic materialism and historic materialism based on the understanding of fundamentals of economics of capitalism and improve the ability of recognizing, analyzing, evaluating economic theories, economic policies and economics thoughts and further establish scientific Weltanschauung and methodology of Marxism by systematically teaching the production, development history and its discipline of economics of capitalism, emphasizing on commenting on the history of classical economics, neoclassic economics and vulgar economics. Course Code:030093A Course Name:The History of Economics Thoughts Periods :48 Credits :3 Assessment :Examination Preparatory Courses: The Political Economics Economics The History of Economics





学 时:48

学 分:3






The research object of microeconomics is the behavior of consumer, firm and market. By studying microeconomics, students can understand the basic principle of microeconomic action. The main contents of this course include market theory, utility theory, production theory, cost theory, firm theory, general equilibrium theory, welfare economics and market failure theory. Course Code:030123A/030123B Course Name:Microeconomics Periods :48 Credits :3 Assessment :Examination/ Inspection Preparatory Courses: Political Economy Higher Mathematics


Western Economics



学 时:64/48

学 分:4/3







Aggregative Economics, also known in our country as western economics, includes microeconomics and macroeconomics. From the perspective of western economists, economics studies how rare recourses are effectively distributed in their different optional functions in order to meet the need of human beings to a great extent. As a theoretical course, it has become a theoretical foundation of many other subjects such as management economics, marketing, international economics, money and banking, international finance and so on.

The research subject of microeconomics is the behavior of consumer, firm and market. By studying microeconomics, students can understand the basic principles of microeconomic action. The main contents of this course include market theory, utility theory, production theory, cost theory, firm theory, general equilibrium theory, welfare economics and market failure theory. The research object of macroeconomics is the macro-economic activity. The aim of this course is to demonstrate the macroeconomic function and the determinant of output of a nation. By studying this course, students can understand the basic principles of macroeconomics. The main contents of macroeconomics include national income accounting, simple national income determination, IS-LM model, macroeconomic policies, AD-AS model, inflation and unemployment, economic growth and business cycle theory.

Course Code:030134A/030133B Course Name:Western Economics Periods :64/48 Credits :4/3 Assessment :Examination/inspection Preparatory Courses:Political Economy, Higher Mathematics


Intermediate Macroeconomics



学 时:48

学 分:3







Macroeconomics is a theoretical economics course which studies the general social economic activities i.e. the operation of macro-economy. It tries to explain how macro-economy is operated in a market economy and in what way it can be improved.

By studying this course, students will understand the principles of intermediate macroeconomics and basic mathematic model, find the base of other courses, and have the ability to apply macroeconomic theory to analyzing the macroeconomics problems. This course is significant to improve the level of economic theory and macroeconomic policy of the students. Course Code:030143A Course Name:Intermediate Macroeconomics Periods :48 Credits :3 Assessment :Examination Preparatory Courses:Microeconomics, Macroeconomics Higher Mathematics


Introduction of Industrial Economics



学 时:48/32

学 分:3/2




As one branch of applied economics, industrial economics is widely used in solving modern problems of market economy such as the behavior of firms, the performance of market, etc. By learning industrial economics, students can have a good command of the most advanced theories and methods used in it, with which they can deal with the problems they encounter everyday, and improve their ability of doing things by themselves. The content of the course includes theory of firms, market structure, market behavior, market performance, government regulation, anti-trust, location of firms and industries, industrial structure and evolution, input-out relationship between industries, industrial competence and safety, and industrial policies. Course Code:030153A/030152A/030152B Course Name:Industrial Economics Periods :48/32 Credits :3/2 Assessment :Examination/inspection Preparatory Courses:Math and Microeconomics


Intermediate Microeconomics



学 时:48

学 分:3






Intermediate microeconomics is an important course for students majoring in economics.

By studying this course, students will understand the principles of intermediate microeconomics and basic mathematic model, find the base of other courses, and have the ability to apply microeconomic theory to analyzing the microeconomics problems. This course is significant to improve the level of economic theory and macroeconomic policy of the students. The contents of this course include consumer theory, firm theory, market theory, general equilibrium theory and market failure theory. Course Code:030163A Course Name:Intermediate Microeconomics Periods :48 Credits :3 Assessment :Examination Preparatory Courses:Microeconomics, Macroeconomics Higher Mathematics


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