美国的政治参与 - 范文中心










这个体制已无力激发这些群体的参与兴趣是典型的政府失败的表征。从短期效应看,正如一些杰出理论家试图证明的,这些人进入政治生活恐怕会使政治体制不稳定。参选人数的骤增有时会导致缓解经济不平衡计划的失败,或使蛊惑人心的政客赢得竞选。例如1988年共和党总统候选人初选时,许多投票支持马里奥.“帕特“.罗宾逊当总统的选民以前从未参加过选举。他们只是被早先的电视传媒上的福音传教般的狡猾的意识形态宣传所吸引。承认存在这些迫在眉睫的难题不能成为不采取行动解决这些潜在问题的理由。忽视让那些疏离政治的公民继续不介入政治生活这一问题,我们就会在将来付出更大的代价。 美国的政治参与:影响的各种形式



随着选民百分比的下降,出现了一种重大的阶级差异。社会经济地位低下的人很少做竞选方面的事,为某个候选人或政党做点儿贡献,或谋取个办公室里的职位,更没什么人去竞选了。本世纪以来,美国的领导人已经颇具代表性了,可他们仍然主要来自男性白人,而且还是中上层阶级。到80年代中期,全国49万个选举产生的官员中,讲西班牙语的美国人只占0.5%,黑人占1.3%,妇女占1.5%。其它群体的利益也没有得到体现。尽管80年代末和90年代初,取得了很大的进展。比如说,各州立法机构中妇女任职比例增长已超过10%,到1993年增至20%。少数民族在政府机关里的任职比例也有所增长,但仍远远不能说是充分代表。理论上讲,任何人都可以当选,面现实中,要实现这一点还需要做出许多努力。 1988年牧师杰西.杰克逊颇具戏剧性的竞选活动预示着将来有可能发生变化。他有能力吸引众多黑人团体以外的支持者,这使他成为一个民主党派候选人的强有力竞争对手。很多观察家相信他的候选提名是美国政治史上的分水岭。然而1992年,3名主要候选人(共和党、民主党和一名自称独立的候选人)仍是清一色的男性白人公民。



USA political participation (rice paddy wheat)

USA political participation: Unofficial barrier

Is not the human which all has the official voting qualifications all similarly participates in the election. Various cultural activity, the political support or among opposed the voter participates in the voter which the election the speech moves causes massively to be in population each part of higher level to participation, they all have received the good education generally, has medium or the superior social position and the occupation, has the occupation at least, the white race, the Republican Party people, the city peoples, the northerner, the age big person, including expanded day by day crossed the retirement age voter association.

Has the primary years of schooling voter then not to a half person voting, but the university graduates the voter has 3/4 person to participate in the election. Similarly, 24 year old of or in 24 year old of below voter participates in the voting not to 40%, but 45 year old of above has probably 70% to participate in the election actually. In brief, the participation election voter population really is disappointing. What recently in a presidential election the voter number of people taking part were most was in 1960, achieved 64%. To 1980, only then 52% voter participate in the election, since this has been continues in 1948 to have 51% voter to participate in the election the lowest voter population. In 1984, although has taken the massive encouragements registration measure, the announce candidacy percentage also only enhanced 1%. In the registration registration voter the about 72% person come out the voting, but 1960 was 83%. To 1988, the voter population were less, even has drawn back to has elected president since 1924 the voter number of persons present perigee. In 1990 only had l/3 the voter voting. 1992 election, because candidate's evenly matched competition and wears Luo's participation, the voter population has had the great change all of a sudden: 55% voter participate in the election, is in the nearly 20 years the highest voter throws numbers..

Does not have member of national assembly which the presidential election that brilliance dazzles to elect by far, the announce candidacy voter population very little surpasses 40% to 45%. This numeral also does not have the growth the tendency; Since in 1990 the voter total has been in 1942 the war time in any national election lowest. In various states and in the local election, the voter percentage possibly can fall to 20% or is lower, only then and in the ideology the race intense battle place only then can have the very few exceptions between individual. For example in 1969 Detroit mayor campaigned for, the candidate was competes in a black with a Caucasian between, then Detroit was the black Caucasian strict separated city. In each place politics life the voter participates in the degree being so low, this in these believed most draws close to people's government only then most to be able to comply with the public opinion, most can say on behalf of the people's benefit person as if self-contradictorily. However, if has the very few benefits, the local authority also has the possibility to fall into in the corruption and the oligarchy.

Participation degree low, in addition public was so depressed to the principle of democracy support, has pointed out other contradiction. Although the American politics public opinion always intensely supports the voter to participation elects guarantees the entire system and its each session of governments' validity, however, has quite many Americans always not to participate in the election, more people only participate in the presidential election. The investigation and study result indicated, ever does not participate in the election the human knows nothing about nearly to the political system, also does not want to clarify, does not want to have any relation with this system. Does not participate in the voting the human thought this system is irresponsible, does not

serve for theirs benefit, also cannot provide the candidate or the policy which may choose. Supports these faith is their real life environment, the low salary, even basic does not have the reward, the extremely few educations, as a result of the national background or the age reason, its social position very are usually low. Because is isolated by the society, the overwhelming majority person is not even willing indirectly to participate in the election through any form pressure group. Besides these crowds, a generation of person which the 20th century 60's later period appears, although their wage is not low, is been also high the education level, this group is separated from the human which politics or does not have the political fantasy, how also not participates in the election. The sociologist for many years regarding this has debated unceasingly, attempts to discover the reason. At the same time, the younger generation voter population campaigned for in 1972 reduces greatly, later will continue to reduce (this kind of situation to reduce day by day along with youngest voter population can have change for the better slightly). Although two big main parties and groups attract the young voter by might and main, the 80's elections population has not risen again, but paces back and forth continuously about 40%.

This system incapably stimulated these communities the participation interest is the typical government defeat attribute. Looking from the short-term effect, just like some outstanding theoreticians attempt to prove, perhaps these people enter the political life to be able to cause the political system not to be unstable. The announce candidacy population increases suddenly sometimes can cause to alleviate the defeat which the economy not balanced plans, or causes the politician which poisons people's minds to win the campaign. When for example in 1988 Republican Presidential candidate primary election, many votings supports Mario

US'S political participation: Influence each kind of form

The citizen may exert the influence through the many kinds of channels, mainly is through exercises the election government official's authority. Assorted

May write a letter or telephone for theirs representative, although this kind of contact involves frequently to the personal question. They may affect the official directly, in election campaign or in government. Mainly is generally (this book fifth chapter has detailed elaboration) through special interest group's behavior. Based on parties' and groups' election then is the public channel, should be at least publicly receives populace's surveillance and the support. About 3/is engaged in the political party or special interest group's activity 5 to 2/3 population. Individual also may further participate in the political activity, they may agitate others voting or join the political party; About 1/3 people by

Along with

Looking from an aspect that, the democracy signifies the majority people to approve their government. In certain aspects, this viewpoint summarized as if greatly. Nearly all societies all may talk into are the democratic societies, because any government so long as can survive gets down, certainly was has obtained public's supporting in some kind of degree. Request higher speech, but also needs in this system to have to have some kind the mechanism which consults with the people, this kind of consultation should be voluntary based on both sides, but is not the bestowment which provides unilaterally. This usually may realize through the regular campaign. Certainly, finally decided like this has the competitive election victor's main principle must be the majority principle. Which angle regardless of says from, the minority faction principle cannot call on is the democracy. Therefore in US, turned naturally to the democracy dialysis sought the majority to rule the mechanism, by decided who will be in power, and how utilized the authority.


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