汽车专业英语词汇(7) - 范文中心



氧化脱碳 oxidation and decarbonization

过热与过燃烧 overheat and overcrook

渗碳 carburizing

真空渗碳 vacuum carburizing

渗氮(氮化) nitriding

碳氮共渗(氰化) carbonitriding (cyaniding)

软氮化 tufftride

离子氮化 ion-nitriding

氰化 cyaniding

激光热处理 lasering heat treatmetn

氧化处理 oxidation treatment

发蓝处理 blueing

磷化处理 phosphating

蒸气处理 steam treatment

渗铝 aluminizing

渗硼 boronizing

硫化 sulphurizing

表面抛光 surface polishing

镀覆热处理 plating and heat treatment

喷涂 spraying

离子束注入 ion injection

化学气相沉积法 chemical vaporous depositon

物理气相沉积法 physical vaporous deosition

喷镀 sputter

电镀 electroplate

调质 hardening and high temperature tempering

韧度 toughness

红硬性 red hardness

脆性 brittleness

冷脆性 cold brittleness

淬硬性(淬透性) hardenability

金相学 metallography

宏观组织 macro-structure

显微组织 micro-structure

低倍照相 macrography

金相图 phase diagram

奥氏体 austenite

马氏体 martensite

珠光体 pealite

贝氏体 bainite

铁素体 ferrite

索氏体 sorbite

屈氏体 troostite

渗碳体 cementite

莱氏体 ledeburite

临界点 critical point

白点 flake

晶体大小 grain size

再结晶 recrystallization

离析性 segregation

共晶 eutectic

热处理炉 heat treatment furnace

加热炉 heating frunace

分批炉 batch furnace

反射炉 reverberatory furnace

电炉 electric furnace

电阻炉 resistance furnace

马弗炉 box furnace(muffle furnace)

井式炉 shaft furnace

油炉 oil-fired furnace

坑式炉 low-shaft furnace

连续炉 continous furnace

真空炉 vacuum furnace

退火炉 annealing furnace

高频炉 high-frequency furnace

渗碳炉 carburizing furnace

感应炉 induction furnace

滚式炉 roller hearth oven

煤气炉 gas-fired furnace

台车式炉 truck-loading furnace

炉床 hearth

退火箱 annealing box

淬火槽 quenching bach

渗碳箱 technical service

油槽 sump

喷沙机 sander

喷丸室 shot blast chamber

硬度计(回跳,肖氏) sclerometer

肖氏硬度计 shore hardness tester

红外线高温计 infrared pyrometer

汽车维护 vehicle maintenance

汽车修理 vehicle repair

汽车维护制度 system of vehicle maintenance and repair

汽车维修性 maintainability of vehicle

汽车技术状况 technical condition of vehicle

汽车完好技术状况 good condition of vehicle

汽车不良状况 bad condition of vehicle

汽车工作能力 working ability of vehicle

汽车技术状况参数 parameters for technical condition of vehicle

热电偶高温计 thermocouple pyrometer

汽车极限技术状况 limiting condition of vehicle

汽车技术状况变化规律 regularity for change of technical condition of vehicle

运行缺陷 operational defect

制造缺陷 manufacturing defect

设计缺陷 design defect

事故性缺陷 accidental defect

汽车耗损 vehicle wear-out

汽车零件磨损 wear of vehicle part

磨损过程 wear process

正常磨损 normal wear

极限磨损 limiting wear

允许磨损 permissible wear

磨损率 wear rate

机械磨损 mechanical wear

化学磨损 chemical wear

热磨损 thermic wear

疲劳磨损 fatigue wear

腐蚀性磨损 corrosion wear

故障磨损 failure wear

故障 malfunctioning

断裂 breakdown

损坏 damage

更换(零件) replacing

擦伤 scratching

刮伤 scoring

点蚀 pitting

粘附 adhesion

咬粘 seizure

烧伤 burning

穴蚀 cavitation

老化 ageing

疲劳 fatigue

变形 deformation

缺陷 defect

汽车故障 vehicle failure

完全故障 complete failure

局部故障 partial failure

致命故障 critical failure

严重故障 major failure

一般故障 minor failure

汽车故障现象 symptom of vehicle failure

抢气 mixture robbery

呛油 fuel fouling

盘车 turning

飞车 run way

工作粗暴 rough running

早燃 preignition

回火 back fire

自燃现象 dieseling (after run)

爆震(爆燃) detonation

火花(点火)爆燃 spark knock

燃料爆燃 fuel knock(gas knock)

不发火(不点火) misfiring

调速不匀 hunting

过度停顿 flat spot

调速器工作不匀 governor hunting

回流 back flow

串气 blow-by

稀释 dilution

滤清器阻塞 clogged filter

润滑超量 overlubrication

(气缸)上油 oil pumping

(柴油喷射系)渗漏滴油 after dripping

(燃气系)气阻 vapor lock

结胶 gum deposit

敲缸 knock

拉缸 cylinder score

咬缸 cylinder sticking

轴颈擦伤 journal score

刮伤 scuff

拉瓦 bearing score

(化油器)汽湿现象 percolation

化油器结冰 carburetor icing

活塞敲缸 piston knock(piston slap)

活塞裙部挤扁 collapse of piston skirt

气门挺杆发响 tappet noise (valve knock)

汽门弹簧颤动 valve spring surge

(蓄电池)硫化 sulphation

(蓄电池)过度放电 over discharge

(火花塞)铅沉积 lead fouling

(火花塞)积碳 carbon fouling

真空提前失效 defective vacuum advance

高压线跳火错乱 secondary wire crossfiring

转向反冲 steering kickback

离合器炸裂 clutch explosion

制动踏板发软 spongy brake pedal

制动踏板费力 hard pedal

制动器发响 noisy brake

制动踏板过低 low brake pedal

制动盘摆动 disc runout

制动失效 brake fade

减震器失效 defective shock absorber

轮胎烧耗 burn rubber

轮胎急速磨损 peel rubber

漂滑效应 hydro-planing (aqua-planing)

(由于紧急制动)紧急滑行 impending skid

充气不足 under -inflation

异响 abnormal knocking

泄漏 leakage

过热 overheat

失控 out of control

乏力 lack of power

污染超限 illegal exhaust and noise

费油 excessive consumption of fuel and oil

振抖 fluttering

故障率 failure rate

平均故障率的观察值 observed mean failure rate

故障树型分析法 fault tree analysis

汽车维护类别 class of vehicle maintenance

定期维护 periodic maintenance

季节性维护 seasonal maintenance

技术保养 technical service

清洗 washing

技术检查 check-up

保养里程 service cycle

每日保养 daily sevice

防护 preserving

冬季保养 winter check-up

夏季保养 summer check-up

走合维护 running -in maintenance

汽车修理类别 class of vehicle repair

汽车大修 major repair of vehicle

汽车中修 medium repair of vehicle

汽车小修 current repair of vehicle

总成修理 unit repair

零件修理 parts repair

计划修理 scheduled repair

定期修理 regulation repair

视情修理 repari on techincal condition

非计划修理 unscheduled repair

修复 reconditioning

修理里程 mileage between repair

拆开 separating

拆下 withdrawing

拆卸 disassembling

校正 aligning

装配 fitting

重新装配 reassembling

调整 adjusting

单独修理 individual repair

汽车报废 motor vehicle liquidation

报废 scrapping

汽车维护工艺 technological process of vehicle maintenance

汽车维护作业 operation of vehicle maintenance

汽车维护工艺过程 technological process of vehicle maintenance

汽车修理工艺 technology of vehicle repair

汽车修理工艺过程 technological process of vehicle repair

技术检验 technical checking

检视 inspection

零件检验分类 inspection and clasification of parts

走合、磨合 running-in

冷磨合 cold running-in

热磨合 hot running-in

修理尺寸 repair size

走(磨)合期 running-in period

走(磨)合过程 running -in process

走(磨)合工况 running-in conditions

加速磨损期 repriod of accelerated wear

极限间隙 limiting clearance

允许间隙 permissible clearance

装配间隙 assembling clearance

汽车维修工艺设备 technological equipment of vehicle maintenace and repair

汽车维修技术标准 technical standard of vehicle repair

汽车诊断 vehicle diagnosis

汽车检测 detecting test of vehicle

诊断参数 diagnostic parameters

诊断规范 diagnostic norms

汽车维修管理 admisistration of vehicle amintenance

汽车维护方法 method of vehicle maintenance

汽车维护流水作业法 flow method of vehicle maintenance

汽车维护定位作业法 method of vehicle maintenance on universal post

总成互换修理法 unit exchange repairing method

周转总成 reversible unit

混装修理法 depersonalized repairmethod

就车修理法 personalized repair method

汽车维修指标 indices of vehicle maintenance and repari

汽车维护生产纲领 production program of vehicle maintenance

汽车维修生产纲领 production program of vehicle repair

汽车诊断周期 period of vehicle diagnosis

汽车维护周期 period of vehicle maintenance

汽车维修竣工辆次 number of vehicles being received from maintenance or repair

汽车大修平均在厂车日 average days in plant during major of vehicles

汽车大修平均在修车日 average days during major repair of vehicles

汽车维修平均工时 average main-hours of vehicle maintenance and repair

汽车大修返修率 returning rate of major repair of vehicle

汽车小修频率 frequency of current repair of vehicles

汽车大修间隔里程 average interval mileage of major repair of vehicles

汽车修理工人实物劳动生产率 labour productivity of repair man

汽车维护企业 enterprise of vehicle maintenance and repair

汽车维修场(站) maintenance depot (station )of vehicle

汽车停车场(库) park

汽车修理厂 vehicle repair plant

汽车总成修理厂 unit repair plant for vehicle

汽车诊断站 vehicle diagnostic station

汽车检测站 detecting test station of vehicle

汽车维修网点 network of vehicle maintenance and repair

汽车维修工具和设备 instrument and device for vehicle maintenance and repair

螺丝刀 screwdriver

花扳手 ring spanner

锉刀 file

双头扳手 double-ended spanner

鲤鱼钳 combinaton pliers

轮胎螺栓扳手 wheel wrench

厚度规 feeler gauge

杆式气缸量规 bar-type cylinder gauge

气缸压力表 cylinder compression gauge

活塞台钳 piston vice

活塞加热器 piston heater

活塞环工具 piston ring tool

活塞环钳(活塞环拆装钳) piston ring plier(piston ring tongs)

压环器 piston ring compressor

花塞环锉 piston ring file

活塞销拉器 piston-pin extractor

连杆矫正器 connecting rod alignment fixture

气门座刀具 valve seat cutter

气门弹簧压缩器 valve spring compressor

气门研磨工具 valve grinding tool ( valve lapper)

调整气门间隙扳手 tappet wrench

浮子室液面仪 float level gauge

歧管压力表 manifold pressure gauge set

点火正时灯(正时观测灯) ignition timing light (stroboscope)

燃烧分析仪 combusion teste

断电器触点闭合角 dwell meter

火花塞间隙量规 plug gap gauge

火花塞套筒扳手 spark plug box(socket)spanner

蓄电池液体比累计 battery hydrometer

汽车架 car stand (jack stand)

轮轴架 axle stand

前束量尺 toe-in gauge

外倾测量器 camber gauge

制动踏板压下器 brake depresor

制动器放气软管 hose for brake bleeding

车架量规 frame gauge

轮毂拆卸器 hub puller

车轮拆卸器 wheel wrench

拆装轮胎用撬杠 tire-lever

打气筒 tire pump

螺旋千斤顶 screw jack

轮胎压力计 presure gauge

油壶 oil can

手油泵 manual fuel pump

黄油枪 grease gun

起动摇把 starting crank

工具袋 tool bag

车身修整工具 body bumping tool

发动机测功机 engine dynamomete

发动机综合试验机 engine analyzer

发动机示波器 engine scope(oscillograph0

电子诊断式发动机试验仪 electronic -diagnostis engine tester

滚筒式测功试验台 roller type dynamometer (test bed0

发动机加速测功仪 free acceleraton engine tester

容积式油耗计 volumetric fuel meter

燃烧(废气)分析仪 combustion teste

红外线废气分析仪 infrared rays exhaust gas analyzer

异响诊断仪 abnormal engine noise diagnosis equipment

气缸漏气率检验仪 cylinder leak tester

发动机分析仪 engine analysis apparatus

进气歧管真空度表 intake manifold vacuum meter

气缸压力表 cylinder pressure gauge

调整用的试验检测仪 tune-up tester

底盘测功机 chassis dynamometer

底盘润滑机 chassis lubricator

曲轴箱窜气量测定仪 blow-by meter

反作用力制动试验台 reaction type brake tester

惯性式制动试验台 inertia type brake tester

转向盘间隙测量仪 steering wheel freeplay gauge

侧滑试验台 side-slip checking stand

前照灯检验仪 head light checking equipment

气缸孔垂直检验仪 cylinder perpendicularity gauge

主轴承座孔同轴度检验仪 main bearing aligning gauge

移动式车轮平衡机 portable wheel balancer

固定式车轮平衡机 wheel balancer

车轮动平衡机 dynamic wheel balancer

镗缸机 cylinder boring machine

气缸珩磨机 cylinder honing machine

直线镗削机 line borer

气门修整机 valve reseater

销孔珩磨机 pinhole honer

曲轴磨床 crankshaft grinding machine

气门研磨机 valve grinding machine

气门面磨光机 valve refacer

气门座偏心磨光机 eccentric valve seat grinder

研磨机 lapping machine

电子点火试验器 electronic ignition tester

点火线圈试验器 ignition coil tester

氖管火花试验器 neon spark tester

电容器试验器 condenser tester

电枢试验器 armature tester

制动盘专用车床 disc lathe

制动蹄片磨削装置 brake shoe grinder

制动鼓车床 brake drum lathe

制动液自动更换装置 brake flusher

制动系空气排除器 brake bleeder

城市公共交通 urban public transport

公共交通方式 public transport mode

城市公共交通系统 urban public transport system

大运量客运系统 mass transit system

快速轨道交通 rail rapid transit (RRT)

地铁 subway

单轨运输系统 monorail transit system

垂直运输系统 vertical transit system

应急公共交通系统 emergency pulbic transport system

公共交通优先 public transport priority

公共汽车优先通行系统 bus priority sytem

城市公共交通标志 urban public transport sign

公共交通工具 public transport means

公共交通线路 public transport line

公共交通线路设施 public transport line facilities

公共交通线路网 public transport network

公共交通车站 public transport stop(station)

公共交通停车场 public transport parking place

公共交通枢纽 public transport junction

城市公共交通规划 urban public transport planning

公共交通线路布局 public transport network distribution

公共交通站场布局 public transport yard and station arrangement

城市公共交通客流预测 urban public transport passenger fow forecast

城市公共交通客流调查 urban public transport passenger fow survey

城市公共交通票价制 urban public transport fare structure

城市公共交通运行调度 urban public transport scheduling

公共交通工具及设备 public transportation means and device

公共汽车 bus priority sytem

小公共汽车 minibus

长途公共汽车 long-distance bus

旅游车 touring bus

单车 single bus

通道式公共汽车 articulated bus

双层公共汽车 double-deck bus

低地板式公共汽车 low-floor bus

出租汽车 taxi

无轨电车 trolley bus

通道式无轨电车 articulated trolly bus

有轨电车 tram

快速有轨电车 light rail rapid transit car

轨道车 rail car

车列 car row

列车 train

地下铁道列车 subway train

单轨车 monorail car

磁垫车 magnetic levitated vehicle

行人传送带 passenger belt

车厢 carriage

客舱 cabin

车门 service door

安全门 emergency exit

车窗 window

车顶通风窗 ventilator

安全监视窗 curb window

地板 floor

踏板 step

车内通道 passage

铰接装置 articulated equipment

司机座椅 driver seat

乘务员座椅 attendant seat

乘客座椅 passenger seat

扶手 handrail

车厢顶灯 roof light

门灯 door light

服务台 service table

废票箱 invalidated ticket box

路牌 Iine number plate

前路牌 front number plate

后路牌 rear number plate

侧路牌 side number plate

出租汽车标志 taxi sign

车厢空调设备 air-conditioning equipment

车用直流电度表 vehicle D.C kilowatt-hour meter

车用扩音机 vehicle microphone

车用播音机 vehicle broadcaster

车用计费器 taxi meter

乘客计数器 passenger counter

自动售票器 passimeter

自动检票机 automatic ticket checker

集电装置 power collector

接地链 grounding chanin

车内净高 interior height

车厢通道宽度 passage width

车门开度 door opening degree

车厢地板高度 floor height

一级踏板高度 first step height

踏板级间高度 step spacing

座位间距 seat spacing

车厢站立面积 standing area

座位数 seating capacity

定员 rated passenger capacity

最大载客量 maximum passenger capacity

运营管理 operation management

市区线路 urban line

郊区线路 suburban line

长途线路 intercity line

地面线路 ground line

地下线路 underground line

高峰线路 peak-hour line

昼夜线路 day and night line

夜间线路 night line

快车线路 express line

固定线路 fixed line

临时线路 temporary line

游览线路 touring line

环形线路 loop line

高架线路 elevated line

干线 artery

支线 branch

折返线 turn line

正线 main line

站线 siding

段管线 section line

岔线 branch line

特别用途线 special line

单向行驶线段 one-way section

轨距 gauge

调度站 control station

调度中心 control center

中途调度站 intermediate control office

起点站 origin station

终点站 terminal

中途站 stop(station )

始发站 origin stop

快车站 express bus stop

热电偶高温计 thermocouple pyrometer

招呼站 request stop

定时车站 timed stop

换乘站 transfer stop

枢扭站 junction station

港湾式车站 bus bay

长途公共汽车站 long distance bus sto

出租汽车站 taxi statio

站名 sto name

站号 stop number

站牌 stop board

夜班车站牌 night-bus stop board

路别 line number

候车亭 bus shelter

售票厅 waiting room

检票口 ticket entrance

验票口 ticket exit

站台 platform

岛式站台 island platform

侧式站台 side platform

自动扶梯 escalator

换乘停车场 park-and-ride place

多层停车场 parking lot

牵引供电系统 tractive power supply system

直流牵引变电站 D.C traction substation

馈线 feeder

馈线网 feeder network

触线网 trolly wire network

供电方式 power supply mode

供电分区 power supply zone

供电臂 supply arm

分线器 frog

并线器 trailing frog

交叉器 crossover

客源 passenger origin

客流流向 passenger flow direction

客流 passenger flow

客流量 passenger flow volume

城市客流 urban passenger flow

市区客流 city passenger flow

郊区客流 suburban passenger flow

高峰时间 peak time

非高峰时间 off-peak time

早高峰 morning peak

晚高峰 evenign peak

高峰小时 peak hour

高峰主流向 main flow during the peak period

乘客 passenger

普通乘客 revenue passenger

月票乘客 commuter

持证乘客 passholder

留候乘客 remainder

换乘乘客 transfer passenger

包车乘客 passenger chartered

违章乘客 violated passenger

调车 idpatching vehicle

线路车 regular vehicle

备用车 reserved vehicle

专线车 special vehicle

包车 chartered vehicle

行车方式 running mode

快车 express bus

慢车 local bus

直达车 through vehicle

区间车 inter-zone vehicle

跨线车 trans-line bus

高峰车 vehicle during the peak period

加班车 extra vehicle

夜班车 night bus

昼夜车 day and night vehicle

出场车 pull-over vehicle

回场车 pull-in vehicle

下线车 off-line vehicle

首班车 first -run vehicle

末班车 final run vehicle

运行 running

正点 on schedule

正点率 on schedule rate

早点 running hot

晚点 behind schedule

压点 decelerated run

赶点 accelerated run

行车时刻表 timetable

运行图 running chart

票务 ticket business

票价 fare

全程票价 full fare

计程票制 metered fare

分段票制 sectional fare

计时票制 time fare system

单一票制 flat fare

票类 fare ticket type

票价里程 fare-kilometre

车票 ticket

普通票 cash fare

月票 monthly ticket

市区月票 city monthly ticket

郊区月票 suburban monthly ticket

专线月票 one-line monthly ticket

学生月票 student monthly ticket

通用月票 general monthly ticket

公用月票 service monthly ticket

本票 ticket book

往返票 round-trip ticket

磁性月票 magnetic tickeet

代用币 token

废票 invalid ticket

查票 ticket checking

补票 compensation fare

罚票 penalty fare

车票有效期 ticket validity time

免费乘车 zero fare

汽车运输管理 transportation management

运输系统 transportation system

运输业 transport service(carrying trade)

汽车运输企业 automobile transportation enterprise

运输网络 transportation network

网络单元 network element

建树法(网络分析法应用例) tree building method

最优路线 optimization of route

汽车运输车辆 vehicle of auto-transportation

运输基地 transportation base

运行方案 operation plan

车辆完好率 coefficient of availability of vehicle

出车率 coefficient of utilization of automobile

拖运率 rate of utilization of trailer

平均吨(客)位 average tonnage (passenger seat)

车吨(客)位产量 vehicle ton(seat )production

运输量 transportation volume

运输里程 transport mileage

货物运输 freight transportation

集中运输 centralized transportation

分散运输 decentralized transportation

集装箱运输 container transport

联合运输 inter-mode transport

定时运输 transportation on schedule

整车运输 transportation of truck-load

零担运输 sporadic freight transportation

包车运输 rent automobile transportation

迂回运输 round about transportation

相向运输 inter-transportation of freight in opposite direction

重复运输 repeated transportation

甩挂运输 transportation with dumping trailers

旅客运输 passenger transportation

货物运输 goods transportation

市区运输 city transposrtation

郊区运输 suburban transportatiojn

区间运输 inter-region transportatin

长途运输 long distance transportation

干线汽车运输 truck-road transportation

货流 flow of freight

货流图 freight flow diagram

运次 transportatin cycle

车次(单程) trip(one way)

运程段 journey

运程 voyage

周转 circulation

载货行程 loading mileage

不载货行程 no-loading mileage

调空行程 switching mileage

货物周围量 goods-circulating quantity

吨公里利用系数 coefficient of utilization of ton-kilometers

运输费用 transportation cost

装卸费用 loading and unloading charge

运费率 freight rate

运费表 freight tariff

运费单 freight bill(freight notes)

路单 route-list

货卡 card of goods

计件货物 packing goods

散装货物 bulk goods

普通货物 common goods

长型货物 long goods

轻泡货物 light cargo

过境货物 transit goods

货物发送点 dispatch point for goods

货物接收点 receiving point for goods

标准件 standard parts

螺栓 bolt

螺柱 stud

六角头螺栓 hexagon bolt

方头螺栓 squarehead bolt

方头凸缘螺栓 square collar-head bolt

T形螺栓 T-head bolt

U形螺栓 U-bolt

吊环螺栓 eye bolt

支撑螺栓 stay botl

方头紧定螺栓 square-head set-bolt

方头凸缘端紧定螺栓 square collar-head set-bolt

螺钉 screw

内方头紧定螺钉 square-socket set-screw

开槽圆柱头螺钉 slotted cheese-head screw

球面圆柱头螺钉 fillister(raised cheese)head screw

沉头螺钉 flat(countersunk)head screw

半沉头螺钉 raised countersunk head screw

开槽圆头螺钉 slotted round head screw

无头螺钉 headless screw

螺母 nut

锁紧螺母 check nut

六角螺母 hexagon nut

开槽六角螺母 hezagon castle (slotted )nut

方螺母 square nut

圆周钻孔圆头螺母 round nut with drilled holes in side

开槽圆头螺母 slotted round nut

翼形螺母 wing nut

滚花螺母 knurled nut

开槽螺母 slotted nut

垫圈 washer

推力垫圈 thrust washer

纤维垫圈 fiber washer

光垫圈 bright washer

黑皮垫圈 black washer

平垫圈 plain washer

方斜垫圈 square taper washer

弹簧垫圈 spring washer

止动垫圈 tab washer

弹簧 spring

拉伸螺旋弹簧 extension coil spring

压缩螺旋弹簧 compresson coil spring

锥形弹簧 conical spring

片弹簧 plate spring

螺旋形弹簧 spiral spring

碟形弹簧 disc spring

轴承 bearing

减摩轴承 antifriction bearng

球轴承 ball bearing

单列滚珠轴承 single-row ball bearing

外轴承 outer bearing

内轴承 inner bearing

推力滚珠轴承 thrust ball bearing

推力轴承 thrust baring

密封式轴承 sealed bearing

滚子轴承 roller bearing

挠性滚子轴承 hyatt roller bearing

向心轴承 radial bearing

圆锥形滚子轴承 conical roller bearing

径向球轴承 annular ball baring

导向轴承 pilot bearing

滚针轴承 needle bearing

双列滚珠轴承 double-row ball bearing

轴承外圈 bearing cup

轴承内圈 bearing cone

轴承座圈 bearing race

滑动轴承 plain bearing (insert bearing)

铅表铜轴承 lead-bronze bearing

轴承盖 bearing cap

轴承座 bearing saddle

轴瓦 bearing shell

轴承间隙 bearing clearance

轴承垫片 bearing shim

轴承合金 bearing metal

减摩合金 antifriction alloy

巴氏合金 babbit metal

锡基轴承合金 tin-base bearing alloy

锡基合金轴承 tin-base bearing

铅基合金 lead-base alloy

浇铸式合金轴承 moulded bearing metal

烧结合金 sintered alloy

粉末冶金轴承 powdered bearing

无油轴承 oilless bearing

燃料(燃油) fuel

石油(原油) petroleum(crude)

基准燃油 reference fuel

汽油 gasoline (petrol)

人造汽油 artificial gasoline

天然汽油 natural gasoline

直馏汽油 direct distilled gasoline

低含铅汽油 low lead fuel

无铅汽油 unleaded gasoline

乙基汽油 ethylized gasoline

气体汽油 casing head gasoline

燃油混合气 fuel mixture

柴油 diesel fuel

煤油 kerosine

液化石油气 liquefied petroleum gas(LPG)

压缩煤气 compressed gas

发生炉煤气 generator gas

含甲醇酒精 methylated spirit

甲醇 methanol

乙醇 alcohol

辛烷值 octane number

十六烷值 cetane number

柴油指数 diesel index

燃油比重 fuel specific gravity

燃油密度 fuel density

燃油馏程 fuel distillation range

燃油蒸气压力 fuel vapor pressure

挥发性 volatility

结晶温度 crystallization point

浊点 cloud point

凝固点 freezing point

蒸馏试验 distillaton test

馏程 distillation range

初沸点 initial boiling point

干点 final boiling point

酸度 acidity

润滑剂 lubricant

机油 oil

重工况润滑油 heavy-duty oil

黄油 grease

发动机油 engine oil

齿轮油 gear oil

酸性精炼油 acid refined oil

选择精制油 selective oil

压缩机机油 compressor oil

准双曲线齿轮油 hypoid gear oil

机油添加剂 oil additive

钙基润滑脂 lime grease

钙-钠基润滑脂 lime-sodium base grease

凡士林 vaseline

润滑性 lubricity

粘度指数 viscosity index

机油粘度号数(机油号数) oil viscosity rating

运动粘度 kinematic viscosity

动力粘度 dynamic viscosity

相对粘度 relative viscosity

抗爆剂 anti-knock compound

净化剂 detergent

清洗剂 cleaner

稠化剂 thickener

泡沫抑制剂 foaming inhibitor

防泡沫添加剂 anti-foaming additive

防冻剂 freezing inhibitor

防冻添加剂 anti-freeze additive

多用途添加剂 multipurpose additive

抗氧化剂 oxidation inhibitor

搞腐蚀剂 corrosion inhibitor

滴点 dropping point

渗透性 penetration

氧化稳定性及腐蚀性 oxidation stability and corrosiveness

标准化 standardization

基本术语 basic terms

标准化主题 subject of standardization

标准化领域 field fo standardization

技术发展水平 state of the art

公认的技术规则 acknowledged rule of technology

标准化的水平 level of standardization

国际标准化 international standarkdization

地区标准化 regional standardization

国家标准化 national standardization

地方标准化 provincial standardization

标准化的目的 aims of standardization

环境保护 protection of environment

标准文件 normative document.标准化机构

standardizing body 地区标准化组织

reginal standardization organization 国际标准化组织

international standardization organization 标准机构

standards body 国家标准机构

national standards body 地区标准组织

reginal standards organization 国际标准组织

international standards organization 权力机构

authority 制定规章的机构

regulatory authority 执行机构

executive autority 标准的协调

harmonization of standards 标准法

standard law 标准件

standard part 标准物

reference material 标准学

standard learning 标准程序

standard program 标准贯彻

standard carrying out 标准龄期

valid period of standard 标准情报

standard information  标准情报工作

information work of standards 标准体系

standards system 标准体系表

standrds system table 标准体系表的构成

structure of standards sytem 标准的级别

levels of standards 标准化档案

archives of standardization 标准的等效性

equivalence of standards 采用程度

degree of adoption 参照采用

adopting by reference 等同采用

adopting by equation 等效采用

adopting by equivalent 采用国际标准原则

rules for adopting international standard 采用国际标准工作程序

work procedure for adopting international standards 采用国际标准管理办法

admisinstrative regulation for adopting internatinal standards 采用国际标准和国外先进标准

adoption of international standard and advanced oversea standard 标准情报管理

standard information management 标准情报检索

standard information retrieval 国家标准化计划

national standardization plan 行业计划

sectional plan 环境保护法

environmental protection law 企业标准化

enterprise standardization 企业标准化情报工作

standard information work in enterprise 全国标准化技术委员会

national technical committee for standardization 世界标准日

world standard day 中国标准化年鉴

CSBS yearbook 中华人民共和国标准化法

the standardization law of the people's republic of china 中华人民共和国环境保护法

the environment protection law of the people's republic of china 综合标准化

integrated standardization 标准

standard 注明日期的引用(标准)

dated reference (to standards) 不注明日期的引用(标准)

undated reference (to standards) 标准文献分类

classification of standards document. 标准文献收集

collection of standard decumnets 标准情报咨询服务

advisory service of standard information 文献标引

document.nbspindexing 主题法

subject indexing method 叙词表(主题词表)

thesaurus 标准类型

type 基础国际标准

basic international standard 政府规程

governmental regulation 多种语言的国际标准

multilingual international standard 国际标准

international standard 地区标准

regional standard 国家标准

national standard 地方标准

provincial standard 予标准

prestandard 协调标准

harmonized stndard 统一标准

unified standard 相同标准

identical standard 国际协调标准

internationally harmonized standard 地区协调标准

regionally harmonized standard 多边协调标准

multilaterally harmonized standard 双边协调标准

bilaterally harmonized standard 单边看齐标准

unilaterally alighned standard 可比标准

comparable standard 强制性标准

mandatory standard 推荐性标准

recommended standard 国家标准

national standard 部标准

ministerial standard 行业标准

occupation standard 技术标准

technical standard 内控标准

inner quality standard 企业标准

company standard(enterprise standard) 企业法规

business law and regulation 引用标准

quoted standard 专业标准

specialized standard 参考标准

normative reference 产品标准

product standard 法规

regulation 安全标准

safety standard 技术规范

technical specification 实施规则

code fo practice 基础标准

basic standard 术语标准

terminology standard 测试标准

testing standard 过程标准

process standard 服务标准

service standard 接口标准

interface standard 有关应提供数据的标准

standard on data to be provided 半成品标准

semi-finished product standard 包装标准

packaging standard 标志标准

standard of mark 补充性标准

complementary standard 大气质量标准

atomosphere quality standard 工装标准

tool standard 管理标准

admisistrative standard 环境保护标准

environmental protection standard 技术说明

technical descriptioon 劳动保护标准

labour protectig standard 劳动卫生标准

labour hygiene standard 零部件标准

part-subassemble standard 试验标准

test standard 通用标准

general standard 限定性标准

definitive standard 信息分类编码标准

standard for classified code of information 性能标准

performance standard 政府标准

government standard 指导性标准

directive standard 指导性技术文件

technical guidance document. 标准补充件

addition to standard 标准修改件

amendment to standard 附录

annex 书目参考目录

biliographical reference 文献书目

bibliography 勘误表

corrigenda 新工作项目建议

new work item proposal 技术活动新领域提案

proposal for new field of technical activity 引用标准

reference to standard 参考著作

reference works 技术图纸

technical drawing 技术法规

technical regulation 技术报告

technical report 技术趋向文件

technical trend document. 工作文件

working document.工作草案 working draft

细则 instruction

修正草案 amended draft

国际标准草案 draft internation standard

标准报批稿 draft standard for approval

标准报批材料 standard materials for approval

标准送审稿 draft standard for examination

标准讨论稿 draft standard for discussion

标准编制说明 description for drawing up standard

热电偶高温计 thermocouple pyrometer

标准附加说明 appended description of standard

标准征求意见稿 standard for commnet

标准的构成 constitution of standard

标准的单元 division of standard

标准的结构 framework of standard

标准的成分 normative element

标准的要求 normative requirement

标准的范围 scope of standard

标准文件的内容 content of normative document.规定

provision 陈述

statement 指示

instructon 建议

recommendation 要求

requirement 必要要求

exclusive requirement 任选要求

optional requirement 认为满足规定

deemed-to-satisfy provision 叙述规定

descriptive provision 性能规定

performance provision 一个标准文件的主体

body of a normative document. 附加要素

additional element 目次

content 索引

index 引言

introduction 目录

list 名称

nomenclature 段落

paragraph 部分

part 章节

section 序号

serial number 分条款

subclause 分单元

subdivision 附加成分

supplementary element 封面(名称页)

title page 标准实施日期

date of standard implementation 标准代号与编号

symbol and number of standard 标准的幅面及格式

width and format of standard 目标

object 目录

catalog 叙词

descriptor 主题词


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