英语新闻词汇 - 范文中心




石油输出国组织(欧佩克)Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries(OPEC) 阿拉伯石油输出国组织Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) 八国集团Group of Eight

北大西洋公约组织 North Atlantic Treaty Organization

北美自由贸易区North American Free Trade Area

不结盟运动 Non-Aligned Movement

发展中国家间经济合作委员会Committee on Economic Cooperation Among Developing Countries

非洲经济共同体African Economic Community

国际红十字会International Red Cross

国际能源机构 International Energy Agency

国际人权法院 International Court of Human Rights

国际商会International Chamber of Commerce

经济合作与发展组织(经合组织)Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 欧洲经济合作组织Organization for European Economic Cooperation

欧洲人权委员会 European Commission of Human Rights

欧洲自由贸易联盟 European Free Trade Association

世界动物保护联合会 World Federation for the Protection of Animals

世界劳工联合会 World Confederation of Labour

世界贸易组织 (WTO)

世界穆斯林联盟 Muslim World League

太平洋经济合作理事会 Pacific Economic Cooperation Council

亚非会议 Asian-African Conference

亚欧合作理事会Afro-Asian Council for Asia-Europe Cooperation

亚太经合组织 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

中非国家联盟Union of Central African States


美国广播公司 ABC(American Broadcasting Company)

澳大利亚广播公司ABC(Australian Broadcasting Commission)

朝日广播公司ABC(Asahi Broadcasting Corporation)

英国广播公司 BBC(British Broadcasting Corporation)

加拿大广播公司CBC(Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)

(美国)全国广播公司 NBC(National Broadcasting Corporation)

哥伦比亚广播公司CBS(Columbia Broadcasting Station)

美国有线电视新闻网 CNN(Cable News Network)

中国国际广播电台CRI (China Radio International)

香港电视广播有限公司HK-TVB(Television Broadcasts Ltd.)

新西兰广播公司NZBE(New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation)

加拿大国际电台Radio Canada International

马来西亚广播电台Radio Malaysia

莫斯科广播电台Radio Moscow

巴基斯坦广播电台 Radio Pakistan

布拉格电台Radio Prague 布拉格是捷克共和国的首都和最大的城市

马来西亚之声电台 Radio voice of Malaysia

菲律宾广播网RPN (Radio Philippines Network)

香港电台RTHK(Radio Television Hong Kong )

美国之音VOA(Voice of America)


新华社 Xinhua News Agency

美洲报联社(美国)AAP (American Associated Press)

澳大利亚联合新闻社 AAP(Australian Associated Press)

波斯通讯社(伊朗)Agence Telegraphique Pars

法新社(法国)AFP(Agence France-Press)

安塔拉通讯社(印尼)A TR(Antara News Agency)

美联社(美国)AP(Associated Press)

巴联社(巴基斯坦)APP(Associated Press of Pakistan)

加拿大通讯社CP ( Canada Press)

德意志新闻社DPA(Deutshce Press-Agentur)

印新处(印度)IIS(Indian Information Service)

朝中社(韩国)KCNA (Korean Central News Agency)

路透社(英国)Reuters(Reuters News Agency)

合众国际社(美国)UPI(United Press International)

美新处(美国)USIS(US Information Service)


semi-final n. 半决赛

benchwarmer n.替补队员

referee n. 裁判

cross-country race 越野赛

diving competition 跳水

draw n. 平局

dead heat不分胜负, 平手

dunk v. 扣篮

fancy pass 妙传

free kick 罚任意球

home match主场比赛

guest team客队

IOC(International Olympic Committee)国际奥委会

karate n. 空手道

knock-out system淘汰制

penalty tick 罚点球

rally n. 汽车拉力赛

relay race 接力赛

figure skating花样滑冰

doping test 药检

roller skating 滑旱冰

speedwalking n. 竞走

striker n. 前锋

invitation meet邀请赛

on your mark 各就各位

prize-awarding ceremony颁奖仪式

sprinter n. 短跑选手

bowling n. 保龄球

judo n. 柔道


Box-office returns 票房收入

brain drain人才流失

carrier bag 购物袋

chain reaction 连锁反应

cover stories 头版新闻

front page头条

Greenpeace n. 绿色和平组织

top news 头条新闻

EL Nino 厄尔尼诺

exclusive interview 独家采访

front row seat 首席记者

heroin n. 海洛因

news flash 短讯

plastic operation整形手术

quiz game智力竞赛

sensation n. 轰动一时的人或事

vaccine n. 疫苗

silver-tongued a.口才好的

ageism n. 对老年人的歧视

press corps 记者团

suspension bridge 吊桥

workaholic n. 工作狂


Alliance n. 同盟,同盟国

assembly n. 集会,会议

autonomy n.自治

boycott v. 抵制, 拒绝参加

casting vote 关键的一票

affirm v. 批准,确认

ambassador n.大使,特使

Assassin n. 刺客,暗杀者

depose v . 罢免

brain trust ( 政府的) 智囊团

camp n.(政治的)阵营

genocide n.种族灭绝

Honor guard 仪仗队

impeach v. 弹劾

Duma n. (俄)杜马

post- Cold War冷战后的

lobby v. 游说

pentagon n. 五角大楼

Privilege n. 特权,优惠

preferential a.优先的

veto v. 否决

Unsigned vote 无记名投票

Upper House 上议院

allege v. 断言,宣称

wax v. 击败

House of Representative 众议院

sovereignty n. 主权,主权国家

reciprocal a. 互惠的,对等的

deplore v. 对…深表遗憾,哀悼

Electoral college总统选举团

Landslide n/v 选举中压倒性的优势,获胜

asylum n.(政治)避难;庇护权

Central Intelligence Agency 中央情报局

The American Family (1994)

The concept of family life has changed considerably over the years. / In earliest times, several generations lived together in clans, / which consisted of all living descendents and their husbands or wives. / These clans were almost totally

self-sufficient, / every member contributing in some way toward the survival of the group. / The men hunted and fished for food or sometimes maintained flocks of sheep or goats. / The women baked bread and roasted the meat their men provided. / Special members of the community were selected to make products like pottery, baskets and home weapons. / But with the development of greater varieties of food, clothing and shelter, / a single clan could no longer develop all the individual skills the group required. / Clans merged into larger societies and at the same time broke into smaller units consisting of married couples and their children. / Later the Industrial

Revolution brought about even more important changes in family life. / New inventions brought shorter working hours for men and easier housekeeping routines for women. / Today a productive family life suggests not the group's cooperative efforts of working together, / but the pleasant and meaningful sharing of its leisure. Unidentified Flying Objects (1995)

There are many explanations for why UFOs visit the Earth. / The most popular one is that they maybe visitors from other planets./ To fly such aircraft, their builders must develop different forms of aviation,/because they seem to fly much faster than normal aircraft./ The UFOs, it is believed, must contain scientists/ from other planets who are studying life on earth./ It is even believed that several such aircraft may have landed on earth/ and the space visitors may be living amongst us./ But there are also less fantastic explanations available./ Although some sightings of UFOs are difficult to explain, most can be explained quite easily./ In many cases the observers might have made a mistake./ They might have seen a weather balloon or an aircraft./ Or the light they saw in the sky might have been light from the ground,/ reflected on to the clouds./ However, the exact cause of many sightings still remained a mystery.

The Indian Medicine Man (1996)

Among the Indians of North America, the medicine man was a very important person. He could cure illness and he could speak to the spirits. The spirits were the supernatural forces that controlled the world. The Indians believed that bad spirits made people ill. So when people were ill, the medicine man tried to help them by using magic. He spoke to the good spirits and asked for their help. Many people were cured, because they thought the spirits were helping them, but really these people cured themselves. Sometimes your own mind is the best doctor for you. The medicine men were often successful for another reason, too. They knew about plants that really can cure illness. A lot of medicine are made from the plants that were used by medicine men hundred of years ago.

Legal Age for Marriage (1997)

Throughout the United States, the legal age for marriage shows some difference. The most common age without parents' consent is 18 for both females and males. However, persons who are under age in their home state can get married in another state, and then return to the home state legally married. Each state issues its own marriage license. Both residents and non-residents are qualified for such a license. The fees and ceremonies vary greatly from state to state. Most states, for instance, have a blood test requirement, but a few do not. Most states permit either a civil or religious ceremony, but a few require the ceremony to be religious. In most states a waiting period is required before the license is issued. This period is from one to five days depending on the state. A three-day-wait is the most common. In some states there is no required waiting period.

The Railways in Britain (1998)

The success of early railways, such as the lines between big cities,/ led to a great increase in railway building in Victorian times. / Between 1835 and 1865 about 25000 kilometres of track were built,/ and over 100 railway companies were created. / Railway travel transformed people's lives. / Trains were first designed to carry goods. / However, a law in the 19th century forced railway companies to run one cheap train a day / which stopped at every station and cost only a penny a mile. / Soon working class passengers found they could afford to travel by rail. / Cheap day excursion trains became popular and seaside resorts grew rapidly. / The railways also provided thousands of new jobs:/ building carriages, running the railways and repairing the tracks. / Railways even changed the time. / The need to run the railways on time meant that local time was abolished/ and clocks showed the same time all over the country. /

United Nations Day(1999)

The 24th of October is celebrated as United Nations Day. h is a day that belongs to everyone. And it is celebrated in most countries of the world. Some countries

celebrate for a week instead of a day. In many parts of the world, schools have special programs for the day. Boys and girls in some communities decorate a UN tree. In other communities, young people put on plays about the UN. Some libraries exhibit

children's art works from around the world. Schools celebrate with the songs and dances of other countries or give parties where foods of other countries are served. No matter how the day is celebrated, the purpose of these celebrations is to help everyone understand the UN, and the important roles it plays in world affairs. The UN encourages people to learn about other lands and their customs. In this way, people can gain a better understanding and appreciation of peoples all over the world. What We Know About Language(2000)

Many things about language are a mystery and will remain so. However, we now do know something about it. First, we know that all human beings have a language of some sort. No human race anywhere on earth is so backward that it has no language of its own at all. Second, there is no such thing as a primitive language. There are many peoples whose cultures are undeveloped but the languages they speak are by no means primitive. In all the languages existing in the world today, there are complexities that must have been developed for years. Third, we know that all languages are perfectly adequate. Each is a perfect means of expressing its culture. And finally, we know that language changes over time, which is natural and normal if a language is to survive. The language which remains unchanged is nothing but dead. Characteristics of A Good Reader(2001)

To improve your reading habits, you must understand the characteristics of a good reader. First, the good reader usually reads rapidly. Of course, he does not read every piece of material at the same rate. But whether he is reading a newspaper or a chapter in a physics text, his reading rate is relatively fast. Hehas learned to read for ideas rather than words one at a time. Next, the good reader can recognize and understand general ideas and specific details. Thus he is able to comprehend the material with a minimum of effort and a maximum of interest. Finally, the good

reader has in his command several special skills, which he can apply to reading problems as they occur. For the college student, the most helpful of these skills include use of the various aids to understanding that most text books provide and skim-reading for a general survey.


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