初一英语词汇 - 范文中心



Review of units 1~5 教学目标与要求 一、学习目标 本单元主要是针对前 5 个单元知识进行归纳、复习,通过本单元的学习,对 所学知识进一步记忆、巩固,以至完全掌握。前 5 个单元重点是英文 26 个字母 的认知和书写,以及极为简单的日常交际用语和基本句型。 二、能力目标 1.通过复习总结出英语学习特点和学习方法,以最有效、最有趣的方式获取 新知识。 2.通过接触、学习英语,培养广泛的学习兴趣。 课文重点与难点点击进入 初中学习小组 一、句子破译站 1. My pencil case is big and mice. I like it .我的我铅笔盒既大又漂亮, 我喜欢它。 (1)big and nice 是形容词并列结构,and 连接两个作表语的形容词,起 连接作用。如: Jane and Amy are my friends .简和艾米是我的朋友。 (2)it 指代上句提到的 my pencil case,当上文出现过的名词又出现时, 常用代词指代,it 一般用来代替第三人称单数无生命的事物的名词。 2.Who is that in the photo ?照片上是谁? 介词 in 表示“在……里”,汉语说“在照片上”,“在画上”,而英语中却说“in th e photo”,“in the picture,”初学英语时要注意英汉表达的不同。另外,介词 i n+颜色,表示“穿着……”,如: the boy in blue 穿着蓝色衣服的男孩 其中 in the photo, in blue 都是作后置定语,修饰 who 和 boy,英语中短 语动词作定语,常置于所修饰的词后,而单个形容词作定语,则置于所修饰的词 前,如: She ’s a nice girl . 她是一个漂亮的女孩。 3.What’s the Chinese for “flag”? “flag” 一词用汉语怎么说? 这句话也可说成:What’s “flag” in Chinese ? 注意二者表达上的区别:上 句表示语言的名词前加 the,用介词 for,后句表示语言的名词前不加 the,用介 词 in。而意义上没有区别。 二、工具箱 no 与 not (1)no 是形容词和副词;not 是副词。 (2)no 一般用于不带冠词的名词前,也可用于形容词修饰的名词前。no 还可用于形容词或副词的比较级前。另外,一般疑问句作否定回答时也要用 no。 (3)如果名词前用 some(一些),many(许多),much(许多)等词 时,则要用 not。将肯定的陈述句转换为否定的陈述句时,也要用 not。如:

I have no books. 我没有书。 -Is Ann in Row Four ? 安在第四排吗? -No, she isn’t . 不,她不在。 She is no older than her friend . 她并不比她朋友岁数大。 I can not speak English .我不会说英语。 You have not many pens . 你没有很多钢笔。 三、重难点 1.26 个英文字母里共有 5 个元音字母,按元音字母的读音可归纳如下: 含有元音字母 A 的读音的字母有:Aa Hh Jj Kk 含有元音字母 E 的读音的字母有:Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv 含有元音字母 I 的读音的字母有:Ii Yy 含有元音字母 U 的读音的字母有:Uu Qq Ww 含有元音字母 O 的读音的字母有:Oo 含有字母的掐头音的字母有:Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz 含有字母的读音的字母有:Rr 2.英文字母中的相同读音。 字母读音提示 Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu Ff Rr[ei] [i:] [ai] [?U] [ju:] [ef] [a:]Aa Hh Kk Jj E e Bb Cc Dd Gg Pp Tt Vv Ii Yy Oo Uu Qq Ww Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz Rr 参考答案提示 【课文要点诠释】 Ⅰ.略 Ⅱ.A)1.A 2.C 3.C B)1.C 2.A 3.A 4.B Ⅲ.1.you 2.r 3.it’s 4.no 5.I am Ⅳ.1.G 2.E 3.C 4.F 5.A 6.B 7.H 8.D Ⅴ.1.class 2.your 3.My 4.is 5.Please Ⅵ.1.My name 2. He is 3.M y 4.is 5.Sit Ⅶ.1.你叫什么名字? 2.早上好。 3.很高兴见到你。 4.What’s this ? It’s M. . 5.Who’s that in the photo ? 6.My pencil case is big and nice .

人教版英语科七年级上册期末复习词汇专练 Unit


一、单词: 1. m_ 我的 2. n_m_ 名字 3. _s 是 4. cl_ck 时钟 5. _ 我 6. _m 是 7. n_c_ 好的;令人愉快的 8. m_ _t 遇见 9. y_ _ 你;你们 10. wh_t 什么 11. y_ _ _ 你的;你们的 12. h_ll_ 喂;你好 13. h_ 嗨;你好

14. h_s 他的 15. _nd 和;又;而且 16. h_ _ 她的 17. q_ _st_ _n 问题;问 18. _nsw_ _ 回答;答案 19. l_ _k 看;注视;看起来 20. l_st 最后的;上 一个的 21. b_y 男孩 22. g_ _l 女孩 23. t_l_ph_n_ 电话;电话机 24. n_m b_ _ 数;数字 25. ph_n_ 电话;电话机 26. _t 它 27. c_ _d 卡;卡片;纸 牌 28. f_m_l_ 家庭 二、词组: 1. 很高兴见到你。 2. 名字 3. 姓氏 4. 电话号码 5. 你/他/她的名字叫什么? 6. 我/他/她的名字叫…… 7. 我是…… 8. 你/他/她的电话号码是多少? Unit 2 一、单词:1. th_s 这 2. p_nc_l 铅笔 3. p_n 钢笔 4. b_ _k 书 5. _r_s _ _ 橡皮;黑板擦 6. r_l_ _ 尺 7. c_s_ 箱;盒;橱 8. b_ckp_ck 双肩背 包 9. sh_ _p_n_ _ 磨具; 削具 10. d_ct_ _n_ry 字典; 词典 11. th_t 那 12. y_s(表示肯定)是 13. n_(表示否定)不 14. n_t(构成否定)不是 15. s_rr _ 遗憾的;抱歉的 16. th_nk 感谢 17. _K 好;不错 18. _n 在……里面;用 19. _ngl_sh 英语 20. _ 一个(只,把,台……) 21. h_w 怎样;多么 22. d_ 做;(助动词,无意义) 23. sp_ll 拼写 24. b_s_b_ll 棒球 25. w_tch 手表 26. c_mp_t_ _ 电脑 27. g_m_ 运动;游戏 28. k_y 钥匙 29. n_t_b_ _k 笔记本 30. r_ng 戒指 31. c_ll 打电话 32. l_st 丢失的 33. f_ _nd 找回的 34. g_ld 黄金 35. pl_ _s_ 请 36. sch_ _l 学校 37. s_t 套;副 38. _f 的(表示所属) 二、词组: 1. 铅笔盒;文具盒 ______________________

2. 卷笔刀 ______________________ 3. 谢谢你 ______________________ 4. 用英语 ______________________ 5. 电子游戏 ______________________ 6. 失物招领 ______________________ 7. 金戒指 ______________________ 8. 一套;一副 ______________________ 9. 这/那是……吗? ______________________ 10. 回答 9 的问题 ______________________ 11. 这/那个用英语怎么说? ______________________ 12. 回答 11 的问题 ______________________ 13. 你怎样拼写……? ______________________ 14. 这/那是什么?(回答形式同 11) ______________________ Unit 3 一、 单词: 1. s_st_ _ 姐;妹 2. m_th_ _ 母亲 3. f_th_ _ 父亲 4. p_r_nt 父亲或母亲 5. br_th_ _ 兄;弟 6. gr_ndm_th_r r(外)祖母 7. gr_ndf_th_r r(外)祖父 8. fr_ _nd 朋友 9. gr_ndp_r_nt (外)祖父/母 10. th_s_ 这些 11. _r_ 是 12. th_s_ 那些 13. sh_ 她 14. h_ 他 15. s_n 儿子 16. c_ _s_n 堂(表)兄弟、姐妹 17. d_ _ght_ _ 女儿

18. _ncl_ 叔;伯;舅等 19. _ _nt 姑、婶、伯母等 20. d_ _r 亲爱的(称谓) 21. gr_ _t 绝美的;伟大的 22. ph_t_ 照片 23. h_r_ 在这里 24. l_v_ 爱;热爱 25. v_r_ 很;非常 26. m_ch 很;许多的 27. s_ _ 看见 28. s_ _n 不久;一会儿后 29. th_ _ 他(她,它)们 二、 词组: 1. 为……而感谢 ______________________ 2. 很;非常 ______________________ 3. 再见。 S_____________________ 4. 笔友 ______________________ 5. 这/那是…… ______________________ 6. 这/那些是…… ______________________ 7. 他/她是……吗? ______________________ 8. 回答 7 的问题 ______________________ 9. 感谢你的绝美的家庭照。 ______________________ Unit 4 一、 单词: 1. wh_r_ 在哪里 2. t_bl_ 桌子 3. b_d 床 4. dr_ss_ _ 梳妆台;碗柜 5. b_ _kc_s_ 书橱;书箱 6. s_f_ 沙发 7. ch_ _ _ 椅子 8. dr_w_ _ 抽屉 9. pl_nt 植物 10. _nd_ _ 在……之下 11. _n 在……之上 12. b_h_nd 在……之后

13. n_xt 下一个;与…..邻接 14. kn_ _ 知道;了解 15. b_g 书包;提包;口袋 16. m_th 数学 17. _l_ _m 警报;警告声音 18. _ _ 激光唱片 19. v_d_ _ 电视播放的 20. c_ss_tt_ 卡式录音带盒 21. h_t 帽子 22. t_k_ 拿走;带到 23. th_ng 东西 24. s_cc_ _ 英式足球 25. b_ll 球 26. c_n 能;可以;会 27. br_ng 拿来;带来 28. s_m_ 一些 29. n_ _d 需要 30. fl_ _r 地板;地面 31. _d_ _l 理想的;完美的 32. r_ _m 房间 33. TV 电视;电视机 34. d_sk 书桌 35. p_ct_r_ 图画 36. b_tw_ _n 在(两者)之间 37. t_ _ 也;太 38. w_ll 墙 二、 词组: 1. 在……旁边 ______________________ 2. 闹钟 ______________________ 3. 录像带 ______________________ 4. 英式足球 ______________________ 5. ……在哪里? ______________________ 6. 它/它们在……上/里/下/后/旁边。(回答 5 的问题) ______________________ 7. 对不起,我不知道。 ______________________ 8. 带……到……来 ______________________ 9. 带……到……去 ______________________

10. 有……在……上/里/下/后/旁 ______________________ 11. 在……和……之间 ______________________ Unit 5 一、单词: 1. h_v_ 有;吃;饮 2. t_nn_s 网球 3. r_ck_t 球拍 4. b_t 球棒 5. v_ll_yb_ll 排球 6. b_sk_tb_ll 篮球 7. t_l_v_s_ _n 电视 8. d_ _s 做;(d_的三单式) 9. l_t 让 10. _s 我们(宾语) 11. pl_ _ 玩;打球 12. w_ll 好;对 13. s__nd 听起来 14. g_ _d 良好的 15. w_lc_m_ 受欢迎的 16. _ _r 我们的 17. sp_ _t 运动 18. c_nt_ _ 中心 19. l_k_ 喜欢 20. w_ 我们 21. m_n_ 大量的;许多的 22. cl_b 俱乐部 23. p_ng-p_ng 乒乓球 24. m_ _ _ 更多的 25. j_ _n 加入 26. cl_ss 课;同学 27. _nt_ __st_ng 有趣的 28. b_ __ng 无聊的 29. f_n (口)有趣的 30. d_ff_c_lt 困难的 31. r_l_x_ng 轻松的 32. w_tch 观看;注视 33. h_s 有;吃;饮 34. c_ll_ct_ _n 收藏品 35. b_t 但是 36. _nly 只;仅仅 37. th_m 他们(宾语) 38. sm_ll 小的 39. _v_r_ 每;每一

40. d_y (白)天 二、词组: 1. 网球拍 ______________________ 2. 棒球球棒 ______________________ 3. 看电视 ______________________ 4. 每天 ______________________ 5. 做运动 ______________________ 6. 我/你(你们)/他们有…… ______________________ 7. 他/她有…… ______________________ 8. 我/你(你们)/他们没有…… ______________________ 9. 他/她没有…… ______________________ 10. 你(你们)/他们有……吗? ______________________ 11. 回答 6 的问题 ______________________ 12. 他/她有……吗? ______________________ 13. 回答 8 的问题 ______________________ 14. 咱们…… ______________________ 15. 打(踢)篮球/排球/网球/乒乓球/足球…… ______________________ 16. 那听起来很好/有趣…… ______________________ 17. 赶快加入我们。 ______________________ Unit 6 一、单词: 1. b_n_n_ 香蕉 2. h_mb_rg_ _ 汉堡包 3. t_m_t_ 西红柿 4. br_cc_l_ 花椰菜 5. Fr_nch 法国(人)的 6. fry 油炸的食品;油炸 7. _r_ng_ 橙;柑;橘

8. _c_ 冰 9. cr_ _m 奶油 10. s_l_d 沙拉 11. str_wb_rr_ 草莓 12. _h 噢 13. _gg 蛋;鸡蛋 14. _ppl_ 苹果 15. c_rr_t 胡萝卜 16. ch_ck_n 鸡;鸡肉 17. fr_ _t 水果 18. v_g_t_bl_ 蔬菜 19. br_ _kf_st 早餐 20. l_nch 午餐 21. d_nn_ _ 晚餐 22. r_nn_ _ 奔跑的人/动物 23. _ _t 吃 24. r_n 跑 25. st_ _ 星星;明星 26. l_t 许多 27. h_ _lth_ 健康的 28. f_ _d 食物 29. d_ss_ _t (饭后的)甜食 30. l_st 清单 二、词组: 1. 薯条 ______________________ 2. 冰淇淋 ______________________ 3. 赛跑明星 ______________________ 4. 许多 ______________________ 5. 健康食物 ______________________ 6. 我/你(你们)/他们喜欢…… ______________________ 7. 他/她喜欢…… ______________________ 8. 我/你(你们)/他们不喜欢…… ______________________ 9. 他/她不喜欢…… ______________________ 10. 你(你们)/他们喜欢……吗? ______________________ 11. 回答 5 的问题

______________________ 12. 他/她喜欢……吗? ______________________ Unit 7 一、 单词: 1. p_nts (pl.)(美口)裤子 2. s_ck 短袜 3. sh_ _t 衬衫 4. T-sh_ _t T 恤衫 5. sh_ _ts (pl.)短裤 6. sw_ _t_ _ 毛衣 7. sh_ _ 鞋 8. d_ll_ _ 美(加,港)元 9. c_l_ _ 颜色 10. bl_ck 黑色(的) 11. wh_t_ 白色(的) 12. r_d 红色(的) 13. gr_ _n 绿色(的) 14. bl__ 蓝色(的) 15. b_g 大的 16. sh_ _t 短的;矮的 17. l_ng 长的 18. cl_ _k (银行等)办事员 19. h_lp 帮助 20. w_nt 想要 21. cl_th_ng 服装;布 22. st_ _ _ 商店 23. s_l_ 出售 24. t_m_ 时间 25. y_ _r 年 26. _g_ _n 又;再 27. f_nt_st_c 极好的 28. pr_c_ 价格 29. ch_ _p 便宜的 30. _ll 全部 31. _ _ch 每个 32. _ _ 或者;否则 33. j_st 仅仅 34. b_l_ _v_ 相信 35. c_m_ 来 36. d_ _n 向下 37. y_ _rs_lf 你自己 38. c_ _l 棒的;酷的 39. g_ _ds 货物 40. b_y 买

41. fr_m 从;从……起 42. s_ll 卖 43. z_gz_g Z 字形线条 44. cl_th_s (pl.)衣服 45. sh_p 商店;买东西 46. y_ll_ _ 黄色(的) 47. _sk 问;请求;要求 48. wh_ch 哪个;哪些 二、 词组: 1. 多少(钱) ______________________ 2. 给你。 ______________________ 3. 不用谢;不客气 Y_____________________ 4. 到达…… ______________________ 5. 看一看…… ______________________ 6. 对不起。 ______________________ 7. 什么颜色 ______________________ 8. 价格特惠 ______________________ 9. 各种颜色的…… ______________________ 10. 每件仅售 5 元 ______________________ 11. 亲自看看吧 ______________________ 12. 从……买…… ______________________ 13. 卖……给…… ______________________ 14. 出售 ______________________ 15. 这/那/这些/那些……多少钱? ______________________ 16. 回答 7 的问题 ______________________ 17. 您要点什么? ______________________ 18. 我买下了。 ______________________

Review of Units 7 一、 单词: 1. wr_t_ 写 2. w_th 和;用(工具);带 3. _n 一个(元音前) 4. c_nv_ _s_t_ _n 谈话 5. th_ _ _ 在那里 6. f_n_ (身体、天气等)好 7. t_d_ _ 今天 8. r_st_ _r_nt 餐馆 9. _p_n 打开;营业 10. fr_ _ 免费的;空闲的 11. m_ _l 一餐;一顿饭 12. c_ntr_l 中心的;中央的 13. str_ _t 街道 14. r_ _l 真正的 15. m_ll 商业街 16. d_sc_ _nt 折扣 17. vs=v 比;对 18. pm 下午 19. h_rr_ 赶紧 20. t_ck_t 票 21. dyn_st_ 王朝 22. _xh_b_t_ _n 展览 23. n_t_ _n_l 国家的;民族的 24. m_s_ _m 博物馆 25. h_k_ 徒步旅行 26. m_ _nt_ _n 山;高山 27. w_lk 走;不行 28. c_mp_t_t_ _n 竞赛 29. pl_z_ 购物中心 30. pr_z_奖金 二、 词组: 1. 我用钢笔书写。 ______________________ 2. 你好吗? ______________________ 3. 发生了什么事? ______________________ Unit 8 一、 单词: 1. wh_n 什么时候 2. b_ _thd_ _ 生日 3. m_nth 月

4. d_t_ 日期 5. b_ _th 出生 6. _g_ 年龄 7. _ld 年老的;年长的 8. sp_ _ch 演讲 9. c_nt_st 竞赛 10. p_ _ty 晚会 11. tr_p 旅行(短程) 12. _v_nt 比赛项目 13. _ _t 艺术;美术 14. f_st_v_l 节日 15. p_p 通俗的;流行的 16. c_nc_ _t 音乐会 17. ch_r_s 合唱团 18. l_ct_r_ 演讲 19. m_s_c 音乐 二、 词组: 1. 几岁 ______________________ 2. 郊游 ______________________ 3. 篮球赛 ______________________ 4. 排球赛 ______________________ 5. 学校上课日 ______________________ 6. 英语演讲比赛 ______________________ 7. 生日晚会 ______________________ 8. 什么比赛项目 ______________________ 9. 艺术节 ______________________ 10. 每年 ______________________ 11. 流行音乐会 ______________________ 12. 你的生日是什么时候? ______________________ 13. 10 月 10 日 ______________________ 14. 你是几岁? ______________________

15. 我是 15 岁 ______________________ 16. 他/她是几岁? ______________________ 17. 他/她是 14 岁。 ______________________ Unit 9 一、 单词: 1. g_ 去 2. m_v_ _ 电影 3. _ct_ _n 动作;行动 4. c_m_d_ 喜剧 5. d_c_m_nt_r_ 纪录片 6. thr_ll_ _ 恐怖电影/小说 7. k_nd 好心的;种类 8. s_ng_l_ _ 单数(的) 9. pl_r_l 复数(的) 10. _ls_ 也 11. _p_r_ 歌剧 12. f_nd 找到 13. s_m__n_ 某人 14. wh_ 谁 15. st_d_nt 学生 16. sc_r_ 可怕的 17. f_nny 好玩的 18. s_d 悲伤的 19. _xc_t_ng 令人激动的 20. th_nk 想;认为 21. _ft_n 常常 22. y_ _ng 年轻的;年幼的 23. p_ _pl_ 人们 24. _s__lly 通常 25. w_ _k_nd 周末 26. st_y 逗留 27. h_m_ 家 28. l_ _ _n 学习;了解 29. _b_ _t 大约;关于 30. Ch_n_s_ 中文;中国人;中国(人)的 31. h_st_ry 历史 32. r_ _d 阅读 33. st_ry 故事 34. s_m_ 相同(的) 35. r_ _s_n 理由;原因 36. w_ _d 字;词;话;语言 37. Ch_n_ 中国

38. d_ff_r_nt 不同的 39. f_v_r_t_ 最喜爱的 40. _ct_ _ 演员 41. n_w 新的 42. sp_ _d 速度 43. s_cc_ssf_l 成功的 44. b_st 最好的 45. f_m_ _s 著名的 46. sl_ _pl_ss 失眠的 47. n_ght 夜;夜间 48. f_ct 事实 49. t_ll 告诉;讲述 50. m_ 我(宾格) 51. r_ _ll_ 真正地 52. _v_n 甚至;更加 53. b_ 是 54. _ _t_st 艺术家 55. d_scr_pt_ _n 描述 二、 词组: 1. 去看电影 ______________________ 2. 看动作片 ______________________ 3. 京剧 ______________________ 4. 呆在家里 ______________________ 5. 看…… ______________________ 6. 许多;大量 ______________________ 7. 因为 ______________________ 8. 一句话;简言之 ______________________ 9. 电影明星 ______________________ 10. 事实上 ______________________ 11. 在北京 ______________________ 12. 在周末 ______________________ 13. 了解许多关于…… ______________________

14. 我(不)认为…… ______________________ 15. 想要做某事 ______________________ 16. 我/你(你们)/他们想要…… ______________________ 17. 他/她想要…… ______________________ 18. 我/你(你们)/他们想要……吗? ______________________ 19. 回答 14 的问题 ______________________ 20. 他/她想要……吗? ______________________ 21. 回答 16 的问题 ______________________ Unit 10 一、 单词: 1. g_ _t_ _ 吉他 2. d_nc_ 跳舞 3. sw_m 游泳 4. s_ng 唱歌 5. ch_ss 国际象棋 6. p_ _nt 画画 7. sp_ _k 说话 8. p_ _n_ 钢琴 9. sw_mm_ _ 游泳者 10. j_b 工作;职位 11. ch_ldr_n (pl.)孩子 12. k_d 小孩 13. s_mm_ _ 夏天 14. c_mp 野营 15. dr_m 鼓 16. tr_mp_t 喇叭 17. v_ _l_n 小提琴 18. m_s_c_ _n 音乐家 19. th_n 然后;那时 20. t_lk 谈话 21. _nf_rm_t_ _n 信息 22. r_ck 摇滚乐 23. b_nd 乐队 24. t_l_nt 才干;才能 25. sh_ _ 表演;展示 26. S_nd_ _ 星期天 27. _ _d_t_r_ _m 礼堂

28. _ct 表演;行为 29. J_p_n_s_ 日语;日本人;日本(人)的 30. m_y 可能;可以 31. c_nt_ct 联系 32. _-m_ _l 电子邮件 33. _ddr_ss 地址 34. dr_ w 画 35. l_ttl_ 少量的 36. f_ll 填满 37. _ _t 在外;向外 二、 词组: 1. 夏令营 ______________________ 2. 摇滚乐队 ______________________ 3. 天才表演 ______________________ 4. 功夫 ______________________ 5. 少量;稍许 ______________________ 6. 弹吉他 ______________________ 7. 下国际象棋 ______________________ 8. ……俱乐部 ______________________ 9. 填充 ______________________ 10. 和……谈话 ______________________ 11. 我/你(你们)/他/她/他们能…… ______________________ 12. 我/你(你们)/他/她/他们能……吗? ______________________ 13. 回答 7 的问题 ______________________ 14. 你能做什么? ______________________ 附录: 附录: 一、基数词 基数词: 基数词 1._n_ 2.tw_ 3.thr_ _ 4.f_ _r 5.f_v_ 6.s_x 7.s_v_n 8._ _ght

9.n_n_ 10.t_n 11._l_v_n 12.tw_lv_ 13.th_rt__n 14.f_ _rt_ _n 15.f_ft_ _n 16.s_xt__n 17.s_v_nt_ _n 18._ _ght_ _n 19.n_n_t_ _n 20.tw_nt_ 21.tw_nty-_n_ 30.th_rt_ 40f_rt_ 50.f_ft_ 60.s_xt_ 70.s_v_nt_ 80._ _ght_ 90.n_n_t_ 100._n_ h_ndr_d 201.tw_ h_ndr_d _nd _n_ 二、基数词变序数词 基数词变序数词: 基数词变序数词 基变序,有规律, 结尾加上 th th; 1、2、3,特殊例, 结尾字母 tdd tdd; 8 去 t,9 去 e, 9 ve 要用 f 替; ty 将 y 改成 i, th 前要有个 e。 三、 月份: 月份 1.J_n_ _ry 2.F_br_ _ry 3.M_rch 4._pr_l 5.M_y 6.J_n_ 7.J_ly 8._ _g_st 9.S_pt_mb_ _ 10._ct_b_ _ 11.N_v_mb_ _ 12.D_c_mb_ _ 四、可数名词单变复 可数名词单变复: 可数名词单变复 1. +s,一般,如:book—books,boy—boys, photo—photos。 2. +es,以 s,x,sh,ch 结尾,如:watch—watches。 3. +ies,以“辅音字母+y”结尾,去 y 加 ies,如:story—stories。 4. 不规则变化:Chinese—原形,tomato—tomatoes,child—children。


Ⅳ.阅读理解(15 分) 阅读理解(15 A

阅读短文,选择正确答案。 阅读短文,选择正确答案。(5 分) There are four people in the twins’ family. ins,their mother and their father. The twins’ names are Lucy and Lily. They are fourteen. They a re in the same class in No. 3 Middle School and they are all good students. Their father M r. King is a teacher. He’ s thirty-nine. He teaches English in a school near his home. s. King is a doctor. Their mother Mr Now, they They are the tw

She works in a hospital.

are all at home. They are happy. 1.There are______________people in the twin’ s family. A.three B.four C.five D.six

2.Mr King is a______________. A.worker B.teather C.doctor D.student

3.Mrs King works_______________. A.in a school C.in a hospital B.in a factory D.at home

4.How old is Mrs. king? A.Thirty. C.Thirty-two B.Thirty-nine. D.I don’ t know.

5.The twins are in_______________ middle school.

A.No. 1 B

B.No. 2

C.No. 3

D.No. 4

阅读短文,判断正误,正确的写 T ,错误的写“F 阅读短文,判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写 F” (10 分) Jim Green is a student at No. 14 Middle school. He has classe s from Monday to Friday. He has many things to do after cla

ss. On Monday and Wednesday he helps his friends with their E nglish. On Tuesday he makes modle planes. on, he plays basketball. ts and sister on Saturday. home and does his homework. ( ( )6.Jim has classes from Monday to Saturday. )7. Jim helps his friends with their English after class On Friday afterno

He goes to the park with his paren On Sunday, he has a good rest at

on Monday and Wednesday. ( ( ( )8.Jim plays basketball on Saturday afternoon. )9. Jim helps his sister with her homework on Wednesday. )10.Jim has a good rest at home on Sunday. 非选择题部分(45 分) 非选择题部分(45 Ⅰ.根据句意及首字母,写出下列单词的正确形式(10 分) 根据句意及首字母,写出下列单词的正确形式(10 1.There are seven s___________on the hill. 2.We can see many a_____________in the zoo. 3.Look at the b____________and listen to the teacher.

4.There aren’ t any boats on the r__________. 5. My p_____________are at home. They love me. 6.—What’ s his a_____________? —It’ s No. 26 Changzheng Street. 7.My parents often t____________me to the zoo. 8 W_______________to our home. Come in,please.

9.This is my c____________and it has a mouse. 10.Some money is in my p_____________. Ⅱ.写出所给单词的正确形式(10 分) 写出所给单词的正确形式(10 1.My____________(shoe)are under the bed. 2.—Please have a_____________(sit). —Thank you. 3.My bag is old.What about___________(you)? 4.______________(Who)sweater is this? 5.They are white. Please colour______________(they) red. 6.They are the______________(twins)books. 7.It___________(look)like a hat. 8.Excuse_________(I). Are these your coats? 9.The door is____________(lock). 10.Let us__________(look) for a pen. Ⅲ.完成对话(10 分) 完成对话(10

A:____________me,Bill. _______pencil.

Can you__________me?I can’ t find

B:Isn’ t it_____________your bag? A:No,it______________. B:Please look______________it under the desk. A:Oh, it is over there. Thank you very______________.

B:____________all______________. A:It’ s time_____________go to the classroom. B:Let’ s go. Ⅳ.写作(15 分) 写作(15 A.完成下列句子(5 分) This is a Chinese girl. ___________name is Wei Hua. She is in No. 9___________School. We are in the_____class. __Green. We love her. B.用 30 个左右的单词介绍你的一个朋友(长相、爱好、喜欢的食物、 善于做的事情、和你们的友情)(10 分) One of my friends She is in___________0ne, Grade Two. Our English teacher is___________

新目标英语七年级(上)期末复习汉译英专练(二) 二、根据 A 句完成 B 句,使两句意思相同或相近。 1.A:What’s your nam e? B: __________ I ___________ your name? 2. A:What age ar

e your? B: ____________ ___________ are you? 3. A:His na me is Victor. B: ____________ ____________ Victor. 4.A: Wh at can you do for you? B: __________ I ____________ you? 5. A: We have red sweaters . B: We have __________ _________ red. 6.A: My father and mother are teachers. B: My _____________ are teachers. 7.A:My favorite subject is English? B: I ___________ English ___________. 8.A:This is his family photo. B: This is the ____________of _______ family. 9.A:Thank you very much. That’s all ri ght. B: ______ ______ ______. _____ ______ ______. 10.A;Her family name is Green. B: Her __________ name is Green. 11.A;What y ear were you born? B: ________ were you born? 12.A:What’s th e time? B: What time _________ __________? 13.A:Let’s re ad Unit 5. B: Let’s read ________ ________ ________. 14. A:I like sleeping a little longer. B: I like _________ ________ a litt le longer. 15.A:Mike and I often go to movies. B: I often go to mov ies ___________ _________. 16.A: What subject do you like best? B: What’s __________ ____________ _________. 三、联词成句。 1. does, Barry, not, ping-pong,like _________________________________ ___________ 2. day, play, you do ,every, sports ________________ __________________________________ 3. have, clubs, here, socce r, we,many_______________________________________________ 4. lots, food, brother, eats, healthy, my, of_______________________ _____________________ 5. fifteen dollars, hats, blue, we, for, black, and, have___________________________________ 6. when, birthda y,is, Sandy’s, party _____________________________________________ ____ 7. can, he, help, the, swimming, with, children______________ __________________________ 8. please, more, to, Mr Wang, talk, f or, information____________________________________ 9. four ,aro und, be it, thirty________________________________________________ _______ 10. I, after class, have for , gymnastics,two hours__________ ____________________________

Ⅰ.单项选择(20 分) 单项选择(20

1.Look after your brother, please. ______. A.young B.small C.old

He’ s very________A__


2.______C______are good friends.

A.I and she C.She and I

B.I and her D.She and me

3.Lily is_______D________red. A.on B.at C.for D.in

4.—Who’ s that? —I think______A_______is Mr Green. A.he B.this C.him D.it

5.Let’ s_______D________. A.to go home C.at home B.go to home D.go home

6.—_______C______man is your father? --The one in a black car. A.What B.Who C.Which D.Whose

7.There is sixty minutes(分钟)in_______B_________hour. A.a B.an C.the D./

8.—Where is my hat? —I can’ t______C_______it. A.look for C.find B.look after D.look Please______D_______.

9.The clothes are yours. A.put on C.put it on

B.put on them D.put them on

10.Lily and Lucy are twins. They_______C_________. A.look like C.look the same B.look like the same D.looks like

11.Which of the two pencils______A_______yours? A.are B.is C.have D.has

12.Is there_______B_________money in the bag? A.a B.any C.some D.many

13.We often_______D_______TV at 6∶00. A.looks B.sees C.watchs D.watch

14.It’ s_____D_____old photo_______D________my family. A.a,at B.an,in C.the,of D.an,of

15.It’ s time______C________. A.to get school C.for school B.get to school D.get to school

16.Can she_______B_______it_______B________Mr Zhang? A.gives,/ B.give,to C.gives,to D.give,/

17.—Whose watches are they? —They are_______D_______. A.Lily and Lucy′s C.Lily’ s and Lucy B.Lily and Lucy D.Lily’ s and Lucy’ s

18.—Whose shoes are these? —They are______B_________.





19.________D________ _______D_______are they?They are red,g reen,yellow and grey. A.Which colour C.Which colours B.What colour D.What colours

20.There’ s_______B_________cat here. A.not C.not any Ⅱ.情景配对 栏相搭配的答语。 从 B 栏中选择与 A 栏相搭配的答语。(10 分) A 1. Welcome to our school. ) 2.Are you Mr. Wang? ( G ) ( ( ( A ) H ) F ) ( B B.no D.not some

3.What’ s your phone number? 4.Whose dog is that behind the desk? 5.Can I see your licence, please? 6. What time is it now? ( C ) 7.What colour is the dog? ( E )

8. What’ s twenty plus thirty? ) 9. Which sweater is yours? D ) 10. Where’ s Tom’ s football? B A.It’ s 2210974. B.Thank you. C.It is fifteen past seven. D.The red one is mine. E. It’ s black. F.OK. Here you are. G.Yes,I am. H.It’ s Wang Tao’ s dog. I.It’ s under the bed. J.It’ s fifty.








I. 单项选择题(25)分 1.I think it is ________ interesting book. A a B an C 不填 D the 2.---Is this _______ dictionary?----No, it isn't.. It is _______ dictionary. A you,he B your , he C you ,his D your , his 3.Please_______ these things _____your classroom. A bring , to B take , to C bring ,for D take ,for 4.Let's_______ basketball.

A plays B play, the C play D to play 5._____your brother_______English? A Do ,like B Do ,likes C Does ,like D Does, likes 6. My sister _____eggs ______breakfast. A have, for B has, for C have, to D has ,to 7.---Do you often _______a movie? ----No , I often ________TV. A see ,see B watch ,watch C see ,watch D watch ,see 8.Thanks________the photo _______your school. A of, for B for ,of C for, about D about, for 9.The boy is _______.He eats_____good food. A healthy , a lot B health ,a lot of C healthy , lots of D heath, a l ot of 10._____ are these socks ? ---Twenty yuan. A What B How old C How much D When 11.____do you want?----Blue. A How much B What color C What D When 12. September is _____month of the year. A nine B ninth C the ninth D the nineth 13.My good friend is twelve_______ A, years old B year old C old year D old years 14.--________is your teacher ? -----He is in the classroom. A When B How C Where D What 15.I like apples , _____I don't like oranges A and B or C but D 不填 16.Do you often go to see Beijing Opera______your friend______ week ends? A with , about B about , on C with, on D on ,with 17.He likes playing _______ piano and he can play_______volleyball. A.the the B the 不填 C 不填 不填 D the 不填 18. What club do you want ________? A to join B join C joins Djoin in 19.You can call him ______035-7578. A at B in C for D on 20. Let me ______your watch. A have a look B has a look C have a look at D has a look at 21.---Your English is very good.--_________________. A No, it isn't good B Yes C Thank you D Don't say like this 22. He can _____about Chinese history. A learn B to learn C learns D to lear ns 23.---______David and Jane like bananas? ---Yes ,___________. A Do, he does B Do , they do C Does , he does D Do , they don't 24. Excuse me , C an you help _______?

A his B our C he D us 25.Look! These are ______pens. A your brother B you C your brother's D your brothers II.完形填空 (10 分) June 26 action movies and she often goes 2 7 Chinese action movi es. She thinks they are very 28 . She thinks documentaries are borin g, 29 she doesn’t like 30 . She thinks they are scary. She 31 like s Beijing Opera. Some 32 don’t like it, but she thinks it very 33 . Sh e thinks she can 34 Chinese history. She with her friends 35 to see Beijing Opera. ( )26. A. really like B. like really C. really likes D. likes really ( ) 27. A. seeing B. to see C. see D. sees ( ) 28. A. exciting B. boring C. difficult D. sad ( ) 29. A. but B. so C. or D. and ( ) 30. A. comedies B. thrillers C. action movies D. documentar ies ( )31. A. too B. either C. also D. often ( ) 32. A. people B. peoples C. English D. Chinese ( ) 33. A. interesting B. boring C. scary D. exciting ( ) 34. A. thinks of B. think of C. learns about D. learn about ( ) 35. A. has B. go C. wants D. find V.阅读理解 (15 分) A 根据短文内容选择最佳答案 This is a Chinese boy. His name is Wu Yonghua. He is twelve. He is in No. 8 Middle School. He’s in Class Three, Grade Two. His English tea cher is Mr. Liu. His Chinese teacher is Mr. Zhu. Bob is an English boy. He’s in No. 8 Middle School, too. His English teacher is Miss Wang. Hi s Chinese teacher is Mrs. Fang. Wu Yonghua and Bob are Number 5. They are good friends. ( ) 36. Wu Yonghua is _____ boy. A. an American B. a Chinese C. an English D. a Japanese ( ) 37. How old is Wu Yonghua? _______. A. He’s 10 B. He’s 11 C. She’s 12 D. He’s 12 ( ) 38. Bob is ______ boy. A. a Chinese B. an English C. an American D. a Japanese ( )39. How old is Bob? _______. A. He’s 12 B. She’s 12 C. He’s 13 D. We don’t know ( ) 40. Which is not right(正确)? A. Mr. Zhu is Bob’s English teacher. B. Mrs. Fang is Wu Yonghua’s Chinese teacher. C. Bob is Wu Yonghua’s friend

D. A and B B Jim is a basketball fan (球迷). He is very good at playing basketball. Mi chael Jorden is his favorite (最喜欢的) basketball player. Jim is on the s chool basketball team. Every Friday (星期五) afternoon, they play basket ball after class. Jim’s friend Mike isn’t good at basketball, but he’s very good at football. Ronaldo is his favorite football player. Mike is on the fo otball team. They play football every Tuesday afternoon. 根据短文内容判断正(T)、误(F)。 ( ) 41. Jim likes basketball very much. ( )4 2. Michael Jorden is a football player. ( )4 3. Jim plays basketball every day. ( ) 44. Jim’s friend Mike is good at basketball, too. ( ) 45. Ronaldo is Jim’s favorite football player. 第一卷选择题答题卡 注意:书写要工整、清楚,否则不记分(1-35 题每题 1 分 36-45 题每题 1.5 分) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

第二卷非选择题 IV.根据句意及首字母(汉语)提示补全单词(10 分) 1.December is the t_________month of the year . 2.Can you a__________ this question? 3.Tom is English but he can s_______ Chinese . 4.This story s__________ very interesting. 5.The apple is a kind of f_________. 6.I ________( 想 )he likes English. 7.It's an English --Chinese ___________(字典) 8.Is Zhao Wei a ___________ (成功的) actor? 9.This shirt is very good and I want to _________ (买下)it. 10.You can buy clothes for __________ (自己). V. 按要求改写句子(12 分) 1.Lucy has a friend.(改为一般疑问句) _______Lucy ________ a friend? 2.Can she play basketball?(做否定回答)

No, _______ ________ 3.My brother’s birthday is April 3rd.(划线提问) ______ _______ your brother’s birthday? 4.Do Jim and Bob want a room ?(做肯定回答) Yes , _______ ________. 5.My parents are forty .(划线提问) ________ _________ are your parents? 6. want,join.to,we,English,club,the (连词成句) 7.often,we,to,go,see,Beijing Opera,our,friends,with(连词成句) VI.对话配对 根据 A 栏内容在 B 栏选择正确的答案(8 分) A ( ) 1. How much is the white T-shirt? ( ) 2. It’s a very successful thriller, ( ) 3. Does she want to go to movies? ( ) 4. How old is she? ( ) 5. What can I do for you? ( ) 6. What kind of movies do you like? ( ) 7. Who likes Cartoons best? ( ) 8. When is your cousin’s birthday? B A. She’s 13. B. I like thrillers. C. It’s Sep. 21st. D. My brother does. E. It’s $ 12. F. but I think it’s boring. G. Yes, please. I need a black bag. H. No, she doesn’t. VII..根据短文内容用所给词的适当形式填空(10 分) Mr. White____(be) an English man. He teaches English. His English clas s is very interesting. He ____(like) us and we like him, too. Mr. White _ ____(have) two children—Tom and Lucy. Tom ____(be) seven and ____ _(he) sister Lucy is four. Tom _____(go) to school but Lucy _____(not g o) to school . Mr. White likes to wear a T-shirt and jeans(牛仔裤). Footb all is _____(he)favorite sport. After school we have a basketball match. Mr. White often _____(watch) and joins (加入) us. He ______(play) bask etball just (只是) for fun. VIII.补全对话,答案写在题后的横线上。(10 分) Jack: Can I (1)_______ (2)___________? Rose: Yes, please. I want some football socks. Jack: (3)______ (4)_______do you want?

Rose: White. How much(5)_______ (6)_______? Jack: Ten yuan . Rose: I will take (7)_________. Jack: (8)________you(9)_____________. Rose: (10)_________you very much. Jack: You are welcome. IX.书面表达(20 分) 以 My friend 为题,根据提示写一篇作文 Ann 有一个好朋友,他是中国人,他的名字叫李平,今年 14 岁了,9 月 10 日是 的他的生日。他喜欢足球和电影,看!足球在椅子下面,许多 VCD 在桌子上, 他经常和他的父亲下棋,他弹吉他弹的很好。你喜欢 他吗? 答案 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 B D B C C B C B 11 12 13 14 15 16 B C A C C C D A 21 22 23 24 25 26 C A B D C C B A 31 32 33 34 35 36 C A A D C B D B 41 42 43 44 45 T F F F F 10 C C 17 18 19 20 A C 27 28 29 30 B D 37 38 39 40 D C

第二卷非选择题 IV.根据句意及首字母(汉语)提示补全单词(10 分) 1.twelfth 2.answer 3.speaker 4.sounds 5.fruit 6.think 7.dictionary 8.succes sful 9.take/have 10.yourself V. 按要求改写句子(12 分) 1.Does,have 2.she,can’t 3.When ,is 4.they,do 5.How,old 6.We want to joi n the English club. 7.we often go to see Beijing Opera with our friends. VI.对话配对 根据 A 栏内容在 B 栏选择正确的答案(8 分) 1.E 2.F 3.H 4.A 5.G 6.B &.D 8.C VII..根据短文内容用所给词的适当形式填空(10 分) is ,likes, has,is,his,goes,doesn’t go,his,watches,plays VIII.补全对话,答案写在题后的横线上。(10 分) 1. help 2.you 3.What 4.color 5.are 6.they 7.them 8.Here 9.are 10.Thank IX.书面表达(20 分) My friend Ann has a friend .His name is Li Ping. He is 14years old .His birthday i s on September 10th .He likes playing football and going to the movies.

Look!There is a football under the chair.There are some VCDs on he ta ble. He often plays chess with his father. He plays guitar very well. Do you like him?


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