Have a good sleep--------早睡早起 - 范文中心

Have a good sleep--------早睡早起


Have a good sleep

1. Healthy heart


Staying up late in the night is a way to torture your body with high blood pressure and cholesterol. These are the risks associated with the heart. If you do not want to worsen the situation get sufficient sleep.


2. Reduced stress


A peaceful sleep in the night relieves physical and mental stress that is caused during the process of regular activities. It relaxes the body and mind. With insufficient sleep you are risking your health with heart strokes and other diseases.


3. Enhances memory


Sleeping early lets your mind arrange the thoughts well. Waking up early with a fresh mind will repossess all of it.


4. Protects you from diseases


By sleeping late in the night you are only stressing yourself which will increase the blood pressure and cholesterol levels. This routine can affect you with cancer and other heart diseases for life. So sleep early and let your body maintain the pressure levels constant.


5. Gives time for breakfast


Breakfast is very important to kick start the day. And most of the times as we wake up late we miss it. To ensure food to our intestines waking up early in the morning and breaking the fast by 10 a.m is very important.


6. Positive performance


Sleeping continuously for at least 7 hours in the night is necessary. Inadequate sleep will curb your ability to think creatively, cope up with stress and concentrate. All these stress factors will have a negative impact on your performance.


7. Helps metabolism


Our body needs to send away all the unwanted waste from within. Sleeping through the day till noon will disorganise the exile. We need to eat and sleep on time to maintain energy.


8. Reduce the risk of cancer


Sleep in the dark. Light in the night reduces the melatonin level which is supposed to cause sleep and prevent the risk of cancer. So make your room dark and sleep early in the night allowing your body to produce melatonin . 要保证在黑暗中睡觉。晚上睡觉有光的话会减少褪黑激素的含量,而抗黑变激素能够促进睡眠,让我们不容易得癌症。所以晚上睡觉要保证房间黑暗并且早睡,这样能促进褪黑激素的产生。

9. Boosts energy


Sleeping early will let you complete your 7 hours of sleep and make you fresh the next morning. It gives you the energy to perform better. An alert mind can also concentrate well.


10. Maintains weight


When you sleep too late your organism is disturbed. Sleeping for less than 7 hours a day is an invitation to obesity. The hormones that impact appetite are troubled by lack of sleep which leads to sudden weight loss.


如果每天我们早起2.5小时,一周就是17.5小时,一个月就是70个小时,一年就有840个小时,相当于我们一年中比被别人整整多了35天有效时间。吃惊吗?那么... 是时候早起了。

If we get up early every day 2.5 hours, is 17.5 hours a week, a month is 70 hours, 840 hours a year, equivalent to us more than being a full year for 35 days time. Surprise? So... It's time to get up early.

As is known to all, a habits need to 21 days

众所周知, 一个习惯需要21天

一项新研究表明,每天早晨如能感受阳光的照耀,会和食欲下降、减少热量摄入相关,从而暗示也许早睡早起有助于减肥。这项研究发表在2014年4月的PLOS ONE 上。

A new study shows that if you can feel the sun every morning, and loss of appetite, reduce calorie intake, suggesting that perhaps early to bed and early to rise can help you to lose weight. The study, published in PLOS ONE in April 2014.

身体质量指数(BMI )

Body mass index (BMI), 接触光照的时间每向后推1个小时,BMI 增加1.28,相当于体重增加了3-5公斤(依身高而定)。

Every backward one hour of exposure to light time, BMI increased by 1.28, is equal to the weight of 3-5 kg (depends on the height).


Early to bed and early to rise of 6 big benefit.


1.Happiness is stronger


The university of Toronto, Canada, a new study found that whether the young or the old, more emotionally positive early riser, sense of self health better. Early riser bathing the morning may be in a buoyant mood one big reason.


2.Better grades


"Lark" (early) college students' grade point than the "late" (stay up) for a points higher college students. Study leader Dr Daniel Taylor said, "lark" student life more regularity, on time for class, learning more active, and not to stay up late

to bring health problems.


3.full of beans


Studies have found that early riser usually wake up faster, and more sober mind, able to quickly put attention to demand higher activity, is not easy to nod off, report more energy.


4.High efficiency in the morning


"Late" sleepy time, early riser may already be running in the morning and make breakfast, after a lot of affairs. For more challenging activities that day, early riser are more likely to plan early and timely into practice.


5.Do things more seriously


A number of character, the study found a strong sense of responsibility of the person is more efficient, more organized, objectives more clear, more attention to detail. Some studies have found that early riser mind more clearly, they will plan ahead and more resolute action.


6.Be kinder

习惯早起的人通常更和善。更少出现“黑暗三性格”,即自我中心(自恋者)、热爱冒险刺激且心狠手辣(心理变态者)和善于撒谎喜将人玩弄于股掌(权谋者)。 People are usually more friendly habit to get up early. Less "dark triad", in which self center (narcissists), love on and terminating adventure (psychopaths) and be good at lying like to play with people at the palm (tactics).

People who rise early feel happier and more satisfied with life overall, compared to night owls.


But the good news for stroppy teenagers is that most people become earlier risers as they age, and this change is also associated with greater feelings of happiness.


Researchers at the University of Toronto asked more than 700 people about their preferred time of day and how healthy and happy they generally feel.

多伦多大学的研究人员询问了700多名人员,问他们最喜欢每天的什么时候,以及他们健康和快乐的程度。 They then compared the responses of the group of younger adults aged 17 to 38 with older people ages 59 to 79.


Only about seven per cent of young adults are morning larks, while by age 60 most people preferred to be up with the dawn. Just seven per cent of the oldest people in the study described themselves as night owls. 青年人中只有7%的人是“早起鸟”,而到了60岁,大部分人都喜欢在黎明起床。在研究中,只有7%的老年人称自己是“夜猫子”。

'We found that older adults reported greater positive emotion than younger adults, and older adults were more likely to be morning-type people than younger adults,' study researcher Renee Biss from the University of Toronto reportedly told LiveScience. The "morningness" was associated with greater happiness emotions in both age groups.


Morning types also tended to report that they felt healthier than the late risers, according to the study that published in the journal Emotion. The researchers said that this apparent health benefit could come from the extra sleep they would enjoy, as their sleeping schedule would fit with society‟s expectations of rising early for work.


This extra sleep could not only make them feel more alert, but may also boost their immune system. 额外的睡眠不仅会让他们更加清醒,而且还能提升他们的免疫系统。

„Evening people may be more prone to social jetlag; this means that their biological clock is out of sync with the social clock,' Ms Biss said. 'Society's expectations are far more organized around a morning-type person's schedule.'

“„夜猫子‟则更容易面临社交时差;也就是说他们的生物钟和社会时钟脱节了,” 比什女士说。“社会预期更多的是围绕着„早起鸟‟的日程安排。”

„An evening person may go through their week feeling unhappy because they have to get up earlier than they would like to.‟ But Ms Biss said there was hope for night owls as it was possible for them to turn themselves into morning people.

“„夜猫子‟在工作时可能会觉得不开心,因为他们不得不早起。” 但是比什女士说, “夜猫子”也可以变成“早起鸟”。

„One way to do it is to increase your natural light exposure early in the morning, and to wake up earlier and go to bed earlier,‟ she said. „It's easiest if you have a consistent schedule, to make sure you are waking up at the same time every day.‟


The Best Time to Sleep


Is there a best time to sleep? There is a saying that sleeping early and waking up early is good for your health. How true is that? Is it alright to sleep late and wake up late? You actually has an amazing biological clock ticking inside your body. It is very precise. It helps to regulate your various body functions including your sleeping time.


From 11pm to 3am, most of your blood circulation concentrates in your liver. Your liver gets larger when filled with more blood. This is an important time when your body undergoes detoxification process. Your liver neutralizes and breaks down body toxins accumulated throughout the day. However if you don’t sleep at this time, your liver cannot carry out this detoxification process smoothly.


If you sleep at 11pm, you have full 4 hours to detoxify your body. If you sleep at 12am, you have 3 hours. If you sleep at 1am, you have 2 hours. And if you sleep at 2am, you only have 1 hour to detoxify. What if you sleep after 3am? Unfortunately, you won’t have any time to actually detoxify your body. If you continue with this sleeping pattern, these toxins will accumulate in your body over time. You know what happens next.


What if you sleep late and wake up late? Did you realize you feel very tired the next day no matter how much you sleep?


Sleeping late and waking up late is indeed very bad for your health. Besides not having enough time to detoxify your body, you will miss out other important body functions too.



From 3am to 5am, most blood circulation concentrates in your lung. What should you do at this moment? Well, you should exercise and breathe in fresh air. Take in good energy into your body, preferably in a garden. At this time, the air is very fresh with lots of beneficial negative ions.


From 5am to 7am, most blood circulation concentrates in your large intestine. What should you do at this moment? You should poop! Pass out all unwanted poop from your large intestine. Prepare your body to absorb more nutrients throughout the day.


From 7am to 9am, most blood circulation concentrates in your stomach. What should you do at this moment? Have your breakfast! This is your most important meal in a day. Make sure you have all the required nutrients from your breakfast. Not having breakfast causes lotsssssss of health problems for you in the future.


There you are… the most ideal way to start your day. After fully detoxifying your blood during your sleep, you wake up fresh to inhale beneficial energy. Then you pass out unwanted poop from your large intestine. After that, you take in balanced nutrients to prepare your body for a new day.


Following your natural timetable


Once I know the importance of our biological clock, I try my best to follow it. If I wake up early, I usually start my day on the computer. But when I see the clock shows 7am, I know it’s the best time for breakfast. So I’ll try to have my breakfast before 9am for best absorption.


What if you're offered a night shift job? I recommend you to reject it even the salary is higher. For long term, you may need to spend more money for your health problems.


What if you have assignment to do until late at night? Well, why not sleep early and wake up earlier to do it? Just shift your work time from late night to early morning. You get the same time. But your body will appreciate it.


With this, try to follow this timing as close as possible. Make it your daily routine. I’m sure you will feel fresher and more energetic all day long.



You may have b een led to believe that „early to bed, early to rise‟ was the

best way of organizing your sleep, and may have come to think that havi 武月茹

ng a lie-in is a bad habit. But research by Japanese endocrinologists shows that people who wake up before 5am may put themselves at risk of cardi ovascular disease. Hardened arteries, heart attack, stroke, high blood press ure, and obesity were more likely in people who got up earlier, scientists f ound. These findings held true, even though the amount of sleep was the same. Research at Stanford University previously concluded that the most r estorative sleep occurs between 2:00 a.m. and 6:30 a.m. If you have to b e woken by an alarm clock, this shows that you haven‟t got enough sleep. Respect your natural sleep cycle, by going to sleep when you‟re tired and letting yourself have as much sleep as you need.

It might be difficult to get a good night's sleep the night before a big interview, but we all know it helps.


Now, new research shows that on top of helping people perform better, getting more sleep also makes individuals appear more intelligent to teachers and prospective employers.


A group of psychologists at the University of St Andrews, Scotland looked at 190 faces, belonging to children and adults.


They measured how open the eyelids were and how curved the mouths were using face-processing software.


A panel of more than 200 people were then asked to rate the attractiveness and intelligence of these faces.


The results showed that faces with a subtle frown and dropy eyes were perceived as less intelligent.


Photographs were also taken of the same participants after a full night's sleep and after a night of restricted sleep.


When the same individuals had less 'eyelid-openness' and a subtle frown it resulted in a significant decrease in their perceived intelligence.


Early to Bed, Early to Rise

There is an English saying. It says, “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healt hy, wealthy and wise.” Have you ever heard it before? It mean s that we should go to bed early and get up early. If we do, we shall be healthy. People must have e nough time to sleep. We should sleep for 8 hours every day. So we must do our homework quickly and go to bed before 10 p.m. Proverbs can always give us som e enlightenment. To know some proverbs is good for us.




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