九年级英语作文1-7单元 - 范文中心





I asked some friends about the best ways to learn English.

Lillian thinksThe best way to learn English is by reading English magazines.

Wei MingHas different ideas.

He thinks studying grammar is a great way to learn a Language.

Liu Chang thinks that joining the English club is the best way to Improve English. Students get lots of practice there and they also have fun.

Antonio said that he studies English by making flashcards.


Spring Festival

My best festival is Spring Festival . It is in Janurary or February. It is the most

Important festival for the Chinese people . On that day everybody dresses up.

First they extend greeting to their parents. Then each child will get money as a

New Year gift, wrapped up in red paper.

People in northern China will eat dumplings for breakfast .Burning fireworks Was once the most typical custom on the Spring Festival . I like Spring Festival

Very much . It’s my favourite holiday.


Mrs Green:Excuse me ,but could you tell me the way to the museum?

Policeman:Certainly. Just go up this street and turn left at the second crossing .

The third building from the corner is the museum . You can’t miss it.

Mrs Green:Oh ,let me see. Go down this street ,turn left at the second crossing ,

And the museum is the third building from the corner .Am I right ?

Policeman:Yes ,that’s right.

Mrs Green:Thank you very much. Bye-bye.

Policeman:You are welcome .Bye-bye.


It seems that Linda has changed a lot . She used to be short when she was younger,

But now she is much taller. She used to like long hair ,but now she prefers short hair.

She often played soccer before,but now she likes playing tennis instead .The biggest

Change is that she often chats with her friends. However ,she used to be alone and was Afraid of speaking in front of a group.


Lion dance is a traditional Chinese folk art ,which is performed to celebrate festivals

Or ceremonies. Dating back to the Three Kingdoms,it has a history of over 1000years

There are usually two performers who play the lion, one of whom handle the lion’s head, And the other plays the body and the tail. The performers dress up as lions and imitate all kinds of movements of lions to the music played by drums and gongs. Lion dance is Popular all over the world,especially in Southeast Asia.


I think you’d better use English in class. When you speak English.

we’ll have a good chance to improve our listening skills. It is also helpful for our

Reading,speaking and writing. We can copy what you say all the time. The more

Chances we have ,the more progress we please use simple English as much as

Possible and speak clearly and slowly. This way ,we can learn English better and

Better. Hopefully you can think about it .

Best wishes!


Li Hua

6火车是由英国人 乔治,斯蒂芬森发明的

I think the train is one of the greatest inventions in history. The train was invented by

George Stephenson.He was an engineer from Britain. He did lots of experments

and made the first train in 1825. A steam engine was used in his train. On the first day When the train ran,people along the way heard the noise and saw it running . They

Thought it was a monster .They ran back home ,closed their doors and were afraid

To come out .But now the train is one of the most important means of transportation

In the world.

7.What should teenagers be allowed to do?

Teenagers always have to obey lots of rules. For example ,they have to wear

School uniforms on school days. But they are too ugly. I think teenagers should

Look smart. They should be allowed to wear their own clothes. If they can’t,

They should be allowed to design their school uniforms. They should be allowed to

Go out with friends on weekends .Teenages need to relax after a long week of

Classes. They should be allowed to watch TV and movies in their free time .It can

Open their mind .They should be allowed to drive a car when they are over 18 years

Old. They will be serious enough at that age .They should also be allowed to

Have a part time job on weekends and holidays. They need some working expreience.

It will be good for their future. In a word ,teenagers should have more freedom to do

What they want .


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