总结范文2 - 范文中心













For studying in the University, graduation design is very important. Also, preparing and finishing the project is a really good practice for us before we work in the society. I feel lucky that I had the chance to participate the preliminary design of the BYC (BASF-YPC COMPANY LIMITED) administration building in Nanjing and I could combine the design and practice together efficiently ahead of time.

Our design is based on the construction in Nanjing, and that construction is “the fifteenth important project” of country, which is invested in 3.7 billion US dollars. As the main part of the project, BYC administration building is designed by China Building Technique Development Corporation, which is in preliminary design moment. Also, BYC administration building is full cast-in-situ reinforced concrete frame structure. In detail, the construction is separated into two sections, section

one is that constructing five storeys (eight storeys for section two). Section one’s constructional dimension is 6654.12m2; the constructional length is 23.0m. In section two, the dimension is expanded to 10441.17m2; the length is 35.1m. Our designs and calculations are based on the eighth-storey-structure. The design is thought over and discussed again and again and selected it from three outstanding plans. It is very ingenuity and special because the building is in arc shape. Actually, it is hard for us to calculate it by hand; the reason is that we have never seen similar examples in our textbooks. But finally, we finished the project perfectly by doing lots of researches in criterion and following professor Jichao Zhang’s guideline.

The portion of the content in the design that we calculated by hands are vertical load calculation, wind load calculation, horizontal earthquake load calculation, Inspection of lateral displacement, internal force analysis and combination, bean and column design in frame, fundamental designs and so on. For the method of calculation, we use the “differentiate floor method” and “twice moment distribution method” to calculate internal force of the frame caused by vertical loads, the “D value method” to determinate the frame’s rigidity and “bottom shearing force method” to calculate internal force cause by horizontal earthquake action. In part of computer calculation, I got satisfied result by using the structure analyzing software “TBSA6.0” and “PKPM” to analyze the

structure respectively. And I made the work effective by using Office series software Excel, the forms it made are comeliness and applied. So it alleviates my work of typesetting.

I acquired many knowledge from the two month trip to Nanjing, besides, I learned something that outside the textbooks. For instance, now, I know how to make good use of the criterion, how to put the criterion into practice in our project, how to learn and think by myself, how to get along with people and so on. In conclusion, the trip to Nanjing is a very good training for me. Here, I thank professor Jichao Zhang so much; also thank my classmates and friends for helping me to finish the project. Limited by the length of the design, I can’t put all the work I have done in it, so I only abstract main part of it in the calculation book.

Inclosed the preliminary design of the BYC administration building and the opinion to us by BYC administration department.

Zhaoshuo Jiang



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