英语对话:关于邀请吃饭,点菜,订餐 - 范文中心









A: Hello,this is Laimin speaking .

B: Hello,this is peter,glad to receive your phone.

A: I’m calling to invite you to our party this Sunday. It’s an anniversary celebration of our company. B: Oh,that’s sounds good,let me check my calender. Thanks for your invitation,I’m free this Sunday. A:Ok,somebody will pick you up at home at 6:00 on Sunday.

B: That’s ok,i will waiting for it....bye.

Booking the table

A:Hello,this is the Park Restaurant. May I help you?

B:Yes, I'd like to reserve a table for 10 at six o’clock this Sunday night.And i want the table by the window.

A:Ok,sir,please tell me your name and identity card number.

B:My name is demen,and myidentity card number is 34892019x.

A:Ok,sir,i will check your information when you arrive here.Thanks for your calling. Order

A:May i take your order?

B:Yes,Could I have a menu, please?

A:Yes,here you are.

B:What do you recommend?

A:The seafood is good here,and the instant boiled mutton is a local specialty.

B:Ok,sounds great!i will take a instant boiled mutton .

A:Sure,no problem.How about some cod or eel?

B:The cod is delicous,i will take it.

A:Anything else?

B:I would like a steak and goulash,and we need some snacks.

A:How would you like your steak ?


A:Ok,what would you like to drink?

B:I’d like some red wine,please.

A:Ok,anything else you want?

B:And give me some soft drink.

A:Anything else?

B:No,thank you ,that’s all.


A:Laidys and gentleman,thanks for your attending the anniversary celebration.last year we have had a good performance. Cheers for the better future of our company .


A:I want to check out,please give me the bill.

B:Ok,300 dollars,Do you need a receipt?

A:Sure,i will get it.

B:This is your receipt.welcome next time.


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