第七届英语演讲比赛主持稿 - 范文中心



A: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Seventh English Speaking Contest.


A: We are honored to co-host the contest tonight,my name is ***

B:My name is ***

A: Sponsored by the Students’ Association Union of Xiamen City University, this competition is undertaken by English Club. There are 12 contestants compete in today’s English Speaking Competition .


A:And this competition will be mediated by a panel of 5 judges. Who will be responsible for asking questions to today’s contestants .

Now, I have the great privilege of presenting today’s judges.


A: Welcome. B: ……

A: Welcome.(以此类推)


A: Welcome! Thanks for you coming! OK, after introducing our judges, now let’s go over the rules of the competition.


A: First,each of the contestants has 4 minutes to present a prepared speech. During the prepared speech, our staff will ring the bell as a signal that there is half a minute left. When the bell ringing for the second time, the time is up.


A: The second is the question time for the judges.And the last is impromptu speech. In the last part, the player should choose one from 13 pictures for an impromptu speech. Players are allowed to think for 1 minute, then there will be 90 seconds for improvised speech.


A: Every 4 players finished performing ,announcing a scoring.


A:Let’s look forward to the contestants’ wonderful performances!

well, now ,it is a great pleasure for me to declare the opening of the English Speaking Contest.


A:Firstly,The topic of today’s speech is “ Pices of commodities”.

B: 今天演讲的主题是物价。

A:Now, let’s warmly welcome contestant NO.1…….. .Please NO.2 …. get ready. B:下面掌声有请一号选手。。。。请2号选手。。。准备。

( 选手自备演讲稿4分钟后,评委提问)

A: Now is the time for judges ,question please. (or Judges, question please)



B:请看大屏幕,上面有13组图, 请你任意挑选一张,进行即兴演讲。

A:Choose one picture.



A:Time’s up.


A:Thank you for contestant NO.1, now let’s welcome contestant NO.2……. Please NO.3 …. get ready.



B:谢谢前面4位选手精彩地演讲,下面是我们的互动环节。猜谜语。Are you ready? A:谜面是

B:游戏过后,我们现在来看一下前面四位选手的得分情况. 1号。。。2号。。。3号。。。4号。。 A: Congratulations! Now, let’s welcome contestant NO.5…. Please NO.3 …. get ready. (以此类推至第八个选手,再进入第二轮游戏,游戏后再公布答案,接着是9号选手上场)。。



A:And now, let’s have short breath and wait for the final results. During the time, let’s share an excellent show.



A:Hi, everyone. Welcome back to our English Speaking Contest, the result of the contest is ready to open to the publish.


现在 我来宣布今晚最佳风采奖的获得者。。。。。。。请上台领奖。有请XXX为他颁奖。 A:今晚最佳语音奖的获得者。 。。。。。。请上台领奖。有请XXX为他颁奖。

A: Now let’s invite the representative of students to declare the third prize winners and award them.


A: Now let’s invite the teacher XXX to declare the second prize and award them. B:现在让我们有请XX老师宣布获得二等奖的选手名单。

A: Now let’s invite XXX to declare the first winners and award prize for them. B:现在让我们有请XX老师前来宣布获得一等奖的选手名单。


A:At last, Congratulations to all the contestants and many thanks to all the guests and judges. The contest has come to an end. Thank you for coming! Good night! B:让我们向本次大赛获奖的参赛选手,以及各位的参与表示衷心的感谢,谢谢你们。现在我宣布,外协第七届英语演讲比赛圆满落幕。各位晚安!


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