电脑的优缺点 - 范文中心



Typed on Oct.10 2012



It goes without saying that computers have revolutionized the way people think and act. However, there is no absolute agreement on the question whether they are a blessing or a curse. As far as I am concerned, computers, it seems certain, combine angel and devil perfectly.

On the one hand, computers enjoy a number of advantages. To begin with, computers do make our lives more colorful, convenient and comfortable. With computers, people now are relieved from hard manual work they had to take before, thus making it possible for people to have more time to enjoy life. With computers, people are now exposed to the latest information they want to obtain. With computers, people never have to think up other entertaining activities for computer games never fail to fascinate people. In addition, computers are positive to education. With computers being widely used in education, education is now witnessing earth-shaking changes. Not only do computers enrich teaching methods, but they make teaching and learning more vivid and interactive. For example, teachers’ using PPT makes their class organized better and at the same time, with

the help of the Internet, students can finish their homework more efficiently and expand their horizon of knowledge. Last of all, business can benefit from the wide application of computers. Nowadays, it is not rare to see that on-line business is popular among people, especially among youngsters. It is with on-line business that people are blessed with a good opportunity to purchase whatever they like without going out. Suppose this trend booms, business will develop by leaps and bounds.

However, on the other hand, they also give rise to many problems. In the first place, computers may jeopardize people’s physical and psychological health. Staying in front of the computer for a long time is detrimental to people’s health. Losing hair, headache, poor quality of sleep and near-sightedness are all price people pay for computers. To make matters worse, staying in front of the computer too long, people may suffer from some psychological illnesses. Clear is that people spending too much time on computers may become unimaginative, isolated, inactive, eccentric and lonely. What is more, computers exert baneful impacts on people’s character. People who use computer too much may be over-dependent on computers. So “convenient” are computers that many people are crazy about doing almost everything by turning on their computers, clicking the mouse, and

then, everything is OK. Little by little, people may become crazy and unwilling to exercise their brain. Last, with the Internet, many new types of crime are now being brought to people’s attention. Cyber crime and youth crime are a good case in point.

A great deal of cheating and misleading information on the Internet, to a great extent, encourages cyber crime and consumers’ gullibility, and inexperience may make matters worse. Also, the Internet is never without violence, sexual alluring and bloody contents. Watching them, people, especially young people, may imitate what they saw. This maybe accounts for why the youth crime is rising per year.

Taking all factors into consideration, I should admit that making a yes-no answer to this perplexing question whether computers are a blessing or a curse is hard. It mainly depends on how we look at this issue. Maybe, we should further discuss the question in the future so that a more reasonable conclusion could be drawn.


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