K 祝贺信 - 范文中心

K 祝贺信


K 祝贺信


expectation n .期待,展望 prestigious adj .有声誉的

pave the way for 为„„铺平道路 succeed in(doing) sth .成功地做某事 be of great value 具有很大价值 achievement n .成就,功绩 accept v .接受 congratulate v .祝贺

brilliant future 灿烂的未来 achieve v .完成

esteem n .尊敬 heartiest adj .最衷心的

congratulation n .祝贺


1. I am much delighted to hear...


2. I believe...will be a new beginning,a chance for you to embrace a broader future. 我相信„„将是一个新的开始,是一个你迎接广阔未来的机会。

3. I wish you good luck in the pursuit of a brilliant career.


4. This is a special and happy moment for you and I am very proud of your achievement. 对你而言,这是一个特殊而欢乐的时刻,我为你取得的成就感到骄傲。

5. It ’s the most joyful news I have heard for a long time.


6. I congratulate you on your success.


7. Congratulations and all best wishes.


8. Please accept my heartiest congratulations on...





1) 说明祝贺的事由并向收信人道贺。

2) 围绕祝贺的事件详述,这一部分由于祝贺的具体事件不同而存在差异。

3) 再次祝贺,也可写明对对方未来的祝福或期望。


1) 祝贺信是与收信人加深友好关系的好机会,信中应洋溢着喜悦。

2) 写信的语气是正规还是随意,要依据具体场合以及与对方的关系而定。


I am thrilled to know . Please allow me to give my most sincere

congratulations on this exciting occasion.

Yours sincerely,

七. 经典范文:

Directions : Suppose that your friend, Li Hua, has just graduated from university and got a good job. Write a letter in about 100 words to congratulate him. Do not sign your own name. use “Li Ming” instead. Do not write the address.

Dear Li Hua,

I am thrilled to know that you have graduated from university and landed yourself a highly-paid job.Please allow me to give my most sincere congratulations on this exciting occasion.

As your friend,I have always paid close attention to your study and life in university. I have been accustomed to seeing you achieve one objective after another.Now you have got an admiring job after graduation.It means,I believe,years of your assiduous study and hard work are paid back. And it is an achievement you can be well proud of.

I take this opportunity to express my best wishes to you .Wish you greater achievements in your career.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


Directions : Your friend Jason is elected as the chairman of the Students’Union of your university .Write a letter to congratulate him,state the reason for his success,and express your best wishes and encouragement.

You should write about l00 words.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use “Li Ming”instead .

Do not write the address.

L 介绍信


introduce v .介绍 efficient adj .有效率的

capable adj. 有能力的 render v .提出,给予(帮忙等)

honest adj .诚实的 intelligent adj. 聪明的

responsible adj .负责的


1. Please allow me to introduce to you the bearer of this letter.


2. We have great pleasure in introducing to you, by this letter...


3. It gives us great pleasure to introduce to you, the bearer of this letter...


4. Anything you could do for him will be very much appreciated.


5. Any assistance you may render to him will be highly appreciated.


6. Thank you in advance for any assistance in this matter.


7. I'd be most grateful if you could...


8. I shall consider it a great favor if you will...





1) 说明被介绍人是谁,通常包含与自己的关系。

2) 说明请求对方所做的事情。

3) 相信双方认识会很高兴,或认识被介绍人对收信人有益,并向对方表示感谢。


1) 这类信一般由被介绍人亲手交给收信人,写信时应注意措辞得体。

2) 对被介绍人的介绍应简洁,重点突出,切忌不符合实际。


I hope it won ’t cause you much trouble. Your kindness will be highly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

七. 经典范文:

Directions : Suppose that your friend is going to a new university. Write a letter in about 100 words to introduce her to a friend there. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. Do not write the address.

Dear Lucy,

It gives me much pleasure to introduce my good friend, Li Hua to you. She has been admitted into your university and will study there for four years. Considering that she is an entire stranger in your city, I hope you will kindly show her some attention when she arrives, which I shall consider as shown to myself.

As two of my good friends who have never met before, you may be intrigued to know each other. And I am fully convinced that you will get along well with Li Hua, because she has the same hobby as you, stamp collecting. She is also anxious to show you her collection, including some rare stamps.

I hope it won't cause you much trouble. Your kindness will be highly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

八. 模拟练习:

Directions : Liu Jin, one of your best friends, is planning to study English Linguistics under Prof. Tian Min's guidance. Prof. Tian Min was your former mentor. Write to her to introduce Liu Jin. Write your letter with no less than l00 words. Do not sign your name at the end of the letter. Use“Li Ming" instead. Do not write the address.

M 摘要


present v .呈现 describe v.描述

report v .报告 introduce v.介绍

explain v .解释 illustrate v.阐明

demonstrate v .展示


1. This essay presents that...


2. This article focuses on the topics of (that, having, etc)...


3. This paper provides an overview of...


4. This paper elaborates on...


5. ... is further discussed in the article.


6. This text strongly emphasizes...


7. This paper provides an analysis of...


8. This paper reports the latest information on...


9. It is concluded that...


10. We can safely come to the conclusion that...


11. This paper provides a method of...


12. This paper introduces an applicable procedure to analyze...





1) 说明文章主题或写作意图。

2) 概括文章的要点内容。

3) 阐述文章的结论或表达的意义等。


1) 学术性的文章比较严肃,语言要正式。

2) 写摘要时,最好用第三人称陈述,尽量不要体现个人对文章内容的感情、态度倾向,要公正、客观。


In order to the paper consideration. It first , and further


Directions : Read the following Chinese text and an abstract of it in 80-100 English words.


多元文化主义(multiculturalism )一词的出现始于80年代的美国。在我国的美国史研究领域,从1992年《美国研究》第三期沈宗美的《对美国主流文化的挑战》开始(在文章中沈将multiculturalism 译作“文化多元化主义”)到2001年国家社会科学基金项目“美国多元文化研究”,国内学术界也对多元文化的相关问题进行了探讨,有关“多元化主义”的研究成为1900年以后在中国美国文化的重点之一。


尽管多元文化主义一词近年来已被频频地使用,但其内涵至今未有一个清楚明晰的界定。王希在《多元文化主义的起源、实践与局限性》一文中将多元文化主义的内涵细化,多元文化主义因不同领域的不同用途而有不同的内涵,它“既是一种教育思想、一种历史观、一种文艺批评理论,也是一种政治态度、一种意识形态的混合体”。这种归纳法虽然全面,但还是未能对多元文化下一个精确的定义,让人对其内涵有个简明扼要的把握。因此,在此基础上,王希得出这些用途的共同点,即“1. 美国是一个多元民族和族裔构成的国家,美国文化是一种多元的文化;2. 不同民族、族裔、性别和文化传统的美国人的美国经历是不同的,美国传统不能以某一个民族或群体的历史经验为准绳;

3. 群体认同和群体权利是多元文化主义的重要内容,也是美国社会必须面临的现实。”



在二战后特别是1965年新移民法颁布后,美国政府开始客观、公正地对待各个种族。而在这次移民法颁布后,引发了又一次的移民潮。也正是从这个时期开始,1924年青年哲学家霍勒斯. 卡伦所首创的文化多元主义思想又以新的面貌重新活跃起来,这又直接导致了多元文化主义随之兴起。


In order to offer an overall comprehension of multiculturalism, the paper takes the topic of American multiculturalism into consideration . It first gives a review of its evolution, explains various attitudes in different stages of American history, and further explores the origin and driving force behind it. Based upon the above, the author concludes that : the American dominant culture develops and changes in order to go harmoniously with other branch trends, and multiculturalism is a necessary product of history and bears the signs of different times. It is the reasonable output of racial integration.


Directions : Read the following Chinese text and an abstract of it in 80-100 English words. 中西方思维的差异

由于历史及文化发展的关系, 东西方在很多方面存在着差异, 有的方面这种差异甚至是巨大的。在多方面的差异中, 思维差异是最根本的。思维方式是人类在认识过程中形成的带有一定普遍性和稳定性的思维结构模式和思维程式, 它是思维规律和思维方法的统一结合形式。

西方人直线思维, 喜欢开门见山; 中国人曲线思维, 习惯迂回。这种思维方式的差异有着悠久的历史渊源。寻求世界的对立,“非此即彼”的推理判断是西方理论家思考问题的基本方法。由此引发的“线性推理”的观念, 好像是理所当然的事情。而探寻世界的统一性,

是中国哲学思维的本色, 如“天人合一”、“亦此亦彼”就成为中国古代思想家的思维习惯。如果说西方的思维方式可以用直线来譬喻的话, 那么中国以“辨证”为主的思维途径, 即使要以线条来表示也不能只采取直线形的方法。螺旋或波浪式的曲线, 似乎较能反映中国传统的思维方式。我们中国人的“醉翁之意不在酒”这一传统思维导致的做事风格或处事方式, 至今未尝有根本改变!

生活在不同变化下的人们由于对外界的认识模式存在着差别。季羡林认为:“一言而蔽之, 东方文化体系的思维模式是综合的, 而西方则是分析的”。东方和西方的思维方式从总体上看具有不同的特征, 如东方人偏重人文, 注重伦理、道德, 西方人偏重自然, 注重科学、技术; 东方人重悟性、直觉、意象, 西方人重理性、逻辑、实证……。这样看来, 中西思维方式分别属于整体、直觉、具象思维与分析、逻辑抽象思维。中国人似乎更长于总体把握, 而西方人长于条分缕析; 中国人善于归纳, 西方人善于演绎; 中国人强调群体, 西方人强调个体; 中国人重悟性, 西方人重理性; 中国人善形象思维, 西方人善逻辑思维; 中国人更具诗人的气质, 西方人更具科学家的头脑; 中国人把宇宙看作一个整体, 充塞其中的是“道”或“气”,西方人把宇宙看作一个个原子, 各自独立又彼此联系; 中国人处理事情就像中医, 把人体看作一个有机整体, 西方人处理事情就像西医, 头痛医头, 脚疼医脚。简单来说, 西方人大多关注具体问题和细节; 东方人则主要从整体结构思考问题。

中国传统的思维方式的模糊性经过长期的延续而得到了丰富的发展, 但是没有像西方思维方式那样在近代受到了精确性的否定。因而直到现代, 中国思维虽然吸收了西方思维的精确性, 但是模糊性的特征还是很明显的。这种思维方式的优势在于能全面把握事物, 通观全局, 但是所得到的认识不深刻, 不能对某一方面做更仔细、更精确的认识或研究, 对事物之间的界限不能分得很清楚。相比之下, 西方人自古以来就重视数学和逻辑, 因而具有精确性的性质。精确性是西方近代思维的一大特征, 西方近代实验科学注重对事物分门别类, 重视定量分析和精确计算, 因而促使了数学、力学、天文学、生物学、化学、物理学等学科的发展。

“中庸”来自中国几千年传统的儒家思想, 是重要的伦理道德标准, 指处理事情要不偏不倚, 后来引申为平庸、妥协、保守。“中庸”内容十分广泛, 它是人们观察问题、认识问题的基本方法。“中庸”思想体现了事物的自身内在规律, 反映在人们的思维方式、行为方式诸方面, 对现代人的身心发展、协调人际关系仍然有着不可替代的价值。

西方人好偏激性思维, 一种思维、观点总是先全盘否定前人的, 提出自己“全新的”,一鸣惊人, 在争论中再逐渐纠正自己的偏激之处, 最后被人们接受, 成为流行的新的理论新的观点, 如存在主义、行为主义、人本主义、精神分析学派等等, 莫不如此。他们在创立理论的过程中(特别是初期), 往往好走极端且有意言过其实, 尤其喜好只“击”一点不及其余。待理论建立起来后, 再来进行修正。

N 便笺


inform v .通知 beg v .请求

gratitude n .感激 urgent adj .紧急的

pity n .遗憾 appoint v .约定

regret v .遗憾 in your presence 当面

in person 亲自 make an appointment 赴约


1. Please come straight to...at..., and I will be waiting for you there.


2. If you can't find.., contact me by my mobile phone.


3. I would like to apologize for my not being able to...


4. It is really helpful to...


5. I'm sorry I couldn't make our...appointment.


6. I am sorry that I can't pass on the message to you in your presence, because I was ordered to do something urgent.


7. I am enclosing herewith a certificate from the doctor who is attending me.


8. I hope my enforced absence will not give you any serious inconvenience.


9. Please kindly remember me to.


10. I do hope you have a good time.


11. Many thanks for your kind invitation to dinner on...and I accept with pleasure. 感谢你邀请我„„(时间)吃晚饭,我愉快地接受邀请。

12. If possible, please give me a call and I will come by your house to pick up...







1) 日期通常写在便笺的右上角。

2) 开头的称呼通常直接写名字,省略Dear 。称呼和最后的署名都比较简单随意。


This note is to I am sorry that I can’.



Directions : Suppose that you and a friend are gong to have dinner together and you have booked a table. Write a note in about 100 words to inform him/her of the restaurant and time fro the dinner. Do not sign your own name at the end of the note. Use“Li Ming” instead

Dear Tom, May 8

This note is to remind you of our dinner together. As we planned yesterday, we would dine out together tonight. I have reserved a table for two in QJD Roast Duck. I will meet you at 6 p. m. at the school gate.

You must have known why I chose this restaurant. We have talked a lot about the world famous Peking Roast Duck. In fact, tasting is believing. Let's enjoy the delicacies there tonight.

I am sorry that I can't pass on the message to you in your presence because I have something urgent to do. See you then.


Li Ming


(1) Directions: You want to borrow a book from your classmate, Kate. Leave her a note which contains the name of the book in need, the time you hope to keep the book, as well as your gratitude.

You should write about 100 words.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.

(2) Directions: You are going to attend a concert with your friend Peter. Write a note to tell him what the concert is about. Please also specify the time and place of the concert the price of the ticket and where you put the ticket.

You should write about 100 words.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use“Li Ling”instead.

O 其他类型应用文(通知)

一. 内容:

告示,通知,启事 是告诉公众某件事或某项活动的应用文,有正式和非正式之分。日常通知要求文字简洁易懂,表达直截了当。正式通知文件则使用比较正式的文体,要求结构严谨,用词确切。所有的通知内容上都需要至少包含以下内容:时间、地点、活动内容。

二. 范例演示:

(1) 通知


Directions: An increasing number of people have been reported to be infected with H1N1 and your university plans to participate in the fight against the disease. On the behalf of the Students’ Union, you will write an announcement to

1) briefly describe the epidemic situation

2) inform your schoolmates of the actions they should take

You should write about 100 words. Use “the Students ’ Union ” at the end of the announcement.


The H1N1 virus has now been diagnosed in tens of thousands of people worldwide. To prevent an H1N1 outbreak on our campus, all of us should do as follows.

1. It takes about seven days before infected persons show obvious symptoms. Therefore, stay at room for one week if returning from aboard or other cities and towns.

2. Have a balanced diet, enough sleep and regular exercises to improve immunity.

3. From good habits of personal hygiene, such as the habit of washing hands.

4. Ensure an adequate amount of fresh air in the rooms.

5. Wear a mask in the public places.

6. Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing.

7. Go to see a doctor immediately when you have the flu symptoms.

The Students’ Union





At the invitation of the Students ’ Union, two scientists contributing to the success of Chang E Two will present a lecture in your university. Write a poster to advertise their lecture, providing the following information:

1) brief introduction of the lecture and lecturers,

2) time and place of the lecture, and

3) ways to get tickets.

You should write about 100 words. Use “The Students’ Union” at the end of the poster.

The Aerospace Engineers Are Coming!

Our excitement at the successful launch of China’s second lunar probe satellite, the Chang E Two, hasn’t worn off. Surely, a lecture revealing the secrets behind this brilliant feat of aerospace engineering will spark our passion again. Two aerospace scientists, the legendary history-makers, will come to our university to share with us their intriguing stories.

Time: December 26, 2010, from 14:00 pm. to 17:00 pm.

Place: the 500-seat indoor auditorium

Ticket Distribution: The ticket distribution will begin at 12 o ’clock on December 24, 2010 in front of the auditorium. Each student is allowed to get a maximum of 2 tickets.

Contact: For detailed information, contact Li Ming at 010-88826667. Don ’t miss the opportunity of unrivalled access to aerospace heroes!

The Students’ Union

(3) 启事

启事答题来说和通知相似,都需要交代事情的时间、地点、内容及注意事项等。 范文:

Directions: Your company, China Friday Newspaper, plans to invite some college students or recent graduates to undergo supervised practical training. Write and invitation announcement with no less than 100 words, which should include

1) content of the job,

2) requirements for the candidates.

Recruitment Announcement

China Friday offers every year a limited number of unpaid internships. Interns usually assist staff in producing China Friday Newspaper, and the internship is a minimum 10 hour work week commitment. As China Friday cannot provide financial support for interns, all successful applicants are expected to make their own arrangements for travel, lodging, living expenses and insurance during the internship period.

The successful candidates must be responsible for their work, and be proficient in basic computer software. Majors in journalism or Chinese language are preferred. Interested applicants should send a resume, two writing samples to Mr. Li via email at liming @ Chinafriday.org.cn.

China Friday Newspaper



Suppose you are the Chairman of Students’ Union in your college and you are going to hold an Academic Exchange. Now write a notice to invite all the students and teachers in your college to this exchange meeting.

You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "The Students’ Union” instead.

Do not need to write the address.


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    1.[画面:红底叠加字幕] 1.庆祝南昌市xx中学(南昌七中)建校100周年 2.谨以此片献给全体校友和为学校教育事业的发展做出贡献的全体教职员工及社会各界人士! [片头画面:镜头从校办公楼拉开至学校的大门全景叠片名] 2.xx百年1907 ...
  • 衷心感谢[冬眠的魚儿]为我建馆两周年发表祝贺
    衷心感谢[冬眠的魚儿] 为我建馆两周年发表祝贺 非常感谢[冬眠的鱼儿] 好朋友精心为我制作的 漂亮贺帖!辛苦了! 你象仙女下凡突然到我馆, 真让我万分惊喜. 你又象春天的鲜花一样鲜艳夺目, 你又象莲花一样亭亭玉立高雅端庄, 你还象牡丹一样国 ...
  • 高中生升学宴庆典主持词
    尊敬的各位来宾,女士们,先生们,小朋友们: 大家上午好!金风送爽的八月,是一个阳光灿烂的季节,是一个喜获丰收的季节.就在建国六十周年大庆.收获喜讯的前夕,我们的杨建锋同学也金榜题名.所以,我站在这里非常激动,也非常高兴能够担当杨建锋同学升学 ...