代词语法填空 - 范文中心




1. If you failed the exams, maybe you‟d be more successful and much happier in _____ field.

2. I don‟t remember ___me — her hands pushing my hair that

way. Finally, one night, I shouted out at her, “Don‟t do that anymore —your hands are too rough!” She didn‟t say ___3. That night, I fell asleep with a new ___39___ (appreciate) for my gentle mother and

___40___ caring hands. And the guilt that I had carried around for so long was nowhere to be found 。

4. Money really can‟white-collar workers are more likely to suffer depression..

5. The survey __35__ (conduct) by Beyondblue, an organization devoted to fighting depression,

also showed that __36__ under 30 who had the __37__ (high) rates of depression were the most likely to “self-medicate” with drugs and alcohol.

6. For example, if a patient called Ann says that __32__ her parents are dead, the computer will

say: “I‟m sorry to hear that, Ann.”

7. S ometimes Chinese English teachers are puzzled by __31__ questions, “Have you got any

skills in reading comprehension?” Actually, many of the teachers can‟t give students 32 efficient way to deal with reading. Anyway, __33__ often simply say,….

8. Grandma Moses was crazy about painting soon after she picked it up and worked hard at it.

She painted ___33___(care) and her works were nice. She first painted only to please ___34___, and then began to sell her works ___35___a little money.

9. His Arab host, who had been watching, said nothing, __38___ immediately copied the

___39___ (act) of his guest. And that, said ___40___ second person, was a fine example of good manners.

10. In today‟s competitive world, the ability to work happily with other people is a good way of

marking yourself out from everybody While teamwork may offer the chance to blame others your mistakes, you can never blame your failings as a teammate. Get to know one another, so you can build up a group and combine your adv antages. Find out each other‟s values, weaknesses, and past 11. This type of thinking is much harder for younger children, especially __34__ who are

away ___35___the first time….

12. Once away, kids who are homesick tend to feel sad and depressed. They may cry, be

___37___(will) to participate in activities, withdraw(远离) from __38____.,find it difficult to sleep, or engage in attention seeking ___39___(behave).

13. The next time you 38 (offer) help, no matter what that offer may be, do not turn 39


14. Many people are____37_____garbage trucks.As their garbage piles up.they need a place to

dump ____38_____.When someone wants to dump on you,you just smile,wave,wish them well,and move on.You „ll be happy you____39____(do).Love the people who treat you right.Forget about the ___40____who don‟t..

15. It is agreed, too, that from about three months they play with sounds for enjoyment, and that

by six months they are able to add new words to 38 store.

16. The Thai official says Bangkok will dispatch a team of doctors to help prevent and control

the spread of diseases that normally appear after a natural disaster of 33 type.

17. .I usually check my email first and then write a few messages 32 family and friends.I

sometimes scan the local news headlines at 33 favorite news Website and read up on the latest local and international news.

18. One time, a man slammed his door in my face and screamed, “I don‟t want ___34___ paper.”

But I forced ___35___ to knock again and was able to tell him how great the paper was. I ended up selling him ___36___ subscription.

19. I have 32 neighbors, but the neighbors I have are very nice, even though 33 don‟t see each

other very often.

20. But I put the paper aside and turned to the ___________ one.

21. ____ of the most handsome cars was a Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost.

22. Over 500 people were working in the building when the fire broke out on the 11th floor.

___6_____knows how the fire started. Perhaps it was started by an ______7______(electricity) fire in the ceiling of one of the offices.

23. I was once a TV goer but now seldom. Besides, watching TV is time-consuming.[31] _______

also makes me tired [32] ________________ (conscious).

24. Now he is set to break his own world record by submerging [33]_______ in a plexiglass(树脂

玻璃)container filled with ice at temperatures as low as -20 degrees for more than 1 hour 45 minutes.

25. “I [36]______________ (attract) to it. I went in, got rid of my clothes. Thirty seconds I was

in and had a tremendous good feeling when I came out and since then, I repeated [37]_______ every day.”

26. Mr Hof began a lifelong quest to see just how far [40]_______ abilities would take him

27. I live in an area [31]________ there is a number of family—run corner stores, and my favorite

[32]________ is owned and run by Nick and other members of [33]________ family for all kinds of really good quality fruits.

28. But don‟t make mistake of thinking him stupid, with a pen and a paper, h e can express

[34]__________ better than anybody.

29. Other people may fool you into overestimating (评价过高) [35]________ intelligence by

putting up a good front.

30. In order to avoid the problems now facing Sanlu, this foreign firm sends [39]________own

inspectors to check products bought [40]________Chinese suppliers.

31. The spacewalk was done exactly [31]________it was planed. President Hu hailed (向……欢

呼) the spacewalk as[32]________ breakthrough and thanked the taikonauts for

[33]________devotion and excellent performance.

32. The Shenzhou-7 spacecraft took off [37]________ northwest China‟s Jiuquan Satellite Launch

Center at 9:10 p.m. on Thursday, and was scheduled to land on the Inner Mongolia steppe at about 5:40 p.m. on Sunday. Before [38]________return, the Shenzhou-7 will carry out trials of satellite data relay.

33. An man punished his 3-year-old daughter for wasting a roll of gold wrapping paper to

decorate a box. Nevertheless, the girl brought the gift to [31]________father the next morning.

34. In a very real sense, each one of us, [38]________human beings, has been given a gold

container filled with [39]________ (condition) love and kisses... from our children, family members, friends, and God. There is simply no 40 _______ possession, anyone could hold,

more precious than this.

35. They are not only extraordinary parents to me, but [39]________ (amaze) grandparents to my

daughter. I do not have sad memories about my grandpa, only good [40]________.

36. If something happened in school you would know right away because Ms. Mejia would give

you a call in the evening. All the parents consider[40]____________lucky to have such a great teacher for their child, and they shared that with me.

37. When they reach adulthood I am sure they are going to be very independent and not afraid to

speak their minds. Because they both know what they want and when they want[36]________!

38. Teach them to be able to make smart choices that are helpful not only to

[39]_____________but to other people in [40]________ (social).

39. For the Americans, the greatest [35]________(fond) is said to be the push of button. You push

a button in the lift; you push a button [36]________ cigarettes, chewing gums, stamps--- even for a life insurance. You can even push a button and get married and [37]_________button to get divorced

40. Everyone must receive education from teachers at school or at university. Think about all

teachers who taught you. Can you find [31]________one is your favorite? And the reason?

[32]________ qualities make a teacher extraordinary?

41. He canceled the order, but changed to buy a bunch of fresh flowers and went straight to his

mother‟s. [39]___________the ride took about five hours, he wanted to give the flowers to his mother [40]________.

42. Actually, chances exist in the daily details. For the same matter, a more [39]________

(success) person sees more and farther so that he can find out an opportunity and catch 40 ________to realize his aim.

43. If you give your children the impression [32]________they can never do anything quite right,

then they will regard [33]____________as unfit or unable persons.

44. When [33]__________ (run) toward Pearl‟s bedroom, Fern realized her husband hadn‟t yet

escaped. She made [34]________ way back through the smoke and flames,

45. Consumers (用户) will also be able to manage [39]________payment accounts and funds

from their mobile devices, Visa said in a statement [40]________ (issue) at the Consumer Electronics Show earlier.

46. Media praised the opening ceremony for [35]________striking Chinese characteristics,

47. When I was growing up I do not recall [31]________ (hear) the words “I love you” from my

father. When your father never says [32]________ to you when you are a child, it gets tougher and tougher for him to say those words as he gets [33]________ (old).

48. Some people think that passion and work shouldn‟t mix. After all, we work to

make[31]______ living, not to feed our souls. [32]_____, passion can make our work[33] _______(easy) be finished. If you want to uncover your passion, you need to identify[34] _______ dreams. Make a list of things[35] _______ you expect to do, you would do[36] ________ if you had time and spirit. Miller says[37]________ is important to challenge your assumptions.

49. Wang Wang has established 37__________ as a gifted musician in the Mando-pop scene. His

ambition has always been to be a musician.

50. In restaurants waiters compliment you on your clothes and on the 34__________ (wise) of

your order and then return 35_________ ten minutes to refill your glass and make sure that everything is 36______ your satisfaction. But do Europeans really want US style service? A friend of 37________ once told me,…

51. This can cause the battery to explode or catch fire. According to both Apple and Dell, the

callback will cost 40 _________ between 172 and 278 million dollars and not affect their earnings.

52. She checked our work by stamping her name at the bottom of the papers to show that she had

read 38 ________.

53. Rice is the most popular grain in the world, but it requires far more water than 31 _____other

crop —typically twice as 32________ as wheat and up to ten times more than lettuce.

54. Do not compare yourself to 39 ______. Try hard to become whatever you want to be.” Hee

Ah-Lee said.

55. they must give their children a mental break, for children also need [38]_________ (free),

though young. [39]_________ thing parents should remember is that to be a friend, not a manager, with their children is a [40]________ (good) way to know them

56. Do you always feel [31]________a hard job to express yourself in daily lives? Sometimes we

are so influenced by the deeply rooted culture of conservatism (保守主义) —that means, we are too introvert (性格内向) to express our inner feelings. Even sometimes our heart has been so filled by [32]________ certain emotion, we are still controlling [33]___________ as not to leak out our “secret” from heart.

57. Saying thanks is such an easy way to add to the world‟s happiness. It not only brightens

someone else‟s world but brightens [31]________.

58. If you‟re feeling [32]________(leave) out, unloved or unappreciated, try reaching out to

[33]________. It may be just the medicine that you need.

59. Should you take medication [32]_____________ (reduce) your temperature, or is it

[33]________ (good) to let the body treat the infection (感染) [34]________?

60. In the survey, 77 percent said they were self-confident and 64.8 percent considered

[36]________ open-minded and ready to try new things.

61. The researchers discovered that the mammoths were divided [35]__________ three major

groups. One group lived mainly in Asia. [36]__________ group lived mainly in the Americas. And, a third group lived in both places.

62. If there‟s a single word you should live your life by, it should be this: Love. It might sound out

of date, I know , but trust me, there‟s no [31]_______ (good) rule in life. Some would live by the rule of success.[32]_______ lives will be stressful, unhappy and shallow.

[33]_________ would live by the rule of selfishness — putting their needs above [34]_______ of others. They will live lonely lives, and will also be unhappy.

63. President-elect Obama marked his victory with a speech to a crowd of tens of thousands of

people in [32]_______ hometown of Chicago.


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