少儿英语看图说话作文六则 - 范文中心



Autumn is coming, we are very happy, because it is harvest time. I decide to go hiking with my family .after the discussing we go to the park.

I can see the butterflies flying in the sky .they are so pretty and lovely. I like them very much, so I am playing with them. This women is my grand mother, she is picking apples for us .the apple looks sweet and nice. We are looking forward to eat it .under the tree, they are my bothers, they are playing the Chinese chess. My sister and mother are chanting around the towel, on the towel there are hamburgers, peach, bananas, and a cup of water. If we are tired we can sit here have a rest and eat some food. I am happy to go hiking with my family, we enjoy the harvest time. It is a nice day!

The house is dirty. It ’s time to do the housework. Look at my grandmother, she is wiping the table .My grandfather is watering the flower. What beautiful flowers! My mother is sweeping the floor. My father is painting the door. The door is green. I like green best. My auntie is ironing the clothes. My sister is helping my auntie to fold the clothes. My uncle is cleaning the window. My brother is putting away the toys. There are many dirty plates. I am washing the dishes. We are busy but happy.

It is a sunny day. Two baby ducks go to the park together. Suddenly, one baby duck fall into a hole. The hole is too deep to get out. ”Help,

help ”, he shouts loudly. Another baby duck worries about him. She thinks and thinks, then gets a good idea. She goes away quickly. After a while, she comes back with a bucket full of water. She puts the water into the hole, the baby duck is getting higher and higher. At last, he comes out from the hole. Two baby ducks are very happy!

The weather is warm and windy. A lot of kids are having fun on the playground. Jenny and Jack are playing on the see-saw near the tall tree. Look at Benny! He has a helmet and a nice skateboard. His little sister is playing roller skating. Look at Peter. He is playing on the swing. He likes playing it high. His friends Tony and Mary are playing with sand. They are making a sand castle. On their left Chip and Vic are playing on the slide. Far form the pretty fountain Angel is riding a bike and flying a kite on the small hill.

There is a lovely boy, his name is Tony. He likes eating hamburger and drinking Pepsi everyday. So everybody knows he is fat, but he is happy.

One day, his friend lily says:“hi Tony ,you are so fat, look ,you can’t reach your toes with your hands. you must lose weight.”

And then, Tony tries his best to do it. “Oh my god, I totally can’t do it.” so Tony decides to lose weight.

His mother tells him: If you want to lose weight you should eat less bread. eat more fruits and vegetables. So he runs every morning and takes exercises every evening.

After two months, Tony gets success of losing weight. he becomes an healthy and handsome boy.

It ’s already 7:30. The clock rings but Tony doesn’t want to get up. His mother calls him several times. “Hurry up! It’s too late for school!” Tony gets up and begins to get dressed. “Mommy, can you fold the quilt for me? ” “Do it by yourself ” says mother. The bedroom is really in a mess. His sweater, shoes, pants and belt are lying on the floor. But he can ’t find his socks. “Mommy, Where are my socks?” Finally he finds the socks under the quilt when he folds the quilt.


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