北师大初一英语上册测试题及答案 - 范文中心






1.What time do you usually get up? I usually get up at five o ________.

2.Li Lei isn’t at school today. B ________ he is ill.

3.Which bus do you t ________ to go to work?

4.What do you know a ________ him?

5.My son does his h ________ at 6:30.

6.The children often play football at 4:00 in the a ________.

7.My father goes to work very e ________ in the morning.

8.What do you often eat for b ________?

9.The bus usually l ________ at 8:00 and comes back at 12:00.

10.Are you b ________ today? No. I have nothing to do.


11.have ________ 12.go________ 13.do________ 14.put________

15.dance ________ 16.talk________ 17.speak________ 18.help________

19.watch ________ 20.study________


( )21.________ does he go to school on weekdays?

A.What B.What time C.Why D.What about

( )22.We go to work at 8:00 ________ the morning.

A.in B.on C.at D.of

( )23.He was born ________ the morning of December 8th.

A.in B.on C.at D.of

( )24.When do you get ________ Shanghai?

A.to B.up C.down D.in

( )25.________ your coat, please. It’s very cold today.

A.Put up B.Put on C.Wear D.Dress

( ) 26.Mike likes playing ________ guitar after ________ breakfast.

A.the, the B.a, a C.the, a D.the, ×

( )27.I like ________ a little longer ________ weekends.

A.sleep, on B.to sleep, on C.sleep, in D.to sleep, in

( )28.Is it ________ boring job? No, it is ________ interesting work.

A.a, an B.an, a C.×, a D.a, ×

( )29.What time ________ the child ________ his homework?

A.does, does B.does, do

C.do, does D.do, do

( )30.I work all the day. I’m very ________.

A.happy B.sorry C.tired D.sad

( )31.We ________ a shower schedule and I am the one to ________ a shower.

A.take, take B.make, make C.take, make D.make, take

( )32.Do you often ________ music?

A.listen B.listen to C.hear D.watch

( )33.Do you think the news ________ very interesting?

A.are B.is C.sound D.look

( )34.What time ________ your teacher ________ supper?

A.does, has B.does, have C.do, has D.do, have

( )35.People usually eat dinner ________.

A.in the morning B.in the afternoon

C.in the evening D.at the night


36.What ________ your brother ________ in the evening? He watches TV at home.

37.Do you like ________ a little longer in the morning?

38.Where ________ your uncle ________ ? In Beijing

39.He ________ on his jacket and goes to work.

40.Can you ________ a little Chinese? Yes, I can.

41.Which bus shall I ________?

42.What time ________ you ________ lunch?

43.________ me what his job is.

44.He ________ to the bus stop very late. The bus leaves.

45.________ at the clock. It’s time to go home.


46.Mr Li usually goes to work at 7:45. (就划线部分提问)

47.I want to run in the morning. (就划线部分提问)

48.He does his homework at home. (变为否定句)

49.School starts at nine o’clock. (变为一般疑问句)

50.I think the job is boring. (变为否定句)



A: Hello, Jim, where are you going?

B: 51 .

A: It’s six o’clock.

B: 52 .

A: But where is your watch?

B: 53 .

A: Is it in your pocket?

B: 54 .

A: How about your bag?

B: 55 .

A: That’s all right.



My name 56 Ted Pike. I am 57 in a big store. I 58 work in the morning. I only work at night. Every morning I come home . I breakfast at seven. After breakfast I . I at about half past two. I have lunch and supper at twenty to eight. Then I at a quarter past eight. I start work at nine. I the store every night. I like my work very much.

( )56.A.be B.am C.is D.are

( )57.A.a student B.a teacher C.a nurse D.a worker

( )58.A.am not B.don’t C.doesn’t D.aren’t

( )59.A.at half six B.at half past six C.at six half D.at six past half ( )60.A.have B.has C.eats D.do

( )61.A.go bed B.go to the bed C.go to bed D.go to my bed

( )62.A.get B.stand up C.get up D.get down

( )63.A.at a quarter three B.at a quarter to three

C.at three quarter D.at three to quarter

( )64.A.go work B.go the store C.go to work D.to go work

( )65.A.look like B.look for C.look out D.look after


Oscar has two brothers, Oliver and Andy, and o 66 sister, Nancy. Oscar’s mother g up at five-thirty. She k a shower and then she eats b at six o’ clock. Oscar and Nancy get up at six-thirty, b Oliver and Andy get up at eight-thirty. Oscar and Nancy t showers in the morning, but Oliver and Andy d . Oscar, his mother, Oliver and Andy w TV in the evening. Nancy does her h and goes to bed e .

66.________ 67.________ 68.________ 69.________ 70.________

71.________ 72.________ 73.________ 74.________ 75.________


Jack: Two tickets(票)to London,please. What time is the next train(火车)leaving(离开)?

Man: At nineteen past eight.

Jack: Which platform?

Man: Platform Two.

Kate: What time is the next train leaving?

Jack: At eight nineteen. It’s three to eight now. Let’s go and have a drink. There’s a bar next to the station(火车站).

Kate: Now let’s go back to the station.

Man: Tickets,please.

Jack: Here they are. It’s the train to London at eight nineteen.

Man: The train has left(离开).

Jack: What? But it’s only eight fifteen.

Man: I’m sorry,si r. Your watch is slow(慢). I think.

76.Jack and Kate are going to ________.

77.Their train leaves at ________ ________.

78.Jack and Kate ________ ________ ________ in a bar.

79.What’s platform in Chinese? ________.

80.How many minutes(分钟)is the watch slow ________ ?


Tom is a seaman. He is always drunk(喝醉). One day Tom goes to a new cit y. He drinks very much in a bar that night. When he goes out of the bar,he sees a man lying in the street. The man is quite drunk When Tom comes nearer,the man points to the sky and asks. “Excuse me,is that the sun or the moon? ”

Tom looks at the sky for a few minutes and answers,“I’m afraid I can’t help you. I’m a stranger(陌生人)here myself.”

( )81.Tom works on the ship.

( )82.Tom often drinks too much.

( )83.Tom doesn’t know if it is the sun or the moon because he is new there. ( )84.Tom tells the man not to drink any more.

( )85.Tom tells the man the way.




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