提前面试-英语自我介绍 - 范文中心




1、I beg your pardon?

2、Well, I am sorry, I am very nervous, I can not remember anything.

3、If you don’t mind can I say something from my heart.

4、Can you repeat your questions in another way?

5、I am so sorry, I can not understand your


1、If you fail in the interview, what will you do ? (如果面试失败,你会怎么做?) I will be very sad because I have been waiting so long for this moment to come, and I have been making so many efforts to prepare for this. And if I fail,I will not lose heart, I will continue to work harder in the future and get admitted next time.

2、Why did you apply for MBA? Why did you choose our university? How much do you know about our university ? (为什么报考MBA? 为什么选择我校?对我校你有多少了解?)

As I got higher on the position ladder, and assumed bigger responsibility, I began to feel that my management ability was gradually pulling me back in my career development.

I choose Huazhong University because it is most suited to me. It has a long and wonderful academic history. It has been famous for its business education. Its teachers are the best and greatly experienced in teaching. Teaching methods are diverse and interesting. Its MBA program is global-oriented. All those appeal to me very much.

3、What is your future five-year career planning ?(你在未来五年的职业规划如何?)

I set my goal of becoming a senior manager of Finance department in my firm 8 years from now.

4、What influence or result will MBA bring you in the future?(读MBA 对你未来会带来怎样的影响?)

I will be more likely to get better position with higher salary after graduation. As we all know, most of the top position usually have higher requirements of management knowledge.

5、优点和短处 (strengths & weaknesses)

I am a fast learner, and I can adapt to new environment in a short time, and I have good analytical and problem-solving skills, which will help me a lot during my MBA study,.

6、 Do you have a study plan if you were accepted as a MBA student by CIIR? Yes, I do. I will put study here at priority, and make it the most important thing.

7、What is the most important qualification that a MBA student should have? Efficiency and good communication. With these qualities, a student will learn quick and will take more back to work.

8. What is your biggest accomplishment on the job?

I set up a trust-based relation with my people. They can feel my honesty and sincerity, so I can build up an efficient communication with people. This kind of relation keeps my work going, and efficiency it brings up is very important.

9. Describe a setback, disappointment, or occasion of failure that you have experienced. How did you manage the situation and what did you learn from it?

In 2013 after my graduation from University, I tried to continue my study as a post-graduate in Nanjing Normal University. I was close but failed. I felt quite frustrated, but I came through it soon. I found joy in work. My failure that time told me that maybe I am not ready, so I prepared myself for another 4 years and here I am.

10. If you have 4 extra hours each day, what would you do with them?

Reading would be my number one choice. I love reading books; I feel that it connects me with the world. I spend at least 2 hours a day on reading books. I love books on history the most. Traveling and staying with family and friends are also things I love in my leisure time.


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