初中英语语法基础知识练习 - 范文中心





( ) 1. Billy has saved ______ money for his college expenses.

A. a huge amount of B. a large number of

C. the huge amount of D. the large number of

( ) 2. Would you please give us ______?

A. some advice B. piece of advice

C. some advices D. an advice

( ) 3. Please pass me ______.

A. two paper B. two piece of paper

C.two pieces of paper D. two pieces paper

( ) 4. There are many ______ in the fridge.

food B. fruit C. eggs D. bread

( ) 5. How many ______ can you carry, Billy?

A. bag of rice B. bag of rices

C. bags of rice D. bags of rices

( ) 6. This pair of shoes is for you, and that ______ is for Mary.

one B. shoes C. pair D. shoe

( ) 7. I like to wear this kind of ______.

shirt B. a shirt C. the shirt D. shirts

( ) 8. He can do all kinds of ______.

a thing B. things C. thing D. something

( ) 9. There is ______ under the bed.

A. a pair of shoe B. a pair of shoes

C. the pair of shoes D. a pair shoes

( ) 10. Every ______ is important to the lady.

news B. advice C. story D. information

( ) 11. Is there ______ in your house to put in this large bed?

A. enough room B. enough rooms

C. a lot rooms D. a room enough

( ) 12. Is there any more ______?

A. egg B. bread C. banana D. vegetable

( ) 13. We will stay in China for ______.

one and a half years B. one and a half year

C. one and half years D. half and one year

( ) 14. That man doesn

s somewhere______.

in his thirties B. in his thirtieth C. in thieties

D. in his thirty

( ) 15. She was very happy. She______ in the maths test.

A. makes a few mistakes B. made a few mistakes ’t look his age, I think he’

C. made few mistakes D. makes few mistake

( ) 16. We need some ______. Can you go and get some, pleas


A. many potato B. many potatoes

C. more potatoes D. much potatoes

( ) 17. ______ are ______ for cutting things.A.Knife/used

B. Knives/used C. Knife/using D.

Knives/using ( ) 18. What big ______ the tiger has!

A. tooth B. teeth C. tooths D. toothes ( ) 19.

Please remember to give the horse some tree______.

A. leafs B. leaves C. leaf D.leave ( )

20. On the table there are five ______. A. tomatos

B. piece of tomatoes C. tomatoes D. tomato

( ) 21. They got much ______ from those new books.

A. ideas B. photos C. information D. stories ( ) 22.

What ______ lovely weather it is! A. / B. the

C. an D. a ( ) 23. This table is made of ______.

A. many glass B. glasses C. some glasses D.glass

( ) 24 There are fifty-seven _____ in our school. A.

women’s teacher B. women teachers C. woman

teachers D. women teacher ( ) 25 The Turners ______ sitting at the breakfast table. A. are B. is

C. were D. was ( ) 26. Lily and her mother are both

______. A. woman cook B. woman cooks

C. women cook D. women cooks ( ) 27. I’d like to be a volunteer of Shanghai Expo in 2010, but I haven’t made a final ______ yet. A. mistake B. progress

C. decision D.programme ( ) 28. ______ fiction you’ve got! Can I have a look? A. How wonderful B. What wonderful C. What a wonderful D. How the wonderful ( ) 29. Do me a ______ to turn the radio down while I’m on thephone, will you? A. help B. hand C. favour D. charity ( ) 30 Shanghai is bigger than ______ in Africa. A. any other cities B. any other city

C. any city D. any cities 词性转换(20) 1. A: What can I do for you? B: Three ______ (loaf ) of bread, please. 2. Do English people shake hands as often as ______ (German )? 3. Many world-famous ______(sing) and ______ (dance) like to give their performances in the Shanghai Grand Theatre. 4. Who is the ______ (invent) of telephone? 5. Who is the ______ (win), Tom or Jack? 6. You are a very good ______ (cook ). 7. Lu Xun was one of the greatest ______ (write) in the world. 8. There are different kinds of ______ (fish) in the sea. 9. Last week I caught two ______ (thief) with a policeman.

10. Uncle Li used to be a cook, but now he is the ______ (manage) of a restaurant. 11. He met some ______ (China) in London. 12. There were several ______ (sheep) in the field.

13. “Who is the ______ (drive) of the car?” the policeman asked.


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