英语作文 父母教育方式 - 范文中心

英语作文 父母教育方式


Bitter-sweet memories

It is said that Parents are beyond question the first teachers of children. However, there are always some disagreements among my parents especially when it comes to my education.

I was drawn to drawing from my earliest years for my father painted well. When I was a second grade primary school pupil, there’s a drawing contest in my hometown. I wanted to win the prize, so I tried my best to finish a painting. I took it to my mother, my mother saw the painting roughly and said:” good job baby, your painting was full of exuberant colors!” Tense with expectancy, I asked my mother whether I could win the prize, my mother blurted:" of course you can, my daughter is the best!" then, she added:" but why don’t you ask your father for any help? Surely you can win the prize if he helps you revise your painting. ”I thought my mother is absolutely right, so I asking for help to my father. Unexpectedly, my father refused me and told me to finish the painting all by myself with his rough words. It disappointed me so much as well as my mother. She couldn’t understand why he hesitated to help me and then a quarrel broke out between them.

there is much, much more things like that during my childhood. I always reproved myself when they quarreled with each other to my very face. I knew it well that both of them were love me , What sparked off the quarrel is just t the two versions of the education.

My father was always hard on me, and sometimes with rough attitude especially when he was in a bad temper. Quite the opposite, my gentle mother was more like a good-natured teacher. But sometimes my mother tended to pamper and spoil me which I liked at that time. My father was sensible and foresight in this field.

Because of my parents different ways of educating me when I was a child, I experienced a great versatility even though sometimes I feel distress or affliction when they wrangled with each other over me. these are all what my bitter-sweet memories meant.


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