大学英语预备级课后答案 - 范文中心



Key to Exercises

Unit 1.

Text A

III. Vocabulary Activities

1. 1) substituted 2) analogy 3)represented 4) associated 5) challenge 6) converted

7) concept 8) reduced 9) image 10) bundles 11) choose 12) pointed 13) instead

14) various

2. 1) Home should be a place where people can get away from fear and danger.

2) Professor Valentine put together a reading list and asked her students to read all the articles

on the list.

3) Jennifer is getting into fashion design.

4) A difficult task is far easier to finish if it is broken down into smaller, easier pieces.

5) After taking the medicine, the patient felt a good deal better.

6) Over and over again I told Steve to give up smoking, but he never listened to me.

7) Whether he can be hired or not will depend/depends on the job interview.

IV . Usage

1. took 2. go 3. take 4. go 5. go

V . Structure

1. what caused he fire

2. what size of shoes my father wears

3. what looked like a ball

4. what our family and friends do for us

5. what she had bought for his birthday

VI. 1. What the boy likes to do most is putting together building block.

2. In term of previous experience, John is the best choice for the position.

3. My physics teacher often uses analogy to explain some difficult concepts.

4. With the help of his family and friends, Tom build up his publishing business bit by bit.

5. Linda was not able to go to that famous university, but she planned to start all over again

rather than give up the challenge.

6. This company has a very good public image. People always associate its product with high

quality and good service.


Text B

Exercise I

1. recognized 2. later on 3. fall back on 4. slightest 5. alternative 6. figure out

7. convinced 8. complicated 9. struck terror into 10. oral 11. sound 12. Follow

13. doubts 14. master

Unit 2

Text A.

III. 1. 1) back and forth 2) destination 3) terminals 4) distinction 5) are not supposed to

6) bet 7) rotten 8) racial 9) board 10) inexpensive 11) delight 12) ride

13) pretended 14) increasing 15) valuable

2. 1) come up with 2) turned out 3) hold on to 4) take over 5) picked up speed

6) head for

IV . 1. reboarded 2. invaluable 3. inarguably 4. interracial 5. unlikely

V . 1. On the table were some flowers.

2. Many a time have I climbed that hill.

3. Only in this way can we solve the problem.

4. So many times has Mother told you to go to bed before 10 o’clock.

5. No better person can I think of for this job.

VI. 1. The children are pretty annoyed that their parents won ’t allow them to play around the

railway track.

7. I bet if I pick up a little speed I will reach the destination sooner than they do.

8. You don’t want to go out in such rotten weather. It’s better for you to stay home and stretch

your legs and do physical exercises.

9. It ’s half past ten, and you’re not supposed to be sleeping! It’s time to head for the airport to

pick up your cousin!

10. Who came up with the idea to ask Mike to take over the project?

11. The school makes no distinction in treating students from different racial backgrounds.

Text B.

I. 1. oversleeping 2. disappointed 3. grades 4. parental 5. figure 6. fuss 7. have it

in for 8. sack 9. attitude 10. come by 11. changed

II. 1. 有趣的是,当我们年龄渐长的时候,我们对父母的看法会改变。

2. 他们逼着我们吃蔬菜,我们还不想睡就逼着我们上床,对我们的成绩大惊小怪,教训我们„这一切都是因为他们真的爱我们。

3. 当我转弯要开过他的房子时,我看到一个身影站在寒天的雨中,手中拿着一个袋子。

4. 是表达感激之情的时候了。感谢父母的爱,感谢这世界上最纯真的爱。

Unit 3

Text A

III. 1. 1) mechanic 2) confused 3) qualified 4) interview 5) scarce 6) outstanding

7) severe 8) license 9) elementary 10) transferred 11) praise 12) arrive

13) is settled 14) officially 15) roll

2. 1) close down 2) mop up 3) get by 4) out of question 5) talk „over

6) get in the way

IV. Usage

1. Traveling around the globe by air

2. Eating more apples and vegetables

3. Going to work on foot

4. Saving energy

5. Learning to ride the bicycle

V. Structure

1. The train pulled into the railway station as soon as arrived there.

2. As soon as they reached the top of the mountain, it began to rain cats and dogs.

3. As soon as the door opened, the bird flew out into the sunshine.

4. As soon as the bus stopped at the station, the thief jumped off and ran away.

5. As soon as she saw the Statue of Liberty, she realized that she was already in the United States.

VI. Translation

1. He is a qualified mechanic, but he winds up with a job in international trade.

2. He enrolled in an elementary computer-training program in his spare time but

failed to get through.

3. After the interviews, the principal chose several outstanding university

graduates to work as teachers.

4. This contract is very important to our company. The more concrete it is, the


5. The boy suffers from severe leukemia and has to be transferred to a big hospital

for further treatment.

6. When he heard that the school where his father worked had closed down, tears

rolled down his cheeks.

Text B.

I. 1. clumsily 2. exclaimed 3. took delight in 4. slumped 5. spray 6. bold

7. took pains 8. has affected 9. wrap 10. withdrawn 11. noticed

12. required 13. ashamed 14. was missing

II. 1. 实际上,汤普森夫人常常用一支粗粗的红笔来批改他的试卷,划上大大的叉,在

试卷上端写下大大的“F (不及格)”,并以此为乐。

2. 按照汤普森夫人所在学校的规定,她必须查阅每个孩子的档案记录。

3. 学生给她带来了圣诞礼物,这些礼物都用鲜艳的纸包着,还扎上美丽的丝带,只


4. 她看到是一个手链,上面的一些宝石已经脱落了,还有一瓶香水,里面的香水只剩下四分之一。一些孩子见此情形开始大笑起来。

Unit 10.

Text A

III. 1)vision 2) advantage 3) symptom 4) barely 5) contrast 6) exception 7) formative 8) despair 9) quit 10) origin 11) promise 12) medicine 13) ordinary `14) are hired /were hired /have been hired

IV . 1) turned down 2) feel like 3) far from 4)fired with 5) care for 6) mix up

V . 1. modernize 2popularize 3. fantasize 4. westernized 5. publicize

VI. 1. It was on Monday night that all this happened.

2. It was me that be blamed.

3. It was at Kennedy Airport in New York that I met her father.

4. It was they that /who cleaned the classroom yesterday.

5. It wasn’t until she took off her sunglasses that I realized she was a famous film star. V . 1. Parents should pay special attention to their children during their formative years and watch for symptoms of psychological problems.

2. Geniuses usually have great passion for things they’re interested in.

3. He has no idea that Jane is his biological sister; only her name sounds faintly familiar to him.

4. Seeing the rice crops dying in the dry sun, the peasants could do nothing but sigh.

5. Ever since his boss turned down his request for a long vacation, Jack has been thinking about quitting his job.

6. I don’t care for soccer, and today’s no exception. So I don’t feel like going to watch the game with you.

Text B

II 1. 激情是一种能激发有创造力的人的东西。

2. 我知道的成功人士,都能够评估并承担风险,并且接受由此而引发的后果,不管成


3. 坚持需要自律。自律就是去做你知道应该做的事情,即使你不想做它。

4. 这个工具还可以用来探索人生,在你灵魂深处寻求你活在这个世界上的理由。 Unit 13.

Text A.

III. 1. 1) participate 2) demands/demanded 3) household 4) define 5) motivated 6)

entertain 7) depressed 8) worth 9) possessed 10) aware 11) manner

2. 1) take notice 2) turned into 3) are on side

IV. 1. I see her off

2. the troops set out immediately

3. he not eat meat

4. she not go to Hongkong until next week

5. all the textbooks be distributed to the pupils immediately

V . 1. The more she tried t explain, the more they would not believe her.

2. The higher the housing prices go up/are, the more people willing to buy.

3. The more I came near to the end of the novel, the more I dreaded it.

4. The tougher the case is, the more durable the watch is.

5. The more you desire for money, the sadder you become.

VI. 1. He encouraged his son to participate in social activities whole heartedly(actively).

2. We were aware of students’ boredom with their studies and decided to reform.

3. According to the government, the president is recovering steadily, but his condition is still

quite serious.

4. Was there any scary incident during your journey?

5. Although most people ignored his ambition, he did not lose heart and still worked hard on

his project.

6. In his program for economic development next year, the mayor pointed out that the annual

household income was estimated to exceed 20,000 yuan.

Text B.

II. 1. 多年来,我一直认为自己迷恋购物没有错,但有一天,我意识到我自己的生活有点不


2. 我订阅了很多时尚杂志。我的目光刚扫过上期杂志的封面,新的一期又到了我的邮箱。

3. 如果耶稣让我放弃我的鞋子,化妆品和信用卡,恐怕我得被打得不省人事才肯放手。

4. 我们国家所关心的只是积累财富,而我必须每天提醒自己


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