高考英语必备作文句型 - 范文中心



高考英语必备作文句型 、


①Choosing a career is one of the most important decision one makes in one’s life .


②A right choice usually leads to success and happiness,while a wrong one often brings about failure and disappointment .


③One has two things to take into account when choosing a career :one’s interest and the demand of the society .


④Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.


2、Competition and Cooperation (竞争与合作类型)

① If you want to remain the competent in the fierce competitions,you have to spend much time reading to make yourself qualified for the present job.

如果你想要在激烈的竞争中保持竞争力你就得花许多的时间去阅读学习使自己工作称职。 ②competition is found everywhere because it is human inborn nature to long for the better. 到处都有竞争,因为渴望变得更好是人与生俱来的天性。

③Many people are foud of competition because it enables them to bring their knowledge or skills into fully play.


④Without competition ,people would remain idle and have no ambition.


⑤Fair competition promotes progress and renews the looks of our society.


3、Failure (失败类型)

①Failure is the only highroad to success.


②People respond differently when failing in their attempt to do something.


③Failure are,with heroic minds,the stepping stones to success.


④Failure is the common thing in one’life ,Almost everyone experiences failure in his life , 失败在生活中是一件很平常的事情,几乎每一个人都有过失败的经历。

⑤Failure is so important for great success that we should never neglect or be upset at it. 失败对于获得巨大的成功是如此的重要以至于我们不应该忽视它或者对它感到不安。 ⑥Success at the cost of many failures are really valuable and significant.


4、Physical Exercise (锻炼身体类型)

①All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


②In order to be healthy ,you should develop a good living habit.


③If you keep donging exercise regularly,you will benefit a great deal from it for both your health and you work.


④If you become sick ,it is nearly impossible to pursue you career effectively ,much less make your dreams come true.

如果你变得体弱多病,几乎就不可能有效率地去干事业,更不用说要使自己的梦想成为现实。 ⑤Exercise can help you stay healthy.


5、Traffic problems(交通问题类型)

①With the rise in population ,the traffic in cities becomes heavier and heavier.


②Although cars have brought us much convenience ,many people have begun to realize that they are the source of trouble as well.


③Traffic accidents ,which are commo occurrences in big cities ,are due to various factors. 大城市交通事故是司空见惯的事,造成交通事故的因素多种多样。

④With the rapid increase of population and development of economy ,the traffic problems in urban areas are becoming increasingly serious,


⑤However ,it is very difficult to find a good solution to this problem. But I think the following suggestions may be advisable to those concerned.



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