广州版小学英语六年级下册课文 - 范文中心




UNIT 1 Xiaoling's New Apartment Dialogue

1 Look and listen. Then read and act in groups.

Xiaoling is sitting on a chair in her living room in her new apartment. She is showing

photos of her old house to her friends


Xiaoling: Welcome to my new apartment! Let me show you the changes between my old

bedroom and the new one. This was my bedroom in my old house.

Mike: It was smaller than your new room. Your bedroom here is much bigger.

Sally: Your new room is much brighter, too. The window in your old house wasn't large,

but the windows hereare much larger.

Xiaoling: Yes. And there was only one window in my old bedroom, so it was darker.

Yongxian: I can see our school from here. You are nearer tothe school now, aren't you?

Xiaoling: Yes, my old house was far away from our school. Now it's lot closer to the


Jiamin: Your bed here is prettier than the one in your old bedroom, isn't it?

Xiaoling: Yes. The bed and the pillows are presents from my grandma and grandpa for my

new bedroom.

Jiamin: Oh, this bed is more comfortable than mine!

Mike: Let me try, too!

Yongxian: Here I come!

Jiamin: Now, catch the pillow, Mike!

Yongxian: And catch this!

Mike: Watch my kung fu!

Xiaoling: Oh, no! My pillows!

Xiaoling: My bedroom was nice and clean before, but now it's messy.

Sally: Oh, Xiaoling. Look at you, Jiamin, Yongxian and Mike. She was happy before but

now she isn't.

Mike,Yongxian &Jiamin: Sorry. We…


UNIT 2 A Lovely Baby Dialogue

1 Look and listen.Then read and actin groups.

Ben and Janet are looking at a family album with their parents.

Ben: Is this Janet, Mum?

Mrs Webb: Yes, she was just two years old.

Janet: I was very small.

Mrs Webb: You were a beautiful, healthy baby, Janet, with blonde hair and blue eyes.

Ben: What about me, Mum? Was I a lovely baby?

Mrs Webb: You were lovely to look at, but you were very naughty, and you were

alwaysin trouble.

Ben: Really? Gosh!

Mr Webb: Uncle Philip was a famous footballer. Now he isn't firor strong.

Janet: I like him. He's kind and funny. He has nice eyes.

Ben: When did he become a manager?

Mr Webb: In 1990.

Ben: Were you a great footballer, Dad?

Mr Webb: No, Ben, I wasn't. I was a tennis player when I was young.

Ben: Were you famous? Mr Webb: No, I wasn't.

Ben: When did you become a doctor?

Mr Webb: In 1982.

Mrs Webb: Aunt Pat was slim and beautiful, but now she's heavy.

Janet: I think she's very good-looking.

Mrs Webb: I was quite thin then. Now I'm heavier. Pat and I should both go on a diet!

Ben: No, you needn't.

Janet: You're still so fit.

Mrs Webb: Thank you.

Unit 4 Tree PlantingDay

Text1.Here's a page from jiamin's diary. Look, listen and read the diary.

Friday, March 12th

Today was the Chinese Tree Planting Day. At eight o'clock all the pupils of our class started for

Baiyun Hill by bus. Miss White and Mr Chen were with us. At about nine we began to plant trees. First

we dug holes. Then we put the young trees into the holes and filled the holes with earth. Yongxian, Mike

and Miss White carried water for the new trees. Janet, Ben, Sally and Mr Chen helped them water the

tress. We were very happy when we finished the work. All of us hopethe trees will grow well.

Until5 Saving the Broken Tree

Text 1.This is a page fromJanet's diary. Look, listen and retell the diary.

Sunday, February 11th Windy

Last year we planted a tree seed in a pot. We watered it everyday. The young tree grew

well. Then we planted it by the road in front of our garden.

Last night a car crashed into the tree. It was broken. I was sad when I saw that. “ What

shall we do? Shall we cut down the tree?” asked Ben.

“Oh no,” I said.“ Let's try to save it. Let's move it into out garden.”

Then I dug a hole inmy garden and Ben dug the tree out. We put it into the hole and filled

the hole with earth. Then we watered thetree.I hope the tree will grow well again.

Unit 7 Dr Sun Yatsen dialogue

look and listen. Then read and act out the dialogue.

Janet: What are you reading, Jiamin?

Jiamin: I'm reading about a famous historical person.

Janet: Who's that?

Jiamin: It's Dr Sun Yatsen. He was bornin Guangdong, you know.

Janet: Dr Sun Yatsen? Who's he?

Xiaoling: Don't you know? Dr Sun Yatsen was the father of modern China!

Janet: What do you mean?

Xiaoling: Well, he was VERY IMPORTANT!

Janet: Yes, but why?

Jiamin: I can tellyou about Dr Sun Yatsen.

Xiaoling: Go on, then. What did he do?

Janet: Why was he so important?

Jiamin: He was a great leader. He was against the emperor. He tried to change China and free the people.

Janet: Could he dothat? Did he free the people?

Jiamin: Yes, slowly. Finally he started to change China. Janet: I think he loved the people andthe people loved him.

Jiamin: Right! You can visit the Dr Sun Yatsen Memorial Hall in Guangzhou.

Xiaoling: Really? Shall we go and visit it this Sunday?

Jiamin: All right.

UNIT 8 Robin Hood Dialogue

1 Read and act outthe dialogue.

Yongxian: What are you doing there, Sally?

Sally: I'm reading a story about Robin Hood.

Yongxian: Who's that?

Sally: He's an English hero. There are a lot of stories about him. in the 14th century people

began to talk about his stories.

Yongxian: But why?

Sally: He was a clever and brave man. He lived in the forest with his friends. He helped the

poor. He took from the rich and gave to the poor.

Yongxian: Can you tell me more about him?

Sally: I think so. But you can see a cartoon of Robin Hood. I have a VCD.

Yongxian: That's great!

2 listen and read this poem. Then try to recite it.

Robin Hoob was a very good man, And a very good man was he. He took from the rich, and

he gave to the poor. And he did it all for free!

Robin Hood was a very clever man, And a very clever man was he. With his friends behind

him, Nobody could find him. „Cos he stayed in a wood full of trees!

Robin Hood was a very good man, And a very good man was he. He took from the rich, And

he gave to the poor. And he did it all for free!

UNTIL10 Waiting for Another Hare

Dialogue1 Look and listen.Then read and ct in paire.

Mike: Good afternoon.

Assistant: Good afternoon. Can I help you?

Mike: Yes. Do you have Chinese Ancient Fables?

Assistant: Let me see. Ah, here it is.

Mike: Here‟s my library card. How long may I keep it?

Assistant: Two weeks. But you mustn‟t lend it to others.

Mike: Can I keep the book a little longer?

Assistant: Yes. But you must come and renew it.

Mike: Thank you. Goodbye!

Assistant: Bye!

2 listen ang retell the story.

One day a farmer was working in the fields. Suddenly a hare ran very fast and crashed

into a tree. It fell to the ground and died.

The man picked up the hare and took it back home. He cooked it and had a delicious


“To pick up a here is certainly easier than to work in the fields,” he said to himself. From

then on, the farmer didn‟t work any more. All day long he sat in the fields and waited for a here to appear.

UNIT 11 The Lion and theMouse

Text Listen for the main ideas.

1. Look and listen.Then read and actin pairs.

One day a mouse was looking for something to eat. Suddenly he ran into a lion. The lion caught the mouse. He looked at the mouse and said,“ you're too small for a meal.”

“Please let me go, Mr Lion,” said the mouse. “ one day I will help you .” The lion laughed. “How can a little thing like you help the great king of animals?” he said.“ OK, I will let you go.” “Thank you very much,” the mouse said.” “That's very good of you.”

The next week the mouse was again looking for something to eat. He saw the lion under a tree. The lion was in a net and could not get out. The mouse went up to him. “Don't worry, Mr Lion. I will help you,” said the mouse. Then he began to bite the net. Soon he made a big hole in the net. At last the lion got out of the net. He was very happy.“ Thank you,” he said.“ Thank you so much!”

UNIT 13 Running for China

Dialogue 1 Look and listen. Then read and act in groups.

Jiamin: You're a good runner. I hope you can win the gold medal.

Yongxian: I hope so too.

Jiamin: I'm sure you'll be the winner.I wish I could runlike you.

Yongxian: I'm the winner. I'm the greatest.

Jiamin: Well done, Yongxian.

Yongxian: Now I want to be a runner when I grow up. I want to be a runnerwhen I grow up.I

Want to run for China in the 2012 Olympics games in Londom..

Yongxian: The 2012Olympic Games. Here I come!

Jiamin: Good luck, Yongxian.

Yongxian: I'm running very fast. The gold medal is mine. Oh dear! I'm falling over.

Mother: Why are you sleeping on the floor, Yongxian ?

Yongxian: I dreamed I ran in the 2012 Olympics Games in London. and I fell over.

Mother: Ha-ha!

Unit 15 Hopes and Fantasies of the children

Dialogue 1 look and listen. Then read and act out the dialogue.

Mike: What do you want to do? Do you want to go to see a film?

Jiamin: Yes. What film?

Mike: well, do you want to see the film about the Monkey King?

Jianin: The Monkey King? That‟s great! It‟s a good film!

Mike: Wow! Look ! he is becoming very tall!

Jiamin: I wish I could become very tall too. Look at that! He is flying! I wish I could fly like

the Monkey King.

Mike: Me too. I wish I could fly in the blue sky.

Jiamin: Look at that! That‟s fantastic!

Mike: I wish I could get a magic stick.

Jiamin: Me too. I wish I could have a lot of fun with a magic stick like that.

Woman: Boys, it‟s time for you to go home now.

Jiamin: I wish I could fly home!

Mike: I wish I could finish my homework!


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