20**年湖北省高校三级英语考试参考答案 - 范文中心




1.A ) fuel cells and petroleum problems 2. C)plastic waste bag problems 3. B) The elimination of distributed production 4. D)you can split water with electricity anywhere 5.

A)Because it cannot solve the greenbouse gas problem. 6. D) renewable resources 7.

A)30 % . 8. as easy to work with 9. is solved and standardized 10. combining with Listening Comprehension Section A 11. C)The woman should wear a casual one. 12.

D)She likes her mom. 13. B)She will marry the one she loves. 14. C)She is a writer 15.

A)The woman’s right eye has been twitching because she is so tired. 16. C) $ 420. 17.

B)He finds the book easy to understand. 18. C)She is self-centered. Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. D)A music student. 20. C)He used to be a little peculiar. 21. C)Hugh Yong is now a successful business man. 22. C)Hugh Yong now works in a big computer company. Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 23. C)Go to the U.K for his study. 24. C)He should open himself up for new things. 25. D)You probably have to experience it when you are in a different culture. Section

B 26. A)He would be the first African-American president in America. 27. A)There would be no race discrimination in America. 28. B)There would be many serious challenges. Passage Two Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard. 29. A)Songs can make our hearts stronger. 30. C)Music can open the blood vessel , which is good for health. 31. A)Their blood vessel diameter increased 26 percent on average. Passage Three Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard. 32. A)They are expected to find a husband or wife on their own. 33. B)The individual ’s happiness. 34. A)Because sometimes it’s difficult to find someone to marry. 35. B)Computers will match people through analyzing the questionnaires. Section C 36.biggest 37.incredible 38.ever

39.hit 40.unique 41.dazed 42.district 43.reputation 44.where you can explore these charming little houses and go and take part in the tea ceremony. 45.It dates back to the 16th centuty and combines the Japanese values of simplicity, calm, and grace. 46.Tokyo is also the home of sushi as well as a world-class fashion capital. Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) Section A 47. A)likely 48. J)determine 49. M)sequence 50. L)stengthen 51. O)sustain 52. C)normal 53. K)measures 54. G)provided 55. N)actually 56. F)contribution Section B 57. A) attracts a lot of tourists every year 58.

A) There are fewer foreign companies developing in Ireland. 59.D) cultivate their native talent

60. C) Because he was provided with $ 1.5 million by SFI grant. 61. B) Approving. Passage Two 62. C) Employees were diligent and hardworking. 63. B) The bosses thought that graduates were not ambitious. 64. D) Generalists. 65. B) Graduates may offer all kinds of certificates. 66. D) Graduates probably get a faster development at SMEs. Cloze 67.

B)view 68. A)tend 69. C)patterns 70. D)natural 71. C)in 72. A)suggests 73.

D)putting 74. B)do 75. A)differences 76. D)but 77.B)place 78. C)scientifically

79. B)which 80. D)revealed 81. A)so 82. C)However 83. D)in 84. B)would 85.

A)implications 86. C)why Translation 87.The foreigner talking with our director

88.needn’t always obey your parents 89.having been treated very rudely 90.had been able to meet all of the requirements in time 91.catch up with and pass the car in front of you


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