初三上册英语导学案module6 - 范文中心




Module 6 Save our world

Unit 1 It’s wasteful to throw away paper and metal.(课前预习)

I.预习目标:1. 初步理解对话大意 2. 理解记忆新词和短语 3. 感知理解新语法

II. 预习过程:

一. 阅读对话,在文中划出下列新词汇并写出这些单词的意思:

二. 阅读对话,在文中划出下列短语 1. 拯救我们的世_______________ 6

2. 扔掉_________________ 7_________________

3. 谨慎地对_________________ _________________

4. 筹钱 9. collect waste _________________

5. 贫困地区

waste land荒地;

waste-paper-basket废纸篓;waste products废品。

●还可作名词,意为“废弃物;浪费”。如:There’s too much waste in this house. 这一家人太浪费了。

常用于“It’s a waste of time/money/speech to do sth.” 或 “It’s a waste of time / money / speech doing sth.”结构中。如:

① It’s a waste of time to wait any longer. 再等下去是白费时间。

② It’s a waste of your speech talking to him. 跟他讲话白费唇舌。

● 还可作动词。如:We mustn’t waste a drop of water or a grain of rice. 一滴水一粒米我们都不应当浪费。

作动词时,waste常用于下列结构中:waste sth. on (doing) sth. “在某事上浪费”或waste time (in) doing“浪费时间做某事”。如:

① He wasted lots of his time and money on playing cards. 打牌浪费了他大量的时间和金钱。

② Don’t waste time talking to me. I won’t change my plan. 别浪费时间跟我讲了,我是不会改变计划的。



of their New Standard!.

4. The children basketball, football and ping pong at school, so they .

Module 6 Save our world



1. 会用本课所学四会单词和短语

2. 阅读理解对话,并能复述,能用所学词汇,句型进行情景口头表达和书面表达。


一. 交流检查课前预习情况:

二.. 自主学习 :

1. Listen , read fast and answer.(A4)

2. Listen , read carefully and answer.(A5,6)

3. Listen and repeat.

4.Read aloud alone.

5.Read and fill in the blanks of the passage:

Betty has got an ______ from______. Zhao says that he saw the ______ ______ the environment and there are ______ mustn't ______ ______ waste things and for recycling to ___ money to help the ______ must also ______ energy ______ ______. If everyone pollution, our future is______.

5.Retell or recite the filled passage..


方式:1. 2. 班内交流解决 3. 教师解释



2. so many mistakes in my homework; I am _______________

4. Nothing is __________________ (possible), if you put your heart into it..

5. It’s something we can use again, it’s __________________ (reuse)

6. Tom is __________________ (hope) about his future.

7. Be careful! That building is __________________ (safe).

8. Why are you throwing away good paper? It’s very __________________ (waste).

9. Too much rubbish can cause __________________ (pollute)

10. Everyone should do something for ______________ (environment) protection.

(二)根据中英文提示完成句子。X|k |b| 1 . c|o |m

1. 人人都认为我们必须谨慎地对待环境。

Everyone agrees we ____________ the environment.

2. 扔掉玻璃、纸和金属是很浪费的。

It’s wasteful ________glass, paper and metal.

3. 我们应当阻止工厂污染河流。

We should ________________ the river.

4. 你打算什么时候写关于环境教育的文章?

When are you going to _______________.


6. 请随手关灯,不浪费电。

Please turn lights off and ___________.


Module 6 Save our world

(课前预习) I1. 初步理解短话大意 2. 理解记忆新词和短语 3. 感知理解新语法

II. 预习过程:

一. 阅读对话,在文中划出下列新词汇并写出这些单词的意思:

reduce_____ reuse_____ necessary_____ plastic_____ repair____ china_____ care_____ fashion_____ instead_____ insteadof_____ air conditioning_____ cloth_____ sort_____ harm_____

do harm to_____ difference_____ make a difference to_____


二. 阅读短文,在文中划出下列短语 ,朗读并默写:

1. 对„„有影响/很重要 ____________ 6. plastic bags _____________

2. 对„„造成伤害_________________ 7. care about ______________

3. 参加 _________________________ 8. everyday activities ___________

4. 由„„制造 ____________________ 9. change…into… ___________

5. 空调 __________________________ 10. make suggestions ___________


1.Why should we choose local products?

2.Why should we use a china cup?


1.【原文再现】【要点点击】care about。如:


母都特别关心自己孩子的将来。 【拓 展】care for sth. would 连用,表示

。如:Would you care

愿意和我一起去散步吗?take care of和look

常用于被动语态中。如:Old people are cared for by the


In fact, even the simplest everyday activities can make a real 【要点点击】make a difference to … 的意思是“对„„产生重大影响”。如:

Doing morning exercises makes a great difference to our health. 做


它还有一个意思是“对„„很重要”。如:It also makes a difference to

me, so I’ll go with you.

与之相关的短语有:make no difference 对„„没有作用或影响;

make some difference 对„„有一些作用或影


3.【原文再现】We should stop the factories from polluting the river.

【要点点击】主语 + stop + 谓语 + from + doing sth. 的意思是“阻止„„做某事”,from可以省略。如:I tried to stop my father from smoking, and I succeeded in the end. 我尽力阻止爸爸抽烟,最后成功了。


to health.

2. Most of us don’t use p bowls.

“ Y

4. Y

(课堂学习) I.学习目标:1.



3. Listen and repeat in a low voice with the tape..

4.Read aloud alone.

5.Read and fill in the blanks:

How green are you? We must _____ _____ protecting the environment and ______ energy. We procuce waste every day and it ______ ______ ______ our environment. So we must ______ ______ to help. When we buy things, choose local produces ______ ______, and try not to buy ______ ______ things from

abroad. We should ______ ______the things we bought _____ _____ they will last a long time. We should also______ ______ _______ recycling programmes to keep green.

6.Retell or recite the text. 新-课-标-第-一-网

三. 交流展示:Discuss language difficulties in groups to help each other .

方式:1. 组内讨论解决疑难2. 班内交流解决 3. 教师解释

四. 训练巩固:(一)根据中英文提示完成句子。

1. 人人都应当关心环保和节能

We should ___________ the environment and saving energy.


In fact, even the simplest everyday _____________ to the environment.


5. 例如再生纸,来帮助节省木材。 We should help save trees.


plastic lunch box and a cup, because you can use them 7.

When we buy things, _________________ they can be used for as long as possible.

8. 在扔垃圾之前,我们应当对它没们进行分类。

We should __________________________ before throwing it away.

9. 你是经常开窗而不是开空调吗?

Do you open a window ____________ air conditioning?

10.你经常买产自本地的而不是国外的东西吗?X|k |b| 1 . c|o |m

Do you often buy things _________________________ instead of made abroad?


1. We should buy products made ________ recycled materials.

2.After school our students take part ____ all kinds of


3. We should care_____ protecting the environment.

4. Plastic bags do harm______ our environment.



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