英语绕口令_带翻译版 - 范文中心



1. A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black

bear bleed blood.


2. A big black bug bit a big black bear. Where's the big black

bear the big black bug bit?


3. A bitter biting bittern bit a better brother bittern, and the

bitter better bittern bit the bitter biter back. And the bitter bittern, bitten, by the better bitten bittern, said: "I'm a bitter biter bit, alack!"


4. A flea and a fly flew up in a flue. Said the flea, "Let us

fly!" Said the fly, "Let us flee!" So they flew through a flaw in the flue.


5. A lusty lady loved a lawyer and longed to lure him from

his laboratory.

a) 一个精力充沛的女士爱上了一位律师,她渴望诱惑


6. A pleasant place to place a plaice is a place where a plaice

is pleased to be placed.


7. A skunk sat on a stump. The skunk thought the stump

stunk, and the stump thought the skunk stunk.


8. A tidy tiger tied a tie tighter to tidy her tiny tail. 一只老虎将领带系紧,清洁它的尾巴。

9. A tree toad loved a she-toad who lived up in a tree. He was

a two-toed tree toad but a three-toed toad was she. The two-toed tree toad tried to win the three-toed she-toad's heart, for the two-toed tree toad loved the ground that the three-toed tree toad trod. But the two-toed tree toad tried in vain. He couldn't please her whim. From her tree toad bower with her three-toed power the she-toad vetoed him. 一只树蟾蜍爱上另一只住在树上的蟾蜍女郎。它是一只二趾的蟾蜍,而蟾蜍女郎是三趾的。那只二趾的树蟾蜍尝试夺取踏的土地。可是,二趾蟾蜍徒劳无功。它不能满足三趾蟾蜍女郎的心意。在三趾蟾蜍女郎的卧室,三趾蟾蜍女郎用它的三趾能力将二趾蟾蜍的念头打消了。

10. A tutor who tooted a flute tried to tutor two tooters to toot.

Said the two to their tutor, "Is it harder to toot or to tutor two tooters to toot?"


11. All I want is a proper cup of coffee made in a proper

copper coffee pot, you can believe it or not, but I just want a cup of coffee in a proper coffee pot. Tin coffee pots or iron coffee pots are of no use to me. If I can't have a proper cup of coffee in a proper copper coffee pot, I'll have a cup of tea!


12. Amidst the mists and coldest frosts, with stoutest wrists

and loudest boasts, he thrusts his fist against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts.

在满布薄雾,严寒期最冻的那天,他用最结实的手腕和最自夸的话用拳头猛力推打柱子,而且声称他见鬼。 Tongue Twister B

13. Betty and Bob brought back blue balloons from the big



14. Betty beat a bit of butter to make a better batter. 贝蒂搅拌一些牛油,令脆浆更可口。

15. Betty Botter had some butter, "But," she said, "this butter's

bitter. If I bake this bitter butter, it would make my batter bitter. But a bit of better butter - that would make my batter better." So she bought a bit of butter, better than her bitter butter, and she baked it in her batter, and the batter was not bitter. So 'twas better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter.


16. Bright blows the broom on the brook's bare brown banks. 布赖特吹动在小溪旁棕色的土地上的扫帚。

17. 27.Brisk brave brigadiers brandished broad bright blades,

blunderbusses, and bludgeons -- balancing them badly. 敏捷而勇敢的陆军旅长们挥舞着锋利的刀剑、大口径前膛枪和大头短棒——身体差点失去平衡。 T

18. Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager

imagining managing an imaginary menagerie?


19. Cheryl's chilly cheap chip shop sells Cheryl's cheap chips. 雪露的便宜辣椒薯条店卖便宜的薯条。

20. Don't pamper damp scamp tramps that camp under ramp



21. Fred fed Ted bread, and Ted fed Fred bread. 弗雷德喂特德吃面包,特德喂弗雷德吃面包。

22. Friendly Frank flips fine flapjacks. 友善的法兰克用手捻着美味的饼干。

23. Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy

wuzzy wasn't fuzzy. Was he?


Tongue Twister G

24. Gertie's great-grandma grew aghast at Gertie's grammar. 格蒂的曾祖母被格蒂的文法吓呆了。

25. Girl gargoyle, guy gargoyle.


26. Give me the gift of a grip top sock: a drip-drape,

ship-shape, tip-top sock.


27. Give Mr. Snipa's wife's knife a swipe. 把史立巴先生的太太的刀子抹净。

28. Give papa a cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup.

Tongue Twister H

29. He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees

the ghosts.


30. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a

woodchuck could chuck wood? He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood. 假如一只美洲旱獭能够扔掉木头,它可扔掉多少木头呢?它会扔掉,它会,尽全力把木头扔掉。假如一只美洲旱獭能够扔掉木头,它会尽全力扔掉一只美洲旱獭能扔的木头。

Tongue Twister I

31. I am not the pheasant plucker, I'm the pheasant plucker's

mate. I am only plucking pheasants 'cause the pheasant plucker's running late. 我不是拔雉野鸡毛的人,我是他的助手。我在拔雉野鸡的毛,因为拔雉野鸡毛的人赶不及将雉野鸡毛拔掉。

32. I cannot bear to see a bear bear down upon a hare. When

bare of hair he strips the hare, Right there I cry, "Forbear!" 我实在不忍心看着大熊一步一步向野兔逼近。当大熊差不多将野兔所有的毛发拔掉,我大叫:「自制啊!」

33. I correctly recollect Rebecca MacGregor's reckoning. 我准确地记起丽贝卡麦格拉歌的账单。

34. I saw Esau kissing Kate. I saw Esau, he saw me, and she

saw I saw Esau.


35. I slit a sheet, a sheet I slit. Upon the slitted sheet, I sit. 我撕开了一张纸,那张纸给我撕开了。在撕开了的纸上,我坐下了。

36. I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn't the

thought I thought I thought.


37. I wish you were a fish in my dish. 我巴不得你是我碟中的鱼。

38. If Stu chews shoes, should Stu choose the shoes he chews? 假如史调咀嚼鞋子,史调应否选择他正在咀嚼的鞋子呢?

39. If you notice this notice you will notice that this notice is

not worth noticing.


40. Just think, that sphinx has a sphincter that stinks! 试想想,那个狮身人面像的括约肌发臭了!

41. Knife and a fork, bottle and a cork, that is the way you

spell New York.


42. Kris Kringle carefully crunched on candy canes. 克里斯克理高小心地嚼甘蔗。

43. Meet Sir Cecil Thistlethwaite, the celebrated theological



44. Moses supposes his toeses are roses, but moses supposes

erroneously. For moses, he knowses his toeses aren't roses as moses supposes his toeses to be!


45. Mr. See owned a saw. And Mr. Soar owned a seesaw. Now

See's saw sawed Soar's seesaw before Soar saw See, which made Soar sore. Had Soar seen See's saw before See sawed Soar's seesaw, See's saw would not have sawed Soar's seesaw. So See's saw sawed Soar's seesaw. But it was sad to see Soar so sore just because See's saw sawed Soar's seesaw!


46. My dame hath a lame tame crane. My dame hath a crane

that is lame.


Tongue Twister N be Shott than Nott. Some say Nott was not shot. But Shott says he shot Nott. Either the shot Shott shot at Nott was not shot or Nott was shot. If the shot Shott shot shot Nott, Nott was shot. But if the shot Shott shot shot Shott, then Shott was shot, not Nott. However, the shot Shott shot shot not Shott - but Nott.


48. Nine nice night nurses nursing nicely. 九位友善的夜班护士愉快地照料病人。

Tongue Twister O

49. Of all the felt I ever felt, I never felt a piece of felt which

felt as fine as that felt felt, when first I felt that felt hat's felt.


50. Old oily Ollie oils old oily autos.


51. Once upon a barren moor there dwelt a bear, also a boar.

The bear could not bear the boar. The boar thought the bear a bore. At last the bear could bear no more of that boar that bored him on the moor, and so one morn he bored the boar - that boar will bore the bear no more. 从前,在一个贫瘠的荒野里住了一只熊和一只公野猪。熊忍不了公野猪,公野猪又觉得熊是一只令人讨厌的东西。最后,那只熊忍不了那只令它沉闷极了的公野猪,因此,在一个早上,那只熊把公野猪闷透了 - 自此以后,公野猪不再令熊沉闷了。

52. One smart fellow, he felt smart. Two smart fellows, they

felt smart. Three smart fellows, they all felt smart.


53. One-One was a racehorse. Two-Two was one, too. When

One-One won one race, Two-Two won one, too. 一一是一只赛马,二二也是一只赛马。当一一嬴了一场比赛,二二也嬴一场比赛。

Tongue Twister P-Q-R

54. Pick a partner and practice passing, for if you pass

proficiently, perhaps you'll play professionally.


55. PRuby Rugby's brother bought and brought her back some

rubber baby-buggy bumpers.


56. Sarah sitting in her sitting room, all she does is sits and

shifts, all she does is sits and shifts.


57. Say this sharply, say this sweetly, Say this shortly, say this

softly. Say this sixteen times in succession.


58. She sells seashells by the sea shore. The shells she sells are

surely seashells. So if she sells shells on the seashore, I'm sure she sells seashore shells.


59. She sifted thistles through her thistle-sifter. 她用蓟筛筛蓟。

60. Sheep shouldn't sleep in a shack. Sheep should sleep in a



61. Silly Sally swiftly shooed seven silly sheep. The seven

silly sheep Silly Sally shooed shilly-shallied south. These sheep shouldn't sleep in a shack; sheep should sleep in a shed.


62. Silly sheep weep and sleep. 愚蠢小羊哭累了便睡觉。

63. Six shimmering sharks' sharply striking shins.

64. So she bought a bit of butter, better than her bitter butter,

and she baked it in her batter, and the batter was not bitter. So 'twas better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter. 因此,她买了一些较优质的牛油,放进她的面糊里搅拌,面糊不苦了。这是贝蒂博他最好买些较优质的牛油的原因。

65. Susan shineth shoes and socks; socks and shoes shines

Susan. She ceased shining shoes and socks, for shoes and socks shock Susan.


66. Swan swam over the sea, swim, swan swim! Swan swam

back again well swum, swan!


67. We surely shall see the sun shine soon. 我们必定快将看见阳光。

68. What time does the wristwatch strap shop shut? 表带店何时关门?

69. When does the wristwatch strap shop shut? Does the

wristwatch strap shop shut soon? Which wristwatch straps are the Swiss wristwatch straps?


70. Which wristwatches are Swiss wristwatches? 那些手表是瑞士制造的呢?

71. While we were walking, we were watching window

washers wash Washington's windows with warm washing water. 当我们走路时,我们看着清洁窗户的人用暖水清洗华盛顿的窗户。

72. Who washed Washington's white woollen underwear when

Washington's washer woman went west? 华盛顿的清洁女工逝世后,谁人替他清洗白色的纯毛内裤?

73. Will you, William? 伟廉,可以吗?

74. How much dew would a dewdrop drop if a dewdrop could

drop dew?



75. The driver was drunk and drove the doctor's car directly

into the deep ditch.


76. Sandy sniffed sweet smelling sunflower seeds while sitting

beside a swift stream.


77. A snow-white swan swam swiftly to catch a

slowly-swimming snake in a lake.


78. A pleasant peasant keeps a pleasant pheasant and both the

peasant and the pheasant are having a pleasant time together.



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