英语八上Unit2课堂跟踪练习1 - 范文中心



英语八上 Unit 2课堂跟踪练习

What should I do? Section B & Self-check


1.correct 2.active 3.exact 4.possible 5.polite 6.fair

7.happy 8.finished 9.like 10.colour


1.His sister____________________(和我一样大).

2.I don’t want ______________________________(和我弟弟打架).

3.I found out that ____________________________(我的朋友们正在为我筹办一个生日晚会).

4.I’m very upset and _______________________(不知道做什么).

5.Erin ___________________________________(比我更受欢迎) in our class.


1.The window is broken. Try to _________who broke it.A. find B. look C. find out D. look for

2.Maybe I _______ my bag in the car. A. leave B. left C. forget D. forgot

3.He is learning _______ ride a bicycle. A. what B. how C. what to D. how to

4.She was very _________ about her parents’ argument.

A. upset B. friendly C. kind D. interested

5.The film in the cinema is the same ____________last week.

A. like B. as C. for D. by


1.They’re cheap.(改同义句) They’re___________________.

2.I like red. Mary likes red, too.(合并为一句) Mary likes _______ _______ ______ _______ I.

3.I don’t know what I should say.(改为简单句) I don’t know ______ ________ ________.

4.He lost his sports clothes.(改为否定句) He ________ ________his sports clothes.

5.No one could answer that question except me.(改为同义句)_______ ________ could answer that question. 对划线提问)______________________________________

7.Erin should tell them the story.(改为否定句)

Erin _______________________________________.

8.Mary has enough money.(改为一般疑问句)


9.My sister buys me a new book.(改为同义句)


10.You could give him a ticket.(改为同义句)



1.He had a _______supper and went out. A. quick B. quickly C. fast D.fastly

2.My father didn’t come back _____12 o’clock. A. before B. after C. in D. until

3.We find _______interesting to study history. A. it B. its C. they D. them

4.Mothers are ______ of high prices of food. A. comparing B. complaining

C. explaining D. surprising

5.______ she is poor, she is happy. A. But B. Because C. Though D. Since

6.When do you feel _______ pressure? A. on B. under C. for D. in

7.There is _______ in today’s newspaper. A. nothing new B. new nothing

C. anything new D. new anything

8.Children to _____house ______house to ask for Sweets. A. between; and B. both; and

C. from; to D. from; on

9.She _____ to be angry with you. A. looks B. likes C. sees D. seems

10.One day I saw Bill ______ in the river. A. swims B. to swim C. swimming D. swiming 六,补全句子

1.Doctor say many children __________________ (在重压之下).

2.Mrs Green, ______________________________(两个孩子的母亲)in London knows that.

3.You should learn to ________________________(给你儿子多一点时间).

4.Tom ___________________________________(需要时间做事情) by himself.

5.She has to ______________________________(带女儿去上钢琴课).


一、1.incorrect 2.inactive 3.inexat 4.impossible 5.impolite 6.unfair 7.unhappy 8.unfinished

9.dislike 10.discolour

二、1.is the same age as me. 2.to have a fight with my bother.

3.my friends were planning a birthday party for me.

4.don’t know what to do. 5.is more popular than me.


四、1.inexpensive 2.the same color as 3.what to do 4.didn’t lose 5.Only I

6.What should he do 7.shouldn’t tell them the story

8.Does Mary have enough money? 9. My sister buys a new book for me.

10.You could give a ticket to him.

五、1---5 ADABC 6---10BACDC

六、1.are under too much pressure 2.a mother of two (children)

3.give your son a bit more time to do things

4.take her daughter to piano lessons


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