高中作文训练 (节约,低碳生活)(含范文) - 范文中心

高中作文训练 (节约,低碳生活)(含范文)


作文训练 (节约,低碳生活)

with the development of cities/economy;

suffer from emissions from…,making the environment heavily polluted;

the cost of electricity /water/paper grows rapidly;

be fully aware of the importance of… to build an economized society; The reason why… is that … advocate the idea that…

have/leave/lead a low-carbon lifestyle; save and reuse energy;

form/develop/get into a good habit of … reduce carbon emission; cut costs/cut down expenses; expand forest coverage; develop environmentally friendly products/green and renewable resources;

take advantage of/make fuse of alternative/renewable energy;

try not to use disposable chopsticks so that…

make the most of the waste things through recycle and reuse;

attach importance to sustainable development; reuse water for more purposes; turn off appliances/electric facilities/the tap after using them;

minimize the use of private cars;

use public transportation system as often as possible;

write on both sides of paper;

meaningful; rewarding; beneficial; significant;

bring much benefits/convenience;

ensure sustainable development;

slow down the process of global warming;

live in harmony/harmoniously with nature;

small deeds make a big difference;


要点齐全: (有无归纳整合?)

语篇连贯: (逻辑是否清晰?段落是否合理?有无衔接过渡?)

语用得体: (是否符合交际性?是否符合文体套路?)

语法正确: (句子主干是否完整?时态是否正确?单词短语有无误用?)



篇章层次: □要点丢失 □调换要点位置 □未整合 □缺乏衔接过渡 □未紧贴写作目的 □时态 其他

句子层次: □主干不完整 □主谓不一致 □定从 □名从 □状从 □其他句型 □中式表达 其他

单词短语层次: □不知如何表达 □短语搭配错 □词义辨析不清 □拼写 □符号 □笔误 其他



1. 为什么要实行“低碳经济”?

2. 如何走“绿色发展道路”?

3. 过“低碳生活”如何从我做起?(联系自己拟定内容,至少列举二两点。)

Since the Copenhagen Climate Conference, low carbon economy and low carbon life have been hot topics. Recently our class had a heated discussion about it. Through the discussion, we are fully aware of the necessity of carrying out a low carbon economy in our country The reason why we advocate the idea of practicing low carbon economy is that our environment is going on a downward slide with large quantities of greenhouse gases emissions and the contamination becoming severer.

Ways to achieve green development is possible if we, firstly, go to great lengths to plant more trees to let the forests return to their former glory. Secondly, the government should put developing clean and renewable energy on its agenda. Last but not least, recycling and reusing waste is also an advisable way to lighten the burden of eco-system.

As regards my attitude to this issue, every single small deed counts in our efforts to save our planet, say, using both sides of a paper, turning off the tap and switching off the light when we are not utilizing it and so on. Also, we'd better remind and educate those who do harm to the environment.

In this way, every one of us can lead a pleasant and healthy life on earth.


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