20**年河南中考英语题 - 范文中心







( ) 1. Where is the bank?

A. On the leftt. B. Next to the bookstore. C. Next to the post office.

( ) 2. Which floor does Mr. White live on?

A. The third floor. B. The fourth floor. C. The fifth floor.

( ) 3. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Husband and wife. B. Neighbors. C. Father and daughter.

( ) 4. How did the man go to the supermarket?

A. By taxi. B. On foot. C. By subway.

( ) 5. How long does it take the girl to get to school in the morning?

A. 15 minutes. B. 20 minutes. C. 30 minutes.




( ) 6. When is Alice going to Bill’s house?

A. On Thursday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.

( ) 7. What does Alice think is a helpful way for Bill to learn English well?

A. To talk with foreigners. B. To make flashcards. C. To listen to tapes.


( ) 8. What are the speakers going to do tomorrow morning?

A. To have fun at a park. B. To volunteer at the City Park.

C. To do the Clean-up Day.

( ) 9. How will they go there?

A. On foot. B. By bike. C. By bus.

( ) 10. What will they do on the farm tomorrow afternoon?

A. Pick apples. B. Feed animals. C. Go fishing.


( ) 11. What did Ann lend Jim?

A. Ten dollars. B. A bike. C. Some books.

( ) 12. What can we learn from the story?

A. Ann went to see Jim in the evening.

B. Dick told Jim about Ann’s news.

C. Jim wasn’t out when Ann knocked at the door.


( ) 13. Why did Kevin show up for the meeting this morning?

A. Because he overslept.

B. Because he was ill.

C. Because his car broke down.

( ) 14. What advice does Mary give Kevin?

A. Buying a new car. B. Renting a car. C. Buying a used car.

( ) 15. How does Kevin like Mary's advice?

A. Pretty good. B. Just so-so. C. Bad.



A. Telling the children interesting stories.

B. Planting trees and flowers around the house.

C. Sitting in the park and doing nothing.

D. Picking up rubbish in the park.

E. Helping the neighbors to look after their children.

16.______ 17. ______ 18. _______ 19. ______ 20. ______



( ) 21. —Can I take _____ mobile phone with me to school?

—No, ______ mobile phone can’t be taken into our school.

A. a; a B. the; a C. a; / D. a; the

( ) 22. —Which of the two T-shirts will you take?

—I’ll take ______. One is for my sister and the other is for me.

A. either B. all C. both D. neither

( ) 23. —Can you tell me how to make the delicious fish?

—Well, you can follow the ______.

A. notice B. menu C. instruction D. order

( ) 24. Jun Li sings well in my school. She is popular ______ all the students.

A. with B. to C. in D. on

( ) 25. My English isn’t so good. I am afraid I won’t improve quickly______ you help me.

A. because B. if C. when D. unless

( ) 26. —What do you think of the tomato soup in the restaurant?

—It ______ terrible. It can hardly go through my throat.

A. sounds B. tastes C. seems D. feels

( ) 27. —What does Tony’s mother do?

—She is a teacher. Look, she ______ some students in the classroom.

A. teaches B. will teach C. is teaching D. has taught

( ) 28. —Someone is knocking at the door. Maybe it is Mary.

—It ______ be her. She has gone to Sydney with her parents.

A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. shouldn’t D. can’t

( ) 29. —What are you going to do on Sunday morning?

—I haven’t decided yet. It ______ the weather.

A. looks on B. lives on C. decides on D. depends on

( ) 30. Tony lost his bag._____ a bus driver found it and returned it to him.

A. Slowly B. Clearly C. Luckily D. Softly

( ) 31. —You look worried. Why?

—I have trouble ______ the task in an hour. Can you help me?

A. finish B. to finish C. finishing D. to finishing

( ) 32. — Which passage do you think is ________ of all?

— I think it’s Passage 3. There are too many new words in it.

A. easier B. more difficult C. the most difficult D. the easiest

( ) 33. —I want to know how they dealt with the waste in the park yesterday.

—It ______ to a rubbish station after the visitors left.

A. is taken B. has been taken C. was taken D. had taken

( ) 34. —Do you know the man ______ wears a funny cap in the street?


A. which B. whom C. who D. whose

( ) 35. —Can you tell me ______?

—He is outgoing and friendly.

A. what your brother likes B. what your brother is like

C. what does your brother look like D. how does your brother like it



Most children love sweet food. However, eating too much candy or drinking too many sugary(含糖的) drinks is ___36___ for our health. Many countries have started to do ___37___ to control the amount of sugary drinks kids drink.

The sale and advertisement of sugary drinks have been limited in Boston, the US. It will be ___38___ to buy sugary drinks in schools. It’s reported that about half of the US population aged 2 and over ___39___ sugary drinks every day. One in five American children aged 12 to 18 are overweight.

Many other ___40___ have taken similar action. The governments of France and Hungary started a new tax on sugary drinks. They ___41___ this will keep their people healthier.

China is facing the same ___42___. Middle school students in big cities each drink about 1,200 ml of sugary drinks every day according ___43___ a recent study. The number of overweight children has increased 5 to 10 times in the last 20 years.

Mr. Guo, from Harvard Medical School advised that the Chinese government should ___44___ the situation actively. ___45___ gave some suggestions, including limiting the sale of sugary drinks in schools and their advertising.

( ) 36. A. good B. bad C. important D. unimportant

( ) 37. A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything

( ) 38. A. wrong B. impossible C. easy D. lucky

( ) 39. A. misses B. produces C. sells D. drinks

( ) 40. A. countries B. provinces C. cities D. villages

( ) 41. A. realize B. hope C. learn D. wonder

( ) 42. A. problem B. pressure C. result D. opportunity

( ) 43. A. in B. on C. to D. at

( ) 44. A. get along with B. come up with C. deal with D. agree with

( ) 45. A. It B. That C. They D. He




Autumn was coming to an end. All the insects and animals were working very hard to store enough food to last them the whole winter. They all knew that winter time would be hard — it would be cold and food would be less. As it would get dark really soon, it would be difficult to go looking for food.

Therefore, everyone was working hard except Mr. Grasshopper (蚱蜢). He loved autumn. Autumn was a beautiful time. Mr. Grasshopper spent his days playing. He jumped from leaf to leaf.

Just then little Miss Ant happened to pass by. She was dragging a heavy grain of rice behind her.

“Yes, sir. Would you give me a hand? My ant hill is just a few trees away, but this is so heavy,

Then winter came. It was so cold that the ants didn't dare to go out. But they were full and they were warm and happy. Actually, everyone was warm and happy, except for Mr. Grasshopper. He was cold and hungry. As he went hunting for food only when it was less cold than usual, he got very little to eat and soon became weak with hunger.

( ) 46. The winter time is hard for all the insects and animals because ______.

A. it is too cold B. the dark lasts long

C. there’s no place to play D. it’s hard to find food

( ) 47. Why did Mr. Grasshopper want to help little Miss Ant?

A. He found the ant was very tired. B. He was helpful for others.

C. He wanted to find a partner to play. D. He wanted to get her food.

( ) 48. Miss Ant ______ Mr. Grasshopper’s help at last.

A. didn’t accept B. was pleased with C. felt angry for D. was afraid of

( ) 49. From the story, we know Mr. Grasshopper is _______.

A. bored B. fat C. foolish D. playful(贪玩的)

( ) 50. The writer wants to tell us ______ according to this passage.

A. one should be ready for his life B. one should be happy all the time

C. no one likes winter time D. there’s no medicine with regret


What did the teacher say about your English subject? Here are some ways; they may help you to master the English subject.

Speak without fear

The biggest problem in learning a new language is fear. They worry they won’t say things correctly or that they will look fool, so they don’t talk at all. The fastest way to learn anything is to do it — again and again until you get it right.

Use all of your resources

Even if you study English at a language school, it doesn’t mean you can’t learn outside of class. Using as many different sources, methods and tools as possible, will allow you to learn faster. There are many different ways you can improve your English, so don’t limit yourself to only one or two.

Surround yourself with English

The best way to learn English is to surround yourself with it. Take notes in English, put English books around your room, listen to English language radios, watch English news, movies and television. Speak English with your friends whenever you can. The more English material you have around you, the faster you will learn.

Listen to English music

Listening to music can be a very effective method of learning English. In fact, it is often used as a way of improving . Thus, you can understand what you want. The way to learn is to get the lyrics (words) to the songs you are listening to and try to read them as the singers. If you don’t know the meaning, look it up in the dictionary. This way you can practice your listening and reading at the same time.


( ) 51. What’s the biggest problem in learning a new language?

A. Fear. B. Time. C. Confidence. D. Laugh.

( ) 52. What does the underlined word “comprehension” mean in this passage?

A. 模仿 B. 理解 C. 造句 D. 记忆

( ) 53. “Use all of your resources” doesn’t mean _______in learning English.

A. using many different sources B. singing many English songs

C. limiting yourself to one or two ways D. using a Chinese-English dictionary

( ) 54. Learning English wherever you are belongs to “______”.

A. Use all of your resources B. Listen to English music

C. Speak without fear D. Surround yourself with English

( ) 55. What’s the best title of this passage?

A. Follow Your Teachers B. Using English Can Learn Best

C. Importance of Learning English D. Methods of English Learning


( ) 56. The theme of the contest is _____.

A. robots B. family C. friends D. art

( ) 57. We can learn from the first rule that____.

A. you need to write your idea on your picture

B. you need to write something about yourself

C. your picture must be your own idea

D. you can use ideas from others

( ) 58. ______should be included on your paper.

①Age ②Name ③School ④Address ⑤Telephone number

A.①②⑤ B. ②④⑤ C. ①③④ D. ①②④

( ) 59. You can send your picture to Ask Contest_____.

A. by the end of 2014 B. by the end of April

C. by the end of May D. at any time

( ) 60. Which of the following is TRUE according to the material?

A. You can fax your picture to Ask Contest if you like.

B. You can send only one picture to Ask Contest.

C. Your parents can help you with your picture.

D. Your mailed picture will not be returned.


The trees have been on the earth for millions of years Disease(疾病) is destroying trees.For example, in the 1970s, many trees in Europe were killed by disease.

This new danger attacks all the forests and woods of Europe from northern Sweden to southern Italy.First the branches turn yellow and brown.Then the trees' leaves fall.The roots and the trunk shrink(萎缩).Finally the trees die.In the Black Forest in southern Germany, 75 %of the trees have been destroyed or killed.

Nobody knows exactly, but it is probably air pollution or acid rain(酸雨).Factories, power stations and cars give off tons of smoke with acid into the air.Sunlight turns these into something harmful which fall with rain or snow onto the trees.

What can be done about acid rain?

Acid rain doesn't always fall on the countries which produce the pollution.The wind carries it from one country to another.Badly, the governments don' t want to spend money on it if it won’t harm the trees in their own countries.

65 The rainforests of Asia and South America are being cut down for firewood and building materials.Something must be done.If the trees die, we will, too.


A.What is killing the trees?

B. Trees are protecting the human’s homes.

C.But today trees are in great danger.

D.Trees are also killed by people.

E.Now an even greater danger is destroying trees.

F. People don’t mind acid rain around their houses.

G.Why don't the governments do something to save the trees?

61._____ 62._____ 63._____ 64.______ 65.______



Chuan and Jing joined a wholesale company together just after graduation. Both worked very hard. After several ___66___, the boss promoted(提拔) Jing to sales manager but Chuan remained a sales worker. One day Chuan could not take it anymore and got ___67___ to leave the company. He ___68___ the boss did not value hard working staff, but only promoted those who flattered(阿谀奉承)him.

The boss knew that Chuan worked very ___69___ for the years, but in order to help Chuan realize the difference ___70___ him and Jing, he asked Chuan to go and find out if there was anyone ___71___ water melons in the market. Chuan returned and said yes. The boss asked how ___72___ per kg. Chuan went back to the market to ask and returned to tell the boss the $12 per kg.

Boss told Chuan,

Chuan was very impressed and realized the ___75___ between himself and Jing. He decided not to leave but to learn from Jing.

66. ______ 67. ______ 68. ______ 69. ______ 70. ______

71. ______ 72. ______ 73. ______ 74. ______ 75. ______


根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。 A: Excuse me. Can you tell me where the nearest bookstore is?

B: I’m sorry. 76. _____________________?

A: Where is the nearest bookstore?

B: Oh, the bookstore. The nearest one is Xinhua Bookstore. It’s just opposite the post office. A: I don’t know how to get there. 77. _____________________?

B: Just walk two blocks straight ahead, and then turn right. Xinhua Bookstore is about 1000 meters away. 78. ________________.

A: Are there any buses going there?

B: Oh, I’m afraid not.

A: Can I take a taxi?

B: Of course you can, but I don’t think it’s necessary. 79. __________________.

A: OK. Thank you very much.

B: 80. ______________________.



加不同方式的课外活动一定有不同的理由。请以 My after-school activity为话题,谈谈你的看法。

要求:1. 语言表达准确,短文连贯通顺;

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;

3. 80词左右,短文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。

My after-school activity

Students in middle school have many kinds of after-school activities. ___________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________


1—5 BABCB 6—10 BBBCA 11—15 ACCBA 16—20 CDBEA


21. D 考查冠词。第一空表泛指,用a;the+可数名词单数表示一类东西,故第二空用the。


22. C 考查代词。根据题干中的the two T-shirts以及“One is for my sister and the other is for


23. C 考查名词。notice意为“布告,通知”;menu意为“菜单”;instruction意为“说明”;order


24. A 考查介词。be popular with sb意为“受某人的欢迎”,为固定搭配,故选A。

25. D 考查连词。because意为“因为”,if意为“如果”,when意为“当……时候”,unless意


26. B 考查动词辨析。句意:“你觉得这家饭馆的西红柿汤怎么样?”“它尝起来糟糕极了。


27. C 考查时态。题干中有提示词“Look”,表示强调正在进行的动作,故用现在进行时。

28. D 考查情态动词。根据“She has gone to Sydney with her parents.”可知“那个人不可能是


29. D 考查动词词组辨析。look on意为“旁观,看做”,live on意为“靠……生活”,decide on

意为“决定”,depend on意为“依赖于,视……而定”。此处表示“它取决于天气”,故选D。

30. C 考查副词词义辨析。slowly意为“缓慢地”,clearly意为“清晰地”,luckily意为“幸运


31. C 考查非谓语动词。have trouble doing sth意为“做某事有困难”,故选C。

32. C 考查形容词辨析以及比较等级。根据题干中的“too many new words in it”可知上句是问


33. C 考查时态和被动语态。It与take之间存在被动关系,再根据题干中的yesterday和after

the visitors left可知用一般过去时态的被动语态,故选C。

34. C 考查定语从句中的关系代词。先行词为the man,指人,且关系词在定语从句中作主


35. B 考查宾语从句。宾语从句要用陈述语序,故排除C、D选项;再根据题干中的outgoing

and friendly可知上句是询问性格的,故选B。


36. B 考查形容词。上文有提示词However,下文又提到control the amount of sugary drinks

kids drink,故选B。

37. C 考查不定代词。结合下文中不同国家采取的措施可知something符合文意,故选C。

38. B 考查形容词。文中有提示词limited“限制的”,故在校园里将会不可能买到含糖饮料的。

39. D 考查动词。此处表示:全美国有超过一半的两岁以及两岁以上的人每天喝含糖饮料。


40. A 考查名词。下文有提示France和Hungary,故countries“国家”符合文意。

41. B 考查动词。句意为“他们希望这将使他们的人民更健康”,故选B。

42. A 考查名词。结合下文的描述可知中国也面临同样的问题。故选A。

43. C。考查介词,according to a recent study意为“根据最近的一份研究报告”。故选C。

44. C 考查动词短语。此处表示“中国政府应该积极面对这个形式”,故选C。

45. D。考查代词,这里面关键要理解指代关系,究竟是政府、现状还是指代Mr. Guo,根据最后一段语境可知,是Mr. Guo给出了建议,包括限制卖含糖饮料和播放它们的广告。 故选A。


46. D 根据第一段中的“They all knew that winter time would be hard — it would be cold and

food would be less. As it would get dark really soon, it would be difficult to go looking for food.”可知选D。

47. C 根据文中的“But, first you go and play with me for some time, and then I shall gladly help


48. A 根据文中的“So Miss Ant just shook her head and went on.”可知选A。

49. D 通读全文可知Mr. Grasshopper整天忙于玩耍而不储备过冬用的食物,由此可见他是


50. A 本文通过对Mr. Grasshopper的生活描述,阐明了人们对于生活要早有准备,这样才


51. A 根据文中的“The biggest problem in learning a new language is fear.”可知选A。

52. B 下文有提示“Thus, you can understand what you want.”,故可知该词应该意为“理解”。


53. C 文章第三段中提到“不能局限于使用一两种方法”,故选C。

54. D 文章第四段说明了无论何时何地都要做与英语学习有关的事情,故无论在哪都应学


55. D。考查主旨大意,本文主要为讲述如何学习英语的说明文,故选D。

56—60 BCDBB

61—65 CEAGD


66. years 67. ready 68. complained 69. hard 70. between 71. selling 72. much 73. question 74. them 75. difference


76. I beg your pardon

77. Can you show me the way

78. You can’t miss it

79. It isn’t far from here

80. You’re welcome


One possible version:

My after-school activity

Students in middle school have many kinds of after-school activities. Maybe they do sports, go hiking, watching TV or surf on the Internet. Even some students put all their free time into studying the textbook knowledge. But my after-school activity is collecting stamps. Let me tell you the reasons.

First, I can learn a lot for the stamps. There are many Chinese cultures in the stamps. When I collect them, I can learn more about my motherland and love her. Second, I can make more friends. Many students love collecting stamps. Because of the same hobbies and interests, we can talk and do the same things. Then we can be good friends. Third, collecting stamps is good for body. I have to go out of my house to buy and exchange the stamps instead of staying at home. So I have a healthy body.

In a word, collecting stamps is good for us in many ways. Why not join in it?




1. M: Excuse me. Do you know where I can exchange money?

W: Sure. Please walk along the street and turn right. The bank is next to the bookstore.

2. W: Does your cousin live on the fourth floor, Mr. White?

M: Yes, just one floor above me. It’s easy for us to take care of each other.

3. W: Hello. This is Mary.

M: Hello, Mary. This is Tom. Could you help me? I’ve tried to phone my wife several times, but

the line is busy all the time. Could you please go next door and give her a message?

4. W: Did you go to the supermarket by taxi?

M: No, that was too expensive. I took the subway there.

5. M: How long does it take you to get to your school?

W: It’s only 20 minutes’ bus drive in the morning. But coming here in the afternoon is quite

different. It often takes about 30 minutes or so.




M: Hello, Alice. Could you please come to my house this Saturday?

W: What’s up, Bill?

M: We had an English test last Thursday, but I only got 45. I need your help.

W: Do you read English aloud every day?

M: Yes, I do. But I forget most of it.

W: I think making flashcards may help you improve your English.

M: Thanks a lot. See you on Saturday.

W: See you.


W: Hello, Mike! What are you going to do tomorrow?

M: Don’t you know tomorrow is Clean-up Day?

W: Oh, if you don’t remind me, I almost forget it. Where shall we go to help?

M: We’re going to volunteer at the City Park tomorrow morning.

W: How will we go there?

M: We used to walk there or ride there. But tomorrow we’ll take a bus there. By the way, would

you like to go to the farm tomorrow afternoon?

W: That’s great. Then I can fish in the lake there.

M: I’m afraid you can’t. We go there to help the farmers pick apples on the farm.

W: Sounds not too bad.


Ann and Jim once worked in the same factory. One day, Ann lent Jim ten dollars, but then Jim left the factory and went to work in another town without paying back the money.

Ann didn’t see Jim for a year, and then she knew from another friend Dick that Jim was in another town and staying at a hotel. So she went there to see him late in the afternoon.

When she got to Jim’s room, she saw his shoes near the door. “Well, he must be in,” she thought. Then she knocked at the door and said, “I know you are in, Jim. Your shoes are out here.” “I’ve gone out in my boots,” answered Jim.


W: Why didn't you show up for the meeting this morning, Kevin?

M: Oh, Mary, I don't even want to talk about it. My car broke down.

W: What happened?

M: The engine doesn't work. It's driving me crazy!

W: Have you thought about getting a new car?

M: Yeah, I've thought about that, but I can't afford a new car.

W: Maybe you can rent a car. It doesn't cost much.

M: Good idea.



Old Henry used to be very happy. In a traffic accident, his wife and son died. He had to live alone. Old Henry always felt lonely. He was always sitting in the park, looking at the trees and doing nothing. One day, he realized he couldn’t live like that anymore. He decided to do something to make himself busy.

Now he gets up early and goes to the park to pick up some rubbish. He plants some trees and flowers around his house. He also helps his neighbors to look after their children. Sometimes he tells the children some interesting stories. All his neighbors like him. Old Henry thinks helping others is to help himself. He feels happy again.


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    今天是安徽省2017年中考最后一天,上午进行的是中考最后一门英语科目的考试.每年中考英文作文题目都是大众关注的焦点,2017年安徽省中考英语作文考的是什么题目呢?万家教育小编整理了历年安徽省英语作文题目,供参考.猜猜看今年英语中考题目难不难 ...
  • 河南省中考化学试卷答案与解析
    中考化学试卷附详细参考答案 一.选择题(本题包括10个小题,每小题1分,共10分)下列各题,每题只有一个选项符合题意,请将正确选项的标号填入题后括号内 9.(1分)(2013•河南)探究金属活动性顺序时,将锌粒放入硫酸铜溶液中,锌粒表面有紫 ...
  • 20**年中考英语注意事项
    中考,加油!英语,加油! 到了,到了,中考就在眼前了;快了,快了,梦想就快实现了;微笑,微笑,把美好明天拥抱. 祝中考顺意!十年寒窗,百日风雨,行遍书山,航终学海.中考如期而至,企望你我高中,相约合理想的学校再会!在此,祝福所有马上参与中考 ...
  • 20**年佛山中考政策的5大变化
    2013佛山中考政策的5大变化 佛山市教育局召开中考新闻发布会,通报并解读了今年中考政策的5大变化,备受关注的佛山一中.南海区石门中学.南海区南海中学.顺德区第一中学这四所名校从今年起将不招收择校生.此外,记者从会上获悉,佛山今年开始对符合 ...
  • 中考英语语法:中考英语语法复习(二)
    中考英语语法:中考英语语法复习(二) 初中英语复习专辑(2)--冠词 1.不定冠词a,an a用在辅音音素开头的词前eg.abook ausefulbooka [ju:sful][ju:] an用于元音开头的词前.eg.anapple an ...
  • 九年级(下)英语教学计划
    九年级(下)英语教学计划 一年一度的中考即将来临,众所周知,初三的下半学期是孩子们一生中最重要.最关键的阶段,也可以说这段时期决定了孩子们的前途和命运.而中考英语成功与否关键在于复习,复习阶段的成功与否也决定着中考英语的成绩.因此,为使英语 ...