英国语文第一册 - 范文中心





I have a cat, Its name is Tit; And by the fire It loves to sit. Two

From off the rug It scarce will stir, But there will sit All day and purr. Three

Each day I bring Its dish of milk, And smooth its coat To shine like silk. Four

And on my knee It oft will sit;

And I love it. 第一课 我的猫 1.


它的名字叫提特; 壁炉火堆旁 它喜欢趴着。 2. 地毯上

它很少四处走动, 但有时它会趴在那 一天到晚喵喵叫个不停。3.

每天我带给它 一碟牛奶。 它那光滑的皮毛 就像丝绸一样闪亮。 4. 在我膝盖上 它经常趴着; 我真爱我的猫。


第二课 滚环



1.Dick has been a good boy. All his work is done.

2.Now he is at play with his hoop. 3.As he runs he strikes it with the stick in his hand.

4.Look how fast he makes it go along the road!

5.After a long run he will go home to his tea.

他边跑边用手中的的棍子赶着铁环。 看呐,他让滚环沿着路边滚得多快啊! 长长的奔跑过后,他就会回家休息进些茶点。


第三课 刀和叉

亨利从姑姑那得到一份漂亮的礼物。 你猜是什么?是一对漂亮的刀和叉。

1.Henry has had a nice gift from his aunt.

2.What do you think it is? It is a pretty knife and a fork.

3.The fork has three prongs. The knife has a sharp edge.

4. Henry will soon be a big boy. He must learn how to hold his knife and fork when he eats his food.

叉子有三个叉尖。刀子有锋利的边缘。 亨利不久就会成长为大男孩。那时吃饭时,他得学会如何用刀叉。


第四课 鸟巢

1. 树枝上有只鸟巢。它几乎藏在树叶之间。 2. 鸟巢由稻草和小木棍垒成。朝里面看看,告诉我你看见了什么。

3. 我看见三枚鸟蛋。鸟妈妈出去找吃的去

1. Here is a bird's nest on the branch of a tree. It is almost hid by the leaves.

2. The nest is made of straw and little sticks. Look in and tell me what you see.

3. I see three eggs. The bird is away for food; but it will soon come back. 4. See! There it comes! It flies back to the nest. Now it sits on the eggs. 5. There will soon be young birds in the nest. Some day we may come to see them.

6. Lucy and James went every day to see them, till the little birds were able to fly.



5. 鸟巢里很快就会有幼鸟破壳而出。不知哪天我们就可以看到这些小家伙了。 6. 露西和詹姆斯每天都去看看这些幼鸟,直到这些小家伙们能够独立飞行。




Little Robin Redbreast Sat upon a tree; Up went Pussy Cat, And down went he. Two

Down came Pussy Cat, And away Robin ran; Said little Robin Redbreast: Catch me if you can.” Three

Little Robin Redbreast Hopped upon a wall; Pussy Cat jumped after him, And almost got a fall. Four

Little Robin chirped aloud;

And what did Pussy say?

Pussy Cat said “Mew;”; And Robin flew away. 第五课 小知更鸟 1. 小小知更鸟 栖息在树上 猫咪爬上树

他就飞下来。 2.

猫咪下了树, 小知更鸟早就飞走了; 小知更鸟说:

如果你能,就来抓我呀。 3. 小小知更鸟 墙头上雀跃; 猫咪跳着在后面追赶 差点摔一大跟头。 4.

小小知更鸟在啁啾 猫咪怎么叫? 猫咪在叫“喵喵“; 小知更鸟已飞走。


第六课 童谣 1.




Hush-a-bye, baby, on the tree-top! When the wind blows the cradle will rock!

When the bough breaks the cradle will fall—

Down will come baby, cradle and all! Two

One, two, buckle my shoe. Three, four, shut the door. Five, six, pick up sticks.

Seven, eight, lay them straight. Nine, ten, a good fat hen. Three

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, I caught a hare alive. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, I let her go again.

当大树枝断了,摇篮就会落下—— 宝贝,摇篮等等所有都会掉下! 2.

一,二,扣住我的鞋。 三,四,关住我的门。 五,六,拿起小棍子。 七,八,把它们放直了。 九,十,一只大肥鸡。 3.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5,我抓了一只活野兔。 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,我又把她给放掉了。


第七课 航行的小船

1. 一个小男孩和一个小女孩在海里艰难前行。

2. 这个小男孩身后跟着一艘小船。小船有一个桅杆和一面帆。

3. 他用一根绳子牵着小船。小女孩说道,

1. Here

are a boy and a girl wading in the sea.

“风儿,吹吧吹吧; 让小船起航吧!”

4. 大海很平静。远远的有一只海鸟,高高翱翔在天空。

2. The boy has his little boat with 5. 小男孩名叫福瑞德。小女孩是他的妹妹,him. The boat has a mast and a sail. 名叫玛丽。 3. He holds the boat with a string. The little girl says, “Blow, wind, blow; Make the ship go!”

4. The sea is very calm. Far off there is a sea-bird, high up in the air. 5. The little boy is called Fred. The little girl is his sister. Her name is Mary.

6. She has come to see Fred sail his boat. She likes to help him when she can.

7. Mary has always a smile on her face. At home she is called Little Sun-shine.

6. 玛丽过来看福瑞德驾船出海。当她有能力时,她很喜欢帮哥哥。

7. 玛丽脸上常常挂着微笑。在家里,家人叫她小太阳。



Once there was a little kitty Whiter than snow;

In a barn she used to frolic, Long time ago.

2. In the barn a little mousie Ran to and fro;

For she heard the kitty coming, Long time ago.

3. Two eyes had little kitty, Black as a sloe;

And they spied the little mousie, Long time ago.

4. Four paws had little kitty, Paws soft as dough;

And they caught the little mousie; Long time ago.

5. Nine teeth had little kitty, All in a row;

And they bit the little mousie,

Long time ago;

6. When the teeth bit little mousie, Little mouse cried “Oh!” But she got away from kitty, Long time ago. 第八课 很久以前 1. 很久以前, 曾经有一只小猫 皮毛白得胜过白雪 它常常在谷仓里嬉戏 2. 很久以前

在谷仓里有只小老鼠, 来来回回,窜来窜去 因为她听到了小猫来了。 3很久以前, 小猫长着一双眼睛 漆黑如墨,

就是这锐利的双眼发现了小老鼠。 4,很久以前, 小猫长着四只爪子, 它们柔软如面团; 就是它们抓住了小老鼠。 5. 很久以前,

小猫嘴里长着九颗牙齿, 它们整齐地排成一排, 就是它们咬住了小老鼠。 6. 很久以前,

当小猫的牙齿咬住了小老鼠, 小老鼠恐惧地叫着”哎呀!“ 可是她成功地从猫嘴里脱逃了。


1. Look

at me, boys and girls. I am a little milkmaid. I am going home with my milk-pail and my stool.

2. I have been milking the cow. You can see her on the grass in the field. 3. The cow knows me. She never moves when I am milking her. 4. Now my pail is quite full of nice sweet milk.

5. Little baby is very fond of milk. When he can speak, I will teach him to say—

1. 男孩们,女孩们,看看我,我就是一个小小挤奶女工,我提着牛奶桶,拿着凳子,准备回家。

2. 我刚才一直在挤牛奶。在那片草地上,你能看见那头奶牛。

3. 那头奶牛认识我。当我给她挤奶时,她一动不动。

4. 现在我的桶里装满了芬芳新鲜的牛奶。 5. 小宝贝很喜欢喝牛奶。当他能说话时,我会教他说—

谢谢你啊,漂亮的奶牛, 你日日产出大量的鲜奶, 我用它来蘸食面包,

Thank you, pretty cow, that made


Nice rich milk to soak my bread, Every morn and every night, Fresh and warm, and sweet and white.

two, three, and away! Up and down, on we go; Here we swing to and fro! 第十课 秋千

1. Fred

1. 福瑞德和他的小妹妹露西坐在花园的秋千上。

2. 看啊!秋千上有一个多大多漂亮的木头座椅啊!大的能坐得下他们两个。 3. 露西第一天坐在秋千上,她有点害怕。

and his little sister Lucy are on the swing in the garden.

2. Look what a nice large seat of wood it has! It is so large that it holds them both.

3. This is the first day Lucy has been on the swing, so she is a little afraid. 4. But Fred will take care of her, and keep her from falling.

5. Look at her as she sits by his side and holds on by the rope.

4. 但福瑞德会照顾好妹妹,不会让她掉下来。

5. 看啊,露西坐在哥哥旁边,手里紧紧抓住绳子。

6. 当一切就绪,福瑞德喊道,一,二,三,走!

秋千荡起来,上上又下下; 我们随秋千也荡起来,来来又回回!


I picked the reddest apple from the tree It was the finest one that I could see I saved it all except a bite or two ,

just for you

I carried home the groceries from the store

I wanted to be helpful with a chore I put them all away except a few ,

just for you

Someday I’ll be grown up too

And if I can I’ll grow up just like you I ate up all my lunch just like you said But I think there was a little too much bread And so I left the crust when I was through ,

just for you

Someday I’ll be grown up too

And if I can I’ll grow up just like you Just one more thing before I go to bed And everything I have to say is said There’s something special that I want to do

Here’s a kiss , just for you


我从树上采摘那个最红的苹果。 那是我见过的最好看的苹果。



我从商店里把很多杂货带回家。 我希望能对家务能有帮助。




而如果我能就像您这样长这么大。 我就照您所说把所有午餐吃光。 但我想面包太多了一点。





上床睡觉前,还要多做一件事。 把千言万语汇成这句话(一切只为您)。



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