重庆专升本英语07-11年真题答案 - 范文中心




16-20. CCDBA

21-25. DBDDB

26-30. BDDBC

31-35. CDDCA

36-40. haven’t enough protein; opposed / objected; don’t eat meat; economy; fairly 41-45. increasing turn over; 36%; recruited; training department; European technology Program

46-49. CBDD

Except 同类的

Except for 不同类的


Apart from

Delay/ postpone

Apply for; appliance电器

Not to mention 更别提

This passage is about..

The best title of this text is…

1. 放眼法

2. 首尾段连读

3. 段首连读

50. 不可否认的是旅游业现在已经成为欧洲社会最大的经济支柱,并且还有潜力继续增长。现在,旅游业已经占到了欧洲社会国内生产总值的8%,占全部外贸总值的8%。旅游业直接提供了一千万的工作岗位,加上一些附加的工作岗位,总数量可以达到一千八百万个。

1. 时态、固定搭配、语态

2. 正确,通顺

Summary: 1/3; 100%

1. 确定句数 10-15 word 5-6

2. 找每段的主旨句.

( 故事:时间、重大的事件;

说明文/议论文: 首段+尾段,每一段的开头和结尾2句。

必抄处:1.因果处 because, so, as a result, thus..

顺序处:first, second, third… at first, then, in the end/ at last.

总结处: in a word, conclude, conclusion, anyhow,

观点处:suggest, indicate, show

必须删除:修饰成分:定状补,从句。 只保留句子的主干:




1. Hiring process will be more easily adhere

to if it better defined.

2. A multi-stage interviewing process

should be adapted/ employed/ used and the notes should all be taken.

3. No inferences (should) be made and no

notes should be taken on a resume.

4.1 You can discover each applicant

capability by pre-……

4.2 In order to/ To discover the capability

of each applicant, you can pre…

5.1 The same questions used in different

ways will help you draw….responses.

5.2 To draw ….responses, you can use same

questions in different ways.

6. Time limits should be set….


All staff member,

This is to invite you to make proposals concerning our company’s celebration activities. Our company enjoys a history of 20 years and it remains Top 5 in

the same industry both in scope and economic benefits. We are going to hold a series of activities to celebrate the achievements we have made. What kind of activities you adopted will get a prize.

Dept. of Public Affairs

April 13th, 2013 Dear Sir/Mr./Miss or Madam/Peter/Manager,

I’m writing to you .....


Li Mingming

Fan Bingbing ------Bingbing Fan

John Smith

请假条/便条 (称呼,署名)

Dear Smith,


Interview 面试

er 面试官

ee 面试者/ candidate/applicant

Margin 空白处,边缘处


Oder 订单

现金收记录机 A. 货物排序、下订单

B. 记录

Lure 引诱,诱惑= they provide encouragement to In the absence of 缺少了。。。

Foolhardy 有勇无谋的人

succumb to the temptation to live 屈服于

In addition to 除了 emergency 紧急情况

Obtain /get获得 up to 高达

Interest 利息


PC 个人电脑

Laptop 笔记本电脑

GoToMyPC 软件名 download 下载 Log into 登陆 account账户 Provide remote... Break 休息

Page 页面 click on启动,打开

Home page 主页

Pop up 突然出现

Toolbar 工具栏,工具条

Desktop icons桌面图标

垃圾处理面积的减少以及垃圾掩埋和燃烧的成本增加,迫使政府部门更加关注回收利用。在许多地方,特别是东海岸线一代,回收利用已经成为一种最经济的选择。 Especially特别是

Specially 专门的

1. Recent scientific evidence seems to

indicate that calendars came into being with the advent of agriculture.

2. It has been a long time since historians have been puzzled by dots, lines, and symbols which are made by nomads.

3. This code which is connected with the passage of the day and the phases of the moon is primitive type of calendar.

4. The hunting scenes depicted on walls had a definite meaning and a definite relation is likely to exist

between these paintings and the markings. 合并要点的主语

5. years earlier than has been supposed.


16-20. ABDCA 17题B选项中的delay改为delaying

21-25. CABAD 26-30. ACDBB 31-35. BBABC

36-40. spend more money; succumb to the

temptation to live; obtaining free credit; the notices of using a credit card; objective 41-45. go to my PC/ GoToMyPC; log into account; $45; free or not; remote access and file sharing

46-49. DCAB

50. 垃圾处理面积的减少以及垃圾掩埋和燃烧的成本增加,迫使政府部门更加关注回收利用。在许多地方,特别是东海岸线一带,回收利用已经成为一种最经济的选择。

1. Recent scientific evidence indicates/shows that calendars came into being with the advent of agriculture. 2’


2. Historians have long been puzzled by dots,

lines and symbols which are made by nomads. 2’

3. This code which is connected

with …..moon is a primitive type of

calendar. 2’

4. The hunting scenes depicted on walls had

a definite meaning and a definite relation is likely to exist between these paintings and markings. 2’

5. ….. 2’

技巧: 改动熟悉的动词,找近义词替代。




16-20. BDCCB 21-25. DADBA

26-30. CDDBA 31-35. ADDCB

36-40. the new dean; for four years; this new challenge; moral philosophy; timely public issues

41-45. sales manager; rather too high; 10% to

15%; reduce the price; order

46-49. BADC

50. 玻璃一个最有意思的新用途是在电话通讯上。科学家们发明了一种和人类发丝一样细的玻璃纤维用来传导光信号。当光信号传递到另一端,很快就能转换成电子讯号,最终转换成音频信息。

Used to do sth过去常常做某事

Be used to doing sth/ be accustomed to doing sth/ adapt to doing sth 习惯于/适应做某事

虚拟:Otherwise否则/but for要不是/ without 主句时态倒退

非谓语动词Done 被动+完成



March 22th, 2009 Dear Mr. Black,

I am writing to invite you to attend the

reception hold by our company on Tuesday,

thApril 28 in Hilton Hotel. We are a company specializing in chemical engineering machinery. Our products as well we our service enjoy a good reputation in the same industry. I’d like to have a thorough

conversation with you on the potential to strengthen our ties and deepen our cooperation.

I’m looking forward to your early replay. Sincerely Yours, Edwin Black

1. Kazakh president said stability and development is mostly needed in Asia and it is (Asia) shifting its products to high….in the world.

2. Tough Asia has made great progress in

economy, it is under the threat of many negative factors.

2.Tough rapid economic development in Asia, it is under the …..

3. economy depends on stability and

stability depends on economic


4. economy and stability are interact with

each other and depend on each other.

4. He asks Asia countries to take measures

to deal with the world financial crisis.

4.1 Asia countries would do everything to

help the stable development.

5. the Asia Cooperation Dialogue is the only mechanism that involves the entire Asia. The important/ the first/necessary/vital


16-20. DDADC

21-25. BBCCD

31-35. CABBC

36-40. Chongqing; Sino-American joint

venture; Personnel Manager; seven; she was studying

41-45. operation model; more than 100; healthy quick-service; food quality; customer’s home kitchen

46-49. BCCD

50. 世界博览会是一个范围广的,全球性的,非商业性质的展览会。世博会的目的在于提高观念的交流和加强世界经济、文化、科学和技术的发展。世博会还让展览者有机会宣传和呈现自己的成就并且提高国际之间合作关系。


16-20. DDCAB 19题中seen改为see

26-30. ABDAD

31-35. DCCBB

36-40. British Airways; Air New Zealand; Sydney Opera House; Asian, North America; itinerary/ schedule/route

41-45. 15 minutes; it is regular; will to read; read; well read

46-49. DDCA

50. 洗涤剂正在加重水资源的污染。为了保护我们生活的环境,我们请您减少对洗涤剂的使用。请把您想要重复使用的毛巾放在毛巾架上,把您想要换掉的毛巾放到卫生间里。我们祝您入住愉快!


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