剑桥雅思阅读真题中长难句分析 - 范文中心



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1. The best estimates are that the temperatures will rise y2-3℃ in this century, causing considerable problems, at a totalcost of US $5,000 billion.(剑5, Test 1 passage 3)

分析:本句主句为“The best estimates are that…”; “that thetemperatures will rise y 2-3℃ in this century, causing

considerable problems, at a total cost of US $5,000

billion.”为that引导的表语从句,做are的表语; “causing

considerable problems”为现在分词短语做伴随状语。

2. Despite the intuition that something drastic needs to bedone about such a costly problem, economic analysis clearlyshow it will be far more expensive to cut carbon dioxide

emissions radically than to pay the costs of adaptation to theincreased temperatures.(剑5, Test 1 passage 3)

分析:本句中“Despite the intuition that something drasticneeds to be done about such a costly

problem”为介词短语作让步状语;其中“that something drasticneeds to be done about such a costly


intuition的同位语;“economic analysis clearly show it will be farmore expensive to cut carbon dioxide emissions radically than topay the costs of adaptation to the increased

temperatures.”为本句的主句,其中“it will be far more expensiveto cut carbon dioxide emissions radically than to pay the costs ofadaptation to the increased temperatures.”为宾语从句,做show的宾语,引导词省略,it为形式主语,后面的不定式为真正的主语。

3. It is crucial that we look at the facts if we want to make thebest possible decisions for the future. (剑5, Test 1 passage 3)

分析:本句主句为“It is crucial that we look at the facts”;其中It为形式主语,“that we look at the

facts”为that引导的主语从句,是该句子真正的主语;“if we want tomake the best possible decisions for the


4. Some are ‘thermoplastic’, which means that, like

candlewax, they melt when heated and can then be

reshaped.(剑5, Test 2 passage 1)

分析:本句的主句为“Some are ‘thermoplastic’”; “whichmeans that, like candlewax, they melt when heated and can thenbe reshaped.”为定语从句,做‘thermoplastic’的定语,关系词为which; 在此定语从句中“that, like candlewax, they melt whenheated and can then be reshaped.”


heated”为过去分词短语做状语,做they melt的时间状语。

5. Baekeland’s interest in plastics began in 1885 when, as ayoung student in Belgium, he embarked on research into

phenolic resins, the group of sticky substances produced whenphenol (carbolic acid) combines with an aldehyde (a volatile fluidsimilar to alcohol). (剑5, Test 2 passage 1)

分析:本句的主句为“Baekeland’s interest in plastics

began”; in 1885为时间状语,而“when, as a young student inBelgium, he embarked on research into phenolic

resins”为定语从句,做1885的定语,关系词为when; “the group ofsticky substances”为phenolic resins的同位语;“produced whenphenol (carbolic acid) combines with an aldehyde (a volatile fluidsimilar to alcohol”为过去分词短语做定语,做the group of stickysubstances的定语,而“when phenol (carbolic acid) combineswith an aldehyde (a volatile fluid similar to


6. On 13 July 1907, Baekeland took out his famous patentdescribing this preparation, the essential features of which arestill in use today. (剑5, Test 2 passage 1)

分析:本句的主句为“Baekeland took out his famous

patent”, “On 13 July 1907”为时间状语;“describing thispreparation”为现在分词短语做定语,做his famous

patent的定语;“the essential features of which are still in usetoday”为同位语,做this preparation的同位语;而其中“of whichare still in use


7. The result was a resin known as Novalak, which becamesolule and malleable when heated. (剑5, Test 2 passage 1)

分析:本句的主句为“The result was a resin”; “known asNovalak”为过去分词短语做定语,做resin的定语;“which becamesolule and malleable when

heated.”为定语从句,做Novalak的定语,关系词为which; “whenheated”为过去分词短语做状语,在该定语从句中做时间状语。

8. The object could not be designed so that it was lockedinto the mould and therefore difficult to extract. (剑5, Test 2passage 1)

分析:本句的主句为“The object could not be designed”;“so that it was locked into the mould and therefore difficult toextract.”为so that引导的结果状语从句。

9. Baekeland’s invention, although treated with disdain inits early years, went on to enjoy an unparalleled popularity whichlasted throughout the first half of the twentieth century.(剑5, Test2 passage 1)

分析:本句的主句为“Baekeland’s invention went on toenjoy an unparalleled popularity”; “although treated withdisdain in its early years”为过去分词短语做让步状语;“whichlasted throughout the first half of the twentieth


10. Electrical manufacturers seized on its insulating

properties, and consumers everywhere relished its dazzling arrayof shades, delighted that they were now, at last, no longer

restricted to the wood tones and drab browns of the pre-plasticera.(剑5, Test 2 passage 1)

分析:本句为并列句,“Electrical manufacturers seized on itsinsulating properties”和“consumers everywhere relished itsdazzling array of shades”并列,由and连接;“delighted that theywere now, at last, no longer restricted to the wood tones anddrab browns of the pre-plastic

era”为过去分词短语做伴随状语;其中“that they were now, at last,no longer restricted to the wood tones and drab browns of thepre-plastic era”为that引导的宾语从句(其前省掉了介词at)。

11. Kant and Freud felt that joke-telling relies on building upa psychic tension which is safely punctured by the ludicrousnessof the punchline.(剑5, Test 2 passage 2)

分析:本句的主句为“Kant and Freud felt that…”, 其中“thatjoke-telling relies on building up a psychic tension which is safelypunctured by the ludicrousness of the

punchline.”为that引导的宾语从句,做felt的宾语;而“which issafely punctured by the ludicrousness of the

punchline”为定语从句,做a psychic




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