Lincoln林肯:严肃的历史还原剧 - 范文中心




  影片主要讲述的是林肯如何以一己之力促成美国宪法第十三修正案(即废除奴隶制条款)在国会通过。与近几年的其他历史题材影片《国王的演讲》(The King’s Speech)和《撒切尔夫人》(The Iron Lady)不同,这部影片关注的不是Lincoln作为个人的伟大,而是力图重现美国宪法第十三修正案通过的艰辛和伟大。


  1860年,反对奴隶制的共和党人林肯当选为美国第16任总统。林肯的当选对南方种植园奴隶主的利益构成严重威胁,他们在他就职前发动了“叛乱”。以南卡罗来纳州为首的南方11个州先后退出联邦,成立“美利坚联盟国”,推举大种植园主Jefferson Davis为总统,还制定了“宪法”,宣布黑人奴隶制是南方联盟的立国基础。1861年4月,南方联盟不宣而战,迅速攻占了林肯领导的联邦政府军驻守的萨姆特堡(Fort Sumter)。林肯不得不宣布对南方作战。美国历史上最大规模的内战(即南北战争)由此爆发。影片《林肯》正是以美国内战为历史背景,讲述了内战接近尾声时发生的故事。

  影片一开始,林肯在路上遇到了北方军队中等待集合的黑人士兵Harold Green和Ira Clark。黑人士兵Clark向他表达了自己对黑人士兵地位仍然低下的不满和对未来的憧憬。

  Clark: They (指Harold Green所在的由黑人士兵和白人军官组成的步兵团) killed a thousand rebel soldiers, sir. They were very brave, and making three dollars less each month than white soldiers, another three dollars subtracted from our pay for our uniforms. Equal pay now, but still no commissioned Negro (黑人) officers.

  Lincoln: I am aware of that, Corporal Clark.

  Clark: Yes, sir, that’s good you’re aware, sir. It’s only that now that white people have accustomed themselves to seeing Negro men with guns, fighting on their behalf, and now that they can tolerate Negro soldiers getting equal pay, maybe in a few years they can abide (忍受) the idea of Negro lieutenants and captains. In fifty years, maybe a Negro colonel. In a hundred years … the vote.... That we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain. That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. (编注:林肯在葛底斯堡演讲时说的一句话。该演讲是为了哀悼在葛底斯堡战役中阵亡的将士。)


  在美国内战的第二年(1862),林肯颁布了《解放奴隶宣言》(The Emancipation Proclamation),敲响了近两百年罪恶奴隶制的丧钟。南方几百万被奴役的黑奴获得自由,诸多奴隶加入北方军队,对扭转北方军队在内战初期的失利起到了重要作用。

  到了1865年,内战已经打了四年,残酷的战争导致交战双方60万人丧生。精疲力竭的南方军队节节败退,北方军队即将赢得最后的胜利。林肯决定在此时推动宪法第十三修正案在国会通过,以在法律上彻底废除奴隶制。林肯的这一想法遭到了国务卿William H. Seward以及一些幕僚的反对。持反对意见者认为,林肯之前颁布的《解放奴隶宣言》已经达到废除奴隶制的目的。如今内战即将结束,此时在国会推动已被众议院否决过的第十三修正案不仅毫无必要,也毫无胜算。这一举动可能会拖延战争结束的时间,引起共和党保守派的不满,进而动摇执政的共和党的威信。就在幕僚们为此争论不休时,平时说话慢条斯理的林肯罕见地拍了桌子。

  Lincoln: The Constitution gives me war powers, but no one knows just exactly what those powers are. Some say they don’t exist. I don’t know. I decided, I needed them to exist to uphold my oath to protect the Constitution, which I decided meant that I could take the rebels’ slaves from them as property confiscated (没收,充公) in war…. Now here’s where it gets truly slippery (棘手的). I use the law allowing for the seizure (没收) of property in a war knowing it applies only to the property of governments and citizens of belligerent (交战的) nations. But the South ain’t a nation. That’s why I can’t negotiate with them. So if in fact the Negroes are property according to law, have I the right to take the rebels’ property from them if I insist they’re rebels only, and not citizens of a belligerent country? And slipperier still: I maintain it ain’t our actual Southern states in rebellion, but only the rebels living in those states, the laws of which states remain in force. That means, that since it’s states’ laws that determine whether Negroes can be sold as slaves, as property, the Federal government doesn’t have a say in that, at least not yet, then Negroes in those states are slaves, hence property, hence my war powers allow me to confiscate them as such, so I confiscated them. But if I’m a respecter of states’ laws, how then can I legally free them with my Proclamation as I have done, unless I’m cancelling states’ laws? Two years ago I proclaimed these people emancipated, “then, thence forward and forever free.” But let’s say the courts decide I had no authority to do it. They might well decide that. Say there’s no amendment (修正案) abolishing slavery. Say it’s after the war, and I can no longer use my war powers to just ignore the courts’ decisions…. Might those people I freed be ordered back into slavery? That’s why I’d like to get the Thirteenth Amendment through the House, and on its way to ratification by the states, wrap the whole slavery thing up, forever and aye (永远地) , as soon as I’m able. Now! End of this month. And I’d like you to stand behind me.   林肯的这段话对于理解整部影片非常重要,因为它解释了从宪法上根除奴隶制的必要性。虽然美国南北战争的起因是奴隶制的存废,但战争的焦点并不是奴隶制,而是美国各州是否有权从美利坚合众国退出。对于林肯领导的联邦政府而言,战争的目的是保持联邦的完整和永久性,而南方政府捍卫的则是各州独立决定自己地位的权利。为了取得政治和法律上的优势,林肯领导的北方政府并不承认南方各州成立的联盟,而是将他们看作叛乱分子,并且在国会里仍然保持了南方各州的席位。如此一来,南方各州的法律依然有效,依然有权决定黑人是否可以被当作奴隶和个人财产进行买卖。


  林肯的发言终于说服了众人。但要想在国会通过宪法第十三修正案,需要三分之二的支持票,这对只掌控众议院56%席位的林肯政府来说相当困难。林肯需要说服拉拢党内党外多个派别的支持,这不仅包括反对党民主党,还包括林肯所在的共和党内的保守派。对于民主党议员,林肯通过向他们提供诱人的政府机构职位来换取他们的赞成票。但对于共和党的保守派来说,相比奴隶制的存废,他们更关心战争何时能够结束。所以保守派领袖Preston Blairs要求林肯与南方联盟派出的代表进行和平会谈,以此作为投赞成票的条件。国务卿Seward得知林肯同意Blairs的要求后十分气愤,他认为林肯此举会让之前的废奴工作功亏一篑。

  Seward: What will happen, do you imagine, when these peace commissioners arrive?

  Lincoln: We’ll hear them out.

  Seward: Oh, splendid! And next the Democrats will invite them up to hearings on the Hill (国会山), and the newspapers will ask, “Why risk enraging the Confederacy (指南方联盟) over the issue of slavery when they are here to make peace?” We’ll lose every Democrat we’ve got, more than likely conservative Republicans will join them, and all our work, all our preparing the ground for the vote, laid waste, for naught (泡影).

  Lincoln: The Blairs have promised support for the amendment if we listen to these people.

  Seward: Oh, the Blairs promise, do they? You think they’ll keep their promise once we have heard these delegates and refused them, which we will have to do, since their proposal most certainly will be predicated on keeping their slaves!

  Lincoln: What hope for any Democratic votes, William, if word gets out that I’ve refused a chance to end the war? You think word won’t get out in Washington?

  Seward: It’s either the amendment or this Confederate peace, you cannot have both.



  在两难之间,林肯决定险中求胜,他向前线的Ulysses S. Grant将军发出指令,一方面让北方军队上尉带领联盟代表往华盛顿的方向出发,试图稳住保守派,让他们继续支持第十三修正案;另一方面又让上尉故意拖慢和谈代表的步伐,以便在他们到来之前争取第十三修正案的通过。

  与此同时,林肯又遇到另一个挑战,那就是共和党内以Thaddeus Stevens为领袖的废奴激进派。废奴激进派本来毫无疑问会支持修正案,但他们要求黑人和白人完全平等的激进立场会吓走国会可能投赞成票的温和派议员。在19世纪中期,白人和有色人种完全平等的想法还属于前卫思想。实际上,虽然美国黑人在理论上于1870年获得选举权,但是这种权利在很多州都受到限制,直到20世纪60年代种族隔离制度废除后,这一权利才得以普及。为了争取激进派的配合,防止他们因大肆渲染修正案的目标而吓跑温和派议员,林肯找到Thaddeus Stevens,试图说服他。   Lincoln: Since we have the floor (发言,发言权) next in the debate, I thought l’d suggest you might temper your contributions so as not to frighten our conservative friends?

  Stevens: When the war ends, I intend to push for full equality, the Negro vote, and much more. Congress shall mandate (批准) the seizure of every foot of rebel land and every dollar of their property. We’ll use their confiscated wealth to establish hundreds of thousands of free Negro farmers, and at their side soldiers armed to occupy and transform the heritage of traitors. We’ll build up a land down there of free men and free women and free children and freedom. The nation needs to know that we have such plans.

  Lincoln: That’s the untempered version of reconstruction. It’s not quite exactly what I intend…. When the people disagree, bringing them together requires going slow till they’re ready to make up…. I admire your zeal, Mr. Stevens, and I have tried to profit from the example of it. But if I’d listened to you, I would’ve declared every slave free the minute the first shell struck Fort Sumter. Then the border states (指未加入南方联盟的边境奴隶州,这些州是进攻南方联盟的重要军事基地) would’ve gone over to the confederacy, the war would’ve been lost and the Union along with it, and instead of abolishing slavery, as we hope to do in two weeks, we’d be watching helpless as infants …

  Stevens: You claim you can trust them (指上文林肯提到的the people). But you know what the people are. You know the inner compass that should direct the soul toward justice has ossified (僵化) in white men and women, north and south, unto utter uselessness through tolerating the evil of slavery. White people cannot bear the thought of sharing this country’s infinite abundance with Negroes.

  Lincoln: A compass, I learn when I was surveying, it’ll point you True North from where you’re standing, but it’s got no advice about the swamps and deserts and chasms that you’ll encounter along the way. If in pursuit of your destination, you plunge ahead, heedless of obstacles, and achieve nothing more than to sink in a swamp, what’s the use of knowing True North?


  在林肯统一了党内的保守派和激进派意见的同时,他手下的说客们也通过提供工作职位的条件换取了十几位民主党议员的支持。在第十三修正案的艰难推进中,受修正案影响最大的群体——黑人——则很少出现。导演于是安排了一场林肯与他家的黑人女佣Elizabeth Keckley的对话。

  Lincoln: Are you afraid of what lies ahead for your people, if we succeed?   Keckley: White people don’t want us here.

  Lincoln: Many don’t.

  Keckley: What about you?

  Lincoln: I don’t know you, Mrs. Keckley. Any of you. You’re familiar to me, as all people are, unaccommodated, poor, bare, forked creatures such as we all are. You have a right to expect what I expect, and likely our expectations are not incomprehensible to each other. I assume I’ll get used to you. But what you are to the nation, what’ll become of you once slavery’s day is done, I don’t know.



  就在国会对第十三修正案进行表决的前一天,林肯亲自出马,试图说服关键的摇摆议员。与各个派别议员的群情激昂不同的是,林肯有一种特别的气质,他的讲话常以寓言式的故事开始,语调缓慢而又深入人心,温文尔雅又充满权威。他找到对修正案心怀恐惧的温和派议员George Yeanman,仍以一个故事拉开他们交谈的序幕。

  Lincoln: I saw a barge (驳船) once, Mr. Yeaman, filled with colored men in chains, heading down the Mississippi to the New Orleans slave markets. It sickened me. And more than that, it brought a shadow upon, a pall (阴暗的笼罩物) around my eyes. Slavery troubled me as long as I can remember in a way it never troubled my father, thought he hated it, in his own fashion. He knew no small holding dirt farmer could compete with slave plantations. He took us out from Kentucky to get away from them. He wanted Indiana kept free. He wasn’t a kind man, but there was a rough moral urge for fairness, for freedom in him. I learnt that from him, I suppose.

  Yeaman: I hate it, too, sir ... slavery, but ... but we’re entirely unready for emancipation. There’s too many questions …

  Lincoln: We’re unready for peace too, ain’t we? You know, when it comes, it’ll present us with conundrums (难题) and dangers greater than any we’ve faced. We’ll have to extemporize (临时准备) and experiment with what it is, when it is. I read your speech, George. Negroes and the vote, that’s a puzzle.

  Yeaman: No, no, but ... but Negroes can’t … um ... vote, Mr. Lincoln. You’re not suggesting we enfranchise (给予选举权) colored people.

  Lincoln: I’m asking only that you disenthrall (释放) yourself from the slave powers. I’ll let you know when there’s an offer on my desk for surrender. There’s none before us now. What’s before us now, that’s the vote on the Thirteenth Amendment. It’s going to be so very close. You see what you can do.

  在很大程度上,林肯的温文尔雅也是一种政治手腕,在对潜在的政治敌人和盟友表现出灵活性的同时,林肯对自己阵营的人也表达出无比的激情和决心。他可以是耐心的说客,也可以是热情的鼓动家。当Blairs表明自己已说服所有保守派议员投赞成票,抱怨林肯与南方联盟的和谈没有进展时,林肯对Blairs和其他幕僚情绪激昂地表明了自己废奴以及结束战争的决心。   Lincoln: I can’t accomplish a goddamned thing of any human meaning or worth until we cure ourselves of slavery, and end this pestilential (瘟疫般的,有害的) war. And whether any of you or anyone else knows it, I know I need this! This amendment is that cure! We’re stepped out upon the world’s stage now, now! With the fate of human dignity in our hands! Blood has been spilt to afford us this moment! Now, now, now! But you grousle (抱怨) and heckle (诘问) and dodge (回避) about like pettifogging (吹毛求疵的) Tammany Hall (坦慕尼协会,纽约市民主党的政治机器) hucksters! Abolishing slavery by constitutional provision settles the fate, for all coming time, not only of the millions now in bondage but of unborn millions to come. Two votes stand in its way, and these votes must be procured (获得).

  在做出所有的努力之后,最后的表决时间也到了。就在表决前的关键时刻,反对废奴的民主党议员突然扔出“重磅炸弹”,爆出南方联盟已经前来和谈的消息,要求推迟投票。在南北战争仍在继续的情况下,大多数人更关心的仍是战争的进程,而修正案的通过被认为有可能阻碍南北和谈。在这一关键时刻,在白宫得知此消息的林肯派幕僚送来他的亲笔信,郑重承诺:“As far as I know, there are no peace commissioners in the city, nor are there likely to be.”这一承诺使投票得以继续进行。这句承诺也表现出林肯高超的政治手腕,因为他之前曾指令北方上尉让南方代表中途停步,所以他完全可以凭此证明自己没有和谈的打算。正如一个民主党议员所说,林肯只是玩了一个文字游戏,他没有说谎,但确实欺骗了国会。


  激进派议员Stevens将通过的法案拿回家,给了自己的黑人爱人Lydia Smith,导演也通过他们把著名的美国宪法第十三修正案朗读出来。

  Smith: An Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Section One: Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude (奴役), except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Stevens: Section Two.

  Smith: Congress shall have power to enforce this amendment by appropriate legislation.

  影片到此并未结束。南方联盟的谈判使者终于到达,宪法第十三修正案的通过使他们失去了最重要的谈判砝码,他们除了投降之外别无选择。最终,绝望的南方军队在Robert Lee将军的率领下向北军投降。林肯也来到前线会见北方军队统帅Grant将军,在这里他看到了布满战场的尸体,看到了战争的残酷。从某种程度上说,林肯为了通过废奴法案延迟了战争结束的时间,也造成了更多的伤亡。影片这一思考的背后隐含了美国电影人对自己祖国历史上最惨烈的战争的一种略显矛盾的情怀,很难说南方联盟就是美国的敌人,无论是南方还是北方,都是当代美国人的祖先。



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