雅思写作大作文参考范文:要不要动物活体实验 - 范文中心



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题目:Scientists are doing experiments on live animals for the purpose of research nowadays .Some people believe that this is not only cruel but also unnecessary; others think it is in the interest of mankind as a whole . Discuss.

范文:Along with the development of society, more and more phenomena have been brought to our attention. Some people believe that experiments on live animals are of cruelty, arguing the fact that this kind of research is

unvalued. However, other people who stand on a very different ground firmly point out that it is beneficial to human beings. From my point of view, I do strongly support the latter idea.

The first reason can be seen by every person is that results of experiments on some certain animals can help

scientists. Scientists can determine whether these sorts of substance which are used in laboratory are feasible or not by analyzing the reaction of the animals. Sometimes, it is not only the best way but also the only approach due to danger of the experiments that could not occur on the human being.

The second reason for my propensity for the above statement is that the scientists can keep researching with different ways. It is flexible and economical for experts to do it, even though they fail to attain what they want. Furthermore, they may repeat process more easily.

Finally, this kind of experiments will let people know more about themselves, which is a lot in common between human race and animals. Therefore, the results of research can help people to get further knowledge about mankind.

However, on the other hand, we can not deny that some people want to reach their achievements by killing the animals cruelly. So something has to be done to improve the technology and equipments in laboratory, meanwhile, to make sure these behaviors are legal.

Judging from above evidence offered, we can see animal experiments do more good than harm to us. These processes play more and more important roles for the people's future.

以上就是小编为大家带来 雅思 写作大作文参考范文:要不要动物活体实验的全部内容,希望大家在平时要多加练习,只有在平时的时候多加练习,才能在 雅思考试 当中熟练掌握,正确应用,从而提高我们的雅思成绩,预祝大家取得好成绩。





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