吸引力定律是真的吗? - 范文中心



“什么是一个人他或她想了一整天。“-拉尔夫瓦尔多emersoni最近问什么0 “什么是一个人他或她想了一整天。“-拉尔夫瓦尔多爱默生












I was recently asked what I thought about the Law of Attraction, and I said,

I not only believe it. I lived it and I know anyone else can too. Regardless of who you are, how old you are, where you come from, where you've been and where you want to go, ANYONE can learn the Laws of Attraction and then implement these Laws into their lives if they really want to see significant changes in any area of their life. www.chengxinxy.com www.micro-find.com www.wdchangyang.com

When I was first learning about these Laws I had my doubts. I thought, can this really all be true? Is it possible that this can really work? And, after reading volumes of books and doing extensive research I didn't think it was true, I began to believe, without a doubt, that it was 100% true? The more I read the more I was excited that I now had the keys that could actually change my life. And I did!

I changed where I lived, I changed careers and I changed my income. I built a new home, went into a field I knew nothing about and succeeded. And I made more money than I ever had before. A year before learning these Laws, if you had asked me where I would be a year from now, I would say, I'd be in the same place doing the same thing, because I like so many people quit dreaming a long time ago.

These are the Laws of the Universe and they are as real as scientific laws, such as the Law of Gravity. And these Laws affect everyone, whether you believe them or

not. There are several Laws within the Laws of Attraction that I can get into down the road.

The main premise is that everything in our universe is made up of energy, and this energy vibrates at a certain frequency, even our thoughts, words and feelings have a vibration attached to them and what you send out into the universe via your thoughts, words and feelings (their vibrational level) are like a magnet and they will attract back to you a like or equal experience, situation or event to match the level of your vibration, your energy.

A lot of this information is what I use when coaching people who have made significant changes in their life when they didn't believe it possible before.

When you think about, speak about or feel things like, worry, fear, anger, jealousy, sadness, despair, etc. These kinds of thoughts are packed full of a limiting, low vibration crap that you are throwing out into the universe and guess what you are attracting? More worry, fear, anger, jealousy, sadness etc.

What you think about everyday, what you talk to your friends and family about and whatever it is you keep your mind focused on you will attract into your life. Whether it's debt, not having enough money, not ever meeting anyone, being stuck forever in your job, a bad relationship, never losing weight or whatever it is; it is what you will bring into your life through your very own doing or emitting.

One of the main Keys in creating your own life, your own reality through a focused, open and expectant space is, you learn how to think on purpose instead of by habit. You decide what your intention is and you raise your level of vibration through changing limiting thoughts, words and feelings to those that will vibrate at a higher level and therefore bring about the kinds of experiences you want, not the ones you don't want.

So, think about what you think about. Better yet, think about how you feel because how you feel is a telltale sign as to what you are thinking. If you feel good, then think on thinking that, if you feel bad it's time to look at your beliefs and why you are choosing to walk down a road that will never bring you what you desire!


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