感悟历史的魅力,做一个仁爱之人中英文演讲稿 - 范文中心





Dear teachers and students: Hello, everyone!


The topic of my speech today is “Realize the charm of history and be a benevolent person”.


China is a country with a profound historical tradition for thousands of years whose official or unofficial history is vast. History becomes one of the four main categories of ancient Chinese studies. The reason why history has such a position lies in its unique charm.


The charm of history lies in its remoteness. The earliest history can be traced back to the generation of human beings. The history of human civilization also has six or seven thousand years. The older the history is, the more mysterious. People always have the impulse to know their own sources and pursuit of mysterious things. This is also the tempting place of history.


The charm of history lies in its generality. The content of historical research is quite extensive, including politics, economy, science, culture, production, life, literature, art, almost covering the course of development of all disciplines in modern society.


The charm of history lies in its vitality. History is by no means a dull word, but a lively picture. In history, there are actions and thoughts of the ancients, grand events and intriguing episodes. History is a living drama that can never be finished.


The charm of history lies in its imitation. Sima guang presided over the compilation of "History As A Mirror" the purpose is to "in view of the past, have the resources to governance", although historical events can’t repeat, but similar events repeatedly recurring, so be familiar with the history can draw lessons from it and learn from the experience.


China is a country with a long history of benevolence. Benevolence is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation and a model passed down from generation to generation. So what is "benevolence"?


Firstly, love yourself. To love yourself is to be responsible for your actions. Study career is the basic stage of life. When life has a solid foundation it can build high-rise buildings and own a wider world.


Therefore, to maximize the learning effect in school time and to lay a solid foundation for one's life is to cherish and love oneself. Secondly, to love their families, love their loved ones.


Thirdly, we should love our classmates, teachers, classes and schools. It is to protect the honor and interests of those with their own words and deeds, and to maintain the environment in which everyone lives, learns and grows together.


Finally, patriotism is the sublimation of love, which is higher, bigger and deeper.


Love yourself, love your family, love your school and love your country are the different levels and forms of "benevolence". They complement each other. From "little love" to "great love". "Great love" forms and maintains the environment in which we live, learn and develop together. Without " great love", "little love" will be infringed upon, without security guarantee, it will be difficult to exist.


Human history is like a never-ending stream. The great Chinese nation goes on for thousands of years. We have the traditional virtue of "benevolence", which we should inherit.


Today, history is moving towards the media and the masses with its unprecedented charm. Believe, there will be more people love history, under the influence of history to understand the past and the reality, improve wisdom, edify sentiment and perceive life. Let’s try our best to practice "benevolence", starting with you and me.


Thank you!


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