电子商务关键词 - 范文中心




collaborative commerce 协同商务

Partners will be integrated with common commercial interests, he is mainly through the sharing of the information with the business cycle, to achieve and meet the growing needs of customers, but also to meet the enterprise itself activity ability

Buy-side marketplace买方市场

Refers to the supply is greater than demand, prices decline, the market trend of the buyer in a favorable position in the transaction. In a buyer's market, commodity supply surplus, between the seller to sell, prices decline, the buyer is in active position in the transaction, the initiative of arbitrary choice of a commodity

Collaborative commerce协同电子商务

Enterprises will be the existing software (including ERP, CRM, SCM, OA, the online portal, electronic payment system and logistics system) data in database and application of unified platform, the full integration of all the information, without hindering the link between information and information, the user can from the friendly interface entrance information comes down, extraction of a wide range and depth of information, but no need to switch between the database and the application in different platform.

Customization Marketing 定制营销

Customized marketing, is refers to the enterprise on the basis of mass production, each and every customer is treated as a separate segment of the market, to market marketing combination according to the specific needs of an individual, a kind of marketing to meet the specific needs of each customer

Debit Card借记卡

Refers to the first deposit after consumption (or cash) no overdraft function of bank card. According to their different functions, can be divided into debit card (including savings cards), special card and card. A debit card is a kind of transfer settlement, access cash, shopping and other functions of the credit tool, it also added the transfer, sale, stock fund, payment and other functions,

but also provide a lot of value-added services.

Electronic catalogs电子目录

Electronic directory is a use of PDF (Portable Document Format) propaganda weapon of new generation of enterprise technology. Its clever fusion of traditional printing and the popular Internet technology, provides a hitherto unknown cheap, fast, the maximum range of publicity means for enterprise publicity

E-mail advertising电子邮件广告

E-mail advertising (E-mail Advertising) is through the Internet advertising will be distributed to the users e-mail network forms of advertising, it has strong pertinence, wide spread, large amount of information, its form is similar to direct mail advertising

Electronic exchanges电子交易

Electronic trading trading conducted via an electronic system, different from the exchange trading hall face to face transactions. In the electronic commerce there is no part of electronic trading more than attract sb.'s attention. The so-called electronic trading is that transactions on the internet.

Electronic credit cards电子信用卡

Electronic credit card is a kind of payment. The use of electronic business credit card is the electronic credit card, electronic credit card payment directly through the network. Electronic credit card with a fast, convenient features, the buyer may in time by the issuer to the card holder's credit degree, so as to prevent the occurrence of fraud.


Electronic funds transfer (EFT)is the electronic exchange, transfer of money from one account to another, either within a single financial institution or across multiple institutions, through computer-based systems.

Electronic cash 电子现金

Electronic Cash is a kind of simulated cash in electronic form technology.

Characteristics of electronic cash systems attempt to copy the cash for online transactions in many aspects: convenient, cost is low (or no transaction costs). Bearer and other properties.

Electronic Money 电子货币

Electronic money money that is exchanged electronically.[1] This involves the use of computer networks, the Internet and digital stored value systems. Examples of electronic money are bank deposits, electronic funds transfer (EFT), direct deposit, payment processors, and digital currencies such as Bitcoin.

Interactive marketing 互动营销

In the interactive marketing. Interaction is a consumer, one side is the enterprise. Only by grasping the common interests, find a clever communication time and method can be both closely together. Interactive marketing especially, both sides adopted a common behavior.

M-Commerce 移动电子商务

Mobile e-commerce is the use of electronic business mobile phone, PDA, handheld computer, wireless terminals of the B2B, B2C or C2C. It will be the Internet, mobile communication technology, the short distance communication and information processing technology the perfect combination, so that people can carry out a variety of business activities at any time, any place, whenever and wherever possible, to achieve online and offline shopping and transactions, online electronic payment and various business activities, business activities, financial activities and related comprehensive services activities.

customers using intelligent agents客户用智能代理

Customer intelligence is innovation and the use of customer knowledge, concepts, methods, and software to help enterprises to improve customer relationship optimization decision-making ability and operation ability. Customer knowledge is the core concept of customer knowledge management. Customer knowledge is the enterprise and the customer in the common intellectual labor in the discovery and creation, and enter the enterprise

product innovation knowledge.

Payment card 支付卡

"Payment card", is the cardholder use a credit card to pay another credit card debt. Payment card, although can relieve the cardholder repayment difficulties in a certain extent, but easy to encourage cardholders to excessive consumption habits.

Permission marketing许可营销

Permission marketing is a new marketing concept and the development of the Internet based on. When the enterprises to promote their products or services, the prior consent of the customer's "license". To a potential customer permission, by way of E-mail to the customer to send the product service information, therefore, permission marketing is the permission E-mail marketing.

Service Provider 服务提供者

Service Provider (service provider) abbreviation, is refers to the value-added telecom service providers, namely value-added interface provided by the operators to provide service for the user, and then by the operators in the user's mobile phone and broadband fees deducted from the related service fee, finally the operator and SP according to the percentage.

sell-side marketplace卖方市场

Refers to the supply is less than demand, prices rising trend, the seller in a favorable position in the trading market. In a seller's market, the supply of goods is less, the supply cannot meet the demand of the market, even if the commodity can also be sold, commodity prices were rising trend.

Viral marketing病毒性营销

Viral marketing (viral marketing, also known as viral marketing) is a popular network marketing methods, is used to carry on the website promotion, brand promotion, viral marketing use of the principle of reputation spread, on the Internet, the "word of mouth" is more convenient, like a virus can rapidly spread, therefore the viral marketing (viral marketing) is an efficient way to

disseminate information, and, because of this spontaneous communication between users, therefore is almost do not need to cost means of network marketing.

Web-based call centers网络呼叫中心

Using advanced communications network call center platform concept, to subvert the traditional call center, with broadband Internet access to all the customers with a no upfront investment, then apply immediately opened the new call center agent. The call center provides the traditional call center IVR guide, call queuing, call a variety of functional distribution.


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